[liberationtech] Seeking comments - [ALPHA] List of digital security list of services, tools and resources of interest

Aymeric Vitte vitteaymeric at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 08:43:39 PST 2014

Le 27/11/2014 15:43, hellekin a écrit :
> What
> matters is that the source code is available for review or not.

Maybe Robert could add Peersm [1], [2]

This is not "only" a js Tor bittorrent inside browsers for 
streaming/download, people can exchange whatever content and encrypt it 
personnaly on top of the Tor protocol encryption.

Prism-break did not include it because the code is not open source for 
now (see discussion [3]) and under a modified MIT license (following 
discussion [3]), despite of the fact it is visible on github [4] and can 
not be hidden (js inside browsers), so perfectly auditable once deminified

Working and usable/used (not by tons of people currently, but used) 
here: http://peersm.com/peersm

[1] http://www.peersm.com
[3] https://github.com/nylira/prism-break/issues/883
[4] https://github.com/Ayms/node-Tor/tree/master/install and 

Peersm : http://www.peersm.com
torrent-live: https://github.com/Ayms/torrent-live
node-Tor : https://www.github.com/Ayms/node-Tor
GitHub : https://www.github.com/Ayms

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