[liberationtech] Online Certificate Course in Tech for Emergency Management Starts Monday...
Nick Martin
nick at techchange.org
Fri Nov 21 11:11:07 PST 2014
Hi LiberationTech Folks,
Hope that you’re doing well! We've got another round of our Tech and
emergency management online course
coming up. Course starts monday (11/24) and there are a few spots left.
This course will focus on a technology used in a number of recent disasters
and emergencies including the ongoing Ebola crisis.
We've also published a few blog posts on the TechChange blog recently which
might be of interest:
- How Maps Help Fight Ebola
- Towards Standardized Hashtags in Disaster Response
- "I Watch" Trains Tunisian Election Observers Online
Hope you have a chance to join us,
TC103: Tech Tools and Skills for Emergency Management
This four-week online professional development certificate course will
explore how new communication and mapping technologies are being used to
respond to disasters, create early warning mechanisms, improve relief
coordination efforts and much more. From the ongoing Ebola crisis to the
recent Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and recovery efforts in Haiti,
this course will examine a variety of real world examples from
organizations working in the field and analyze some of the key challenges
related to access, implementation, scale, and verification that working
with new technology presents. The course is designed to assist
professionals in developing concrete strategies and technological skills to
work amid this rapidly evolving landscape.
The course is designed to be highly interactive and social, but we also
work hard to ensure that the majority of the content can be experienced in
a self-paced manner. Participants have plenty of options to explore content
that is most relevant to them through live content and interactions,
readings, and videos. For a more detailed syllabus, please click here
*Course Topics and Featured Tech*
Social Media for Crisis Response
Mapping the Crisis: New Techniques for Disaster Response and Preparedness
Mobile Response: How Mobile Technology is Changing Disaster Response
Looking Ahead: Where New Technologies are Taking Us
Featured Technologies: Twitter, Facebook, Tomnod, OpenStreetMap, OSM
Tasking Manager, Ushahidi, Kobol Toolbox, TextIt, Crisis Cleanup,
FieldPapers, FrontlineSMS, and more!
Course Objectives
Participants will be able to…
Critically analyze both the opportunities and the pitfalls that emerge
when working with technology to respond to crises
Connect relevant development and humanitarian approaches to the
technological strategies and tools discussed in the course
Manage specific software platforms and utilize various technological
tools for responding to and managing crisis
Design dynamic and effective strategies for using technology platforms
and tools to respond to challenges in the field
Develop confidence and critical self-awareness in working with social
media, maps, and mobile technologies
Course Date: November 17 - December, 2014 (with full access to course for 4
months afterward)
Format: The entire course is delivered online. The total time commitment is
a minimum of 5-7 hours a week. The course is designed to be highly
interactive and social, but we also work hard to ensure that the majority
of the content can be experienced in a self-paced manner. It will feature
one or two real-time interactions each week, such as live discussions, and
live expert interviews. In order to accommodate busy schedules of people
from around the world, we’ve set up a learning environment where
participants have plenty of options to explore content that is most
relevant to them through live content and interactions, readings, and
Participants can also access all course content for 4 months after course
completion so the material can be revisited later.
*About the Facilitator,* Timo Luege
After nearly ten years as a journalist, Timo worked four years as a Senior
Communications Officer for the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva and Haiti. During this time he also
launched the IFRC’s social media activities and wrote the IFRC social media
staff guidelines <http://bit.ly/1mF5Cxo>. He then joined the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a Protection Delegate in Liberia,
before starting to work as a consultant. His clients include UN agencies
and NGOs. Among other things, he wrote the UNICEF “Social Media in
Emergency Guidelines” <http://bit.ly/ZD4gr0> and contributed to UNOCHA’s
“Humanitarianism in the Network Age” <http://bit.ly/1foUT6k>. In 2013 and
early 2014, Timo advised UNHCR- and IFRC-led Shelter Clusters in Myanmar,
Mali and the Philippines on Communication and Advocacy. After returning
from the response to Typhoon Haiyan earlier this year, he wrote a case
study for MSF on how maps can help fight the Ebola epidemic
<http://sm4good.com/2014/07/15/case-study-maps-fight-ebola-guinea/> in West
Africa. Timo blogs at Social Media for Good <http://sm4good.com/>.
Guest Speakers & Facilitator:
Dale Kunce from American Red Cross
Martin Noblecourt of CartONG <http://fr.linkedin.com/in/martinnoblecourt/en>
Nic Pottier of TextIt
...and more!
Apply now! <https://course.tc/account/apply/103-6>
Full course cost: $445
Use Coupon Code "liberation": $345
Nick Martin
Founder & President
@ncmart <https://twitter.com/ncmart>
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