[liberationtech] Seeking Feedback for NGO Aid Map

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 7 14:38:04 PST 2014

From: Julie Montgomery <jmontgom at interaction.org>

Just wanted to let you all know that NGO Aid Map at http://ngoaidmap.org/ 
was recently updated and now features over 3,300 projects implemented by 94 
InterAction members across 151 countries – which represents $5.6 billion in 
aid. Included in the update are InterAction members who have published 
information on their Ebola response activities in Liberia, Sierra Leone, 
and Guinea: http://ngoaidmap.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=ebola. 

We are also seeking feedback for those that have visited NGO Aid Map 
before. It would be most appreciated as we rely on user feedback to ensure 
we are on track with the initiative. Take the NGO Aid Map Annual Survey & 
enter to win an iPad mini: https://www.research.net/s/SDBGTM8.

Thanks and have a good weekend!

Julie Montgomery | Director of Innovation & Learning
InterAction • A United Voice for Global Change
1400 Sixteenth Street, NW • Suite 210 • Washington, DC 20036
202-552-6572 (direct) • 202-403-7253 (mobile) • julie.faye (skype) • 
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