[liberationtech] Build Peace 2015 - call for speakers

Helena Puig Larrauri hpuiglarrauri at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 09:23:55 PST 2014

Hi all,

The Build Peace 2015 conference <http://howtobuildpeace.org/> will take
place in Cyprus on April 25-26, 2015. It will discuss the emergence of
alternative infrastructures for peace through three key topics: behaviour
change, empowerment and impact.

You can now apply to speak at Build Peace 2015. See the program here
<http://howtobuildpeace.org/program/> or read more about the conference
themes <http://howtobuildpeace.org/blog/jenwelch1/>.

There are three types of sessions you can apply for: Short Talks, Build
Peace Lab, Technology Fair. Find more details here
<http://howtobuildpeace.org/blog/bp2015-call-for-speakers/>. The
application process is the same for all three sessions and the *deadline is
December 31, 2014.*

Successful speaker applicants will be awarded a* free ticket to the
conference, which does NOT include travel and accommodation*.

Please apply to our travel fund
you need assistance covering travel and accommodation costs.

Any questions, let me know.

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