[liberationtech] Iranian are bypass the Twitter censorship and sanction by their mobile phones

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Sun Nov 23 09:44:34 PST 2014

   I wonder if Twitter restricts accounts to one per phone number. Phone 
verification is readily bypassed with something like twilio, but only 
the *most* advanced users would be able to pull this off.  It would be 
worth setting up an app to allow Iranian users to bypass it 
semi-automatically, but spambots and abusers would *decimate* it.

   I wonder if there's a way to get Twitter to remove the restriction for 
users based in Iran. There's not really a good reason for it in the 
first place =/


Nariman Gharib wrote:
> no it doesn't. they blocked this 'trick' and also many Iranian users
> can't register to Twitter anymore because it require phone
> verification on sign-up page.
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Kate Krauss <katie at critpath.org>
> wrote:
>> Does this still work?
>> Thanks,
>> Katie
>> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Nariman Gharib
>> <nariman.gh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Basically as you knew Iran is not on the country list of Twitter.
>>> I've reached to Twitter and they know about this issue.
>>> Iranians are gets very active on Twitter after 2009 Pres.Election
>>> till now and the numbers of the users all of the time are growing.
>>> It's sad we see Twitter hasn't Iran on the list while Google and
>>> other networks are supporting Iran's telephone numbers for give
>>> the users the option to enable the 2step verification.
>>> so today I wrote an article on my blog and teach iranians how they
>>> can active their twitter telephone number(SMS service and active
>>> their 2step verification) from inside iran.
>>> https://twitter.com/ListenToUs/status/497374522426015744 [1]
>>> how: actually when you are going to submit a number of twitter
>>> website, with Inspect element on chrome you can add +98 on the
>>> form and write your in the telephone number field and twitter will
>>> send you a text message and everything is going to successful.
>>> and many iranians are now have twitter verification on their
>>> phones and some of them like this man:
>>> https://twitter.com/ziarlarimi/status/497484191613726720 [2]
>>> texting from IRAN without using any circumvention tools.
>>> I hope twitter will decide to add Iran to the 'INTERFACE' of the
>>> website,because on the backend everything is fine.
>>> Thanks
>>> Nariman

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