[liberationtech] Applying for an UNDEF project grant and selection process | UNDEF
pimienta at yourwebnow.com
pimienta at yourwebnow.com
Wed Nov 26 18:45:10 PST 2014
Pimienta at vicentepimienta.com
> On Nov 26, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to
> apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy during
> the annual proposal window, which is open only from 15 November to 31
> December at www.un.org/democracyfund. Only on-line proposals during
> this period, in either English or French, will be accepted.
> UNDEF projects are two years long, project grants ranging from
> $100,000 to $300,000, and fall under one or more of six main focus
> areas:
> · Community development
> · Rule of law and human rights
> · Tools for democratization
> - Media
> · Women
> · Youth
> The stages of the process are:
> 1. Online Project Proposal System
> The on-line project proposal system can be accessed at the UNDEF
> website at www.un.org/democracyfund, only during the annual window.
> Please read an example of an application form, project proposal
> guidelines, lessons learned for applicants, frequently asked questions
> and summaries of existing projects.
> Project proposals submitted by e-mail, regular post, facsimile,
> diplomatic or UN pouch, hand or courier delivery or any other channel
> will NOT be considered. Neither will project proposals in any language
> other than English or French.
> 2. Long List
> Proposals are subjected to a thorough process of assessment, quality
> control and due diligence. An initial examination by a team of
> independent assessors is conducted, a process in which all
> applications are judged on their inherent quality and scored according
> to the following criteria:
> The project promotes the objectives of UNDEF
> The project draws on the United Nations comparative advantage
> The project will have a significant impact
> The project will encourage inclusiveness
> The project will enhance gender equality
> The project has strong prospects for successful implementation
> The applicant organization has a strong track record
> The project is technically sound in conception and presentation
> The project represents good value for money
> The project has strong prospects of sustainability beyond the project duration.
> The UNDEF team then narrows down the list to 200-300 of the highest
> scoring projects. In doing so, the global and regional projects is
> considered separately from the various national project proposals and
> are considered within the respective global and regional baskets.
> 3. Short-List
> The long list produced by the team of independent assessors is then
> examined by the Fund’s Programme Consultative Group -- comprising the
> Department of Political Affairs, the Department of Peacekeeping
> Operations, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the
> UN Development Programme, the UN Development Fund for Women and the UN
> Office on Drugs and Crime -- in consultation with United Nations
> Resident Coordinators in the field.
> 4. UNDEF Board
> The Programme Consultative Group review yields a short list which is
> reviewed by the UNDEF Advisory Board -- comprising Governments, civil
> society and individuals.
> 5. UN Secretary-General
> The final short list is then submitted to the UN Secretary-General for
> approval, usually in May or June.
> 6. Project Document
> Once the short list is approved by the Secretary-General, the proposal
> moves into the final stage in the selection process: the negotiation
> of a project document, which is in effect the contract between UNDEF
> and the grantee. This negotiation requires the applicant to provide a
> more elaborated project design, and involves detailed input from both
> UNDEF and the applicant, as well as scrutiny and due diligence
> enquiries by UNDEF. Only upon successful conclusion of the project
> document, and its approval by the United Nations Controller, will the
> project proposal formally be approved for funds disbursement. This can
> be expected to happen in September at the earliest.
> http://www.un.org/democracyfund/apply-funding
> --
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