[liberationtech] We're having a Crypto Party! (UC Berkeley School of Information, Thursday 11/13 @ 5:30 p.m.)

Galen Panger gpanger at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 11:51:35 PST 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rena Coen <rena at ischool.berkeley.edu>
Date: Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [noise at ischool] I School Crypto Party 2014
To: Noise <noise at ischool.berkeley.edu>, fun at ischool.berkeley.edu

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the Crypto Party is on Thursday night. We've got a
number of people lined up to guide us through tools related to encryption
(we just added encrypted phone calls!). Stop pretending you're going to get
around to learning this stuff on your own and join us as we become more
responsible netizens. Afterward we'll be heading to Thirsty Thursday!

As mentioned previously, if *you'd* like to present a tool or mini-talk,
add yourself to the wiki or let us know!

Apparently last year's Crypto Party flyers came with kittens, and we heard
some grumbling about the kitten deficiency thus far, so we've remedied
that. I hope you find this flyer to be sufficiently delightful and
ridiculous. Note the parrot's squawk.

See you there!
Rena & Nick

[image: Displaying KITTYCRYPTO.png]
*(Special thanks to Ricky, who executed this masterpiece despite having
Rena as a back seat driver the whole time)*

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Nick Doty <npdoty at ischool.berkeley.edu>

> It's been almost 17 months since we read the first of Edward Snowden's
> leaks and not everything on the Internet is encrypted yet. Let's get
> together a fortnight hence and fix that. Learn crypto tools and teach your
> friends and classmates and colleagues.
> When
>    Thursday, November 13th, 2013; 5:30pm (and going until TT)
> Where
>    210 South Hall
> Everyone can and should bring her own expertise, but we'll at least go
> over encryption tools for email (PGP and Keybase) and Web browsing (HTTPS
> and TOR) and use of encryption in protests. Add to the wiki (or let me know
> via email) if there's a tool or mini-talk you'd like to present.
> Wiki
>         https://omen.ischool.berkeley.edu/index.php/Crypto_Party_2014
> Cryptographically yours,
> Nick (with Rena)
> P.S.
>         Please invite friends from other departments or outside the
> University.
>         Carry government-issued ID if you want to be super careful about
> checking identities.
>         Drinks to be provided for every attendee who generates her own GPG
> key. (Bring snacks/drinks!)

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