[liberationtech] Stanford Liberationtech: Max Senges, Emergence of Multistakeholder Internet Governance Based on Democratic Values, on Nov 20 at 4:30 pm

Sebastian Benthall sbenthall at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 11:37:24 PST 2014

It's interesting that a Google representative would advocate for
*democratic* values to require that business interests be on equal footing
with civil society and government. I wonder what political theory would
justify that position. Can anyone recommend any readings?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>

> The Emergence of Multistakeholder Internet Governance Based on Democratic
> Values
> Max Senges, Program Manager, Research, Google
> on November 20, 2014 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
> at Wallenberg Theater
> Bldg 160, Room 124
> Open to the public.
> No RSVP required
> FSI Contact: Kathleen Barcos <kbarcos at stanford.edu>
> How can and how should we govern a global resource like the online
> space? How can stakeholders (governments, businesses and civil
> society) participate on equal footing and “in their respective roles”?
> And how can democratic values inform all governance practices, when
> the constituency is potentially everybody, most decisions are highly
> complex and interdependent and when the shared resource is a
> conglomerate of private and public assets? These are the questions
> scholars and practitioners in the internet governance field explore
> and experiment with since the UN World Summit of the Information
> Society in 2003 brought internet governance to the attention of
> diplomates and governments around the world. In this seminar Max
> Senges will review the historic development of internet governance as
> well as discuss current challenges and opportunities in building an
> effective governance ecosystem for the transnational digital space.
> Max Senges (1978) works as Program Manager for Google Research and
> Education, where he leads an Internet of Things program and is also
> managing the Faculty Research Awards in the Policy & Standards field
> under Vint Cerf. He participates in the internet governance sphere
> since the first WSIS 2003 and bootstrapped the IGF Dynamic Coalition
> on Internet Rights and Principles between 2008 and 2010.
> More recently he has published “Internet Governance as our shared
> responsibility” and “Ensuring that Forum Follows Function” in “The
> Roadmap for Institutional Improvements to the Global Internet
> Governance Ecosystem” jointly with Vint Cerf, Patrick Ryan and Rick
> Whitt.
> Senges holds a PhD in philosophy from the Information and Knowledge
> Society Program at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in
> Barcelona as well as a Masters in Business Information Systems from
> the University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Berlin).
> http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech/events/liberation-technology-seminar-series-tba-0
> --
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