[liberationtech] Stanford in Government: Digital Rights Discussion with EFF | Nov19 12-1pm

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Nov 17 14:23:10 PST 2014

From: Anna Blue <ablue at stanford.edu>

Speaker: Vera Ranieri
Staff Attorney at the EFF

Wednesday, November 19, 12-1 pm
Old Union, Room 200

EFF is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in
the digital world. The Public Policy Forum organizes a series of
informal events on behalf of Stanford in Government. Come share your
opinion and learn something new from your peers!

Stanford in Government invites you to learn about current and past
lawsuits, public policy changes, and ways that you can get involved
with this rapidly changing field!

Anna Blue
Stanford University, Class of 2016
BA, International Relations. BA, Earth Systems.
anna.e.blue at gmail.com; (301)467-0128; @AnnaEBlue

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