November 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Nov 1 03:01:00 PDT 2011
Ending: Wed Nov 30 22:38:33 PST 2011
Messages: 223
- [liberationtech] Do Liberation Technologies Change the Balance of Power Between Repressors & Activists?
Patrick Meier (Ushahidi)
- [liberationtech] [governance] Russian Internet Content Monitoring System To Go Live In December
Louis Pouzin (well)
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Changing (and contested) citizen (cyber)activism -- OpenDemocracy article by Lisa Veneklasen, Nov.10 / 2011
Michael Allan
- [liberationtech] Please reach out
Mitch Altman
- [liberationtech] CFP: Learning from Marginalized Users: Reciprocity in HCI4D @ CSCW 2012
Morgan G. Ames
- [liberationtech] Congressional Support for Internet Freedom Programs
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Does anyone know anything about this app's security?
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Watching Syria through Tenders Sites (with bonus American shell companies).
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Tools for Today's Investigative Journalist
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] How does @FrontlineSMS preserve the anonymity of women using social media tools to battle sexual harrassment in Egypt?
Ken Banks
- [liberationtech] CFP: 28c3 Mesh Network Get-together
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Gustaf Björksten
- [liberationtech] New Tools for Today's Investigative Journalist
Dan Blah
- [liberationtech] December 5th DC Forum Event: The Impact of Search Technology on Journalism
Mera Szendro Bok
- [liberationtech] Crypto Advocacy TED Talk
Jeffrey Burdges
- [liberationtech] CfP: 'Policy and Internet' special issue on "Online Collective Action and Policy Change"
Calderaro, Andrea
- [liberationtech] CfP: 'Policy and Internet' special issue on "Online Collective Action and Policy Change"
Calderaro, Andrea
- [liberationtech] CfP: 'Policy and Internet' special issue on "Online Collective Action and Policy Change"
Calderaro, Andrea
- [liberationtech] A new "Surveillance Catalog" published by the WSJ
Calderaro, Andrea
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
Ti Chesley
- [liberationtech] How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Activists
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Daniel Colascione
- [liberationtech] May be of interest to Liberationtech
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: looking for civsoc cybersec folk
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: 11/16: Internet Freedoms and Their Consequences: An Evening Debate with Andrew McLaughlin & Evgeny Morozov
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford GSB Launches Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Does anyone know anything about this app's security?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: FW: "Rethinking Diplomacy": residential fellowships for 2012-13 at the Institute for Historical Studies, UT-Austin
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Ilya Zhitomirskiy
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Ilya Zhitomirskiy Dies at 22; Co-Founded Diaspora* Social Network
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Ilya Zhitormirskiy, 1989 – 2011
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Service for Ilya Zhitomirskiy
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] DHS Cybersecurity Internship
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Seems important enough to share...
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Memorial service for Ilya Zhitomirskiy, co-founder of the start-up social network Diaspora*
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Please reach out
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] ThinkUp
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] ThinkUp
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Geeks & Depression meetup
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] New America’s MacKinnon to take Hearst post
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Open Data initiative moves into the world of consumer personal data
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Transcript of Richard Stallman's Lecture on Oct 19
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Announcing Open North, a non-profit to improve democracy
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [LiberationTech] Hello
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Activists
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: 11/28 CP Worshop - Jeon, Kitagawa, Zhang
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Interesting News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Speaking of US Government Funding... ;)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] 'crowdsourcing versus containment' workshop featuring anti-kettling app Sukey (london; monday 5-12)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] The saga (so far) of Carrier IQ spyware, installed on millions of phones
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: The Liberationtech Daily is out ! Edition of Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] How does @FrontlineSMS preserve the anonymity of women using social media tools to battle sexual harrassment in Egypt?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] American's Elect
Ben Connors
- [liberationtech] Outed via 'anonymous' email address.... Re: Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Behind Blue Coat
Ron Deibert
- [liberationtech] Behind Blue Coat: An Update From Burma
Ron Deibert
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
The Doctor
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Will Doherty
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Will Doherty
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Miles Fidelman
- [liberationtech] Next up on the Ethos Roundtable: Kim Charlson, December 20th, 4:30 - 6:00 pm, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] liberationtech Digest, Vol 78, Issue 2
Catherine Fitzpatrick
- [liberationtech] CfA: Conference "Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century information Society. Towards Critical Theories of Social Media"
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Omer Gibreel
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Omer Gibreel
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
John Graham-Cumming
- [liberationtech] The saga (so far) of Carrier IQ spyware, installed on millions of phones
John Graham-Cumming
- [liberationtech] ThinkUp
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Improving mobile data security on Android
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] New Tools for Today's Investigative Journalist
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Derek Halliday
- [liberationtech] "We are all Khaled Said"
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
Marcin de Kaminski
- [liberationtech] [LiberationTech] Hello
Arzak Khan
- [liberationtech] CFP: 28c3 Mesh Network Get-together
Tim Kindberg
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Eric King
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Eric King
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Eric King
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Jesse Krembs
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Jesse Krembs
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Renee Lloyd
- [liberationtech] Some observations on the Great Firewall of China
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Matt Mackall
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Matt Mackall
- [liberationtech] DM-Steg - a deniable block device driver for Linux
Matt Mackall
- [liberationtech] Crypto Advocacy TED Talk
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [Social Science- IL]: Invitation: International Conference on IHL and New Technologies, Nov. 28-29 2011
Yishay Mor
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Activists
Alec Muffett
- [liberationtech] Do Liberation Technologies Change the Balance of Power Between Repressors & Activists?
Mark Nelson
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Masashi Nishihata
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Masashi Nishihata
- [liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download
Masashi Nishihata
- [liberationtech] Activist-friendly Google Adwords expert?
David W. Oaks
- [liberationtech] [LiberationTech] Hello
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Activists
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Enrique Piraces
- [liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?
Enrique Piraces
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
Irene Poetranto
- [liberationtech] Russian Internet Content Monitoring System To Go Live In December
Pranesh Prakash
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Brett Solomon
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Brett Solomon
- [liberationtech] Italian Firm Exits Syrian Monitoring Project
Brett Solomon
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Aaron Swartz
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Peter Thoenen
- [liberationtech] CFP: Special Issue of ABS on "New Media and Social Unrest" -- paper deadline Feb. 1, 2012; abstract deadline, Dec.14, 2011
Zeynep Tufekci
- [liberationtech] Does anyone know anything about this app's security?
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] It's that time of year again - talkin' 'bout our tech4socialchange #fails at FailFaire NYC
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Fw: [APC Forum] EGYPT: International Day of Solidarity Nov 12: End Military Trials for Civilians
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] US Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) proposal
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Carrier IQ
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
Callie Wallace
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Callie Wallace
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Graham Webster
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
Graham Webster
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Steve Weis
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Steve Weis
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Seeking 2013 Fellowship Candidates
Jeff Wishnie
- [liberationtech] US Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) proposal
Cynthia Wong
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Joss Wright
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] Syria Crackdown Aided by U.S.-Europe Spy Gear
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] The worrisome trend toward liability in networking technology
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] US State Department not for internet freedom - Opinion - Al Jazeera English by EFF staffer
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Activists
Uncle Zzzen
- [liberationtech] Not another Haystack right?
10 com
- [liberationtech] Outed via 'anonymous' email address.... Re: Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
10 com
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Changing (and contested) citizen (cyber)activism -- OpenDemocracy article by Lisa Veneklasen, Nov.10 / 2011
- [liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report: The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada
elham gheytanchi
- [liberationtech] Does anyone know anything about this app's security?
- [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature
liberationtech at
- [liberationtech] Some observations on the Great Firewall of China
liberationtech at
- [liberationtech] 'crowdsourcing versus containment' workshop featuring anti-kettling app Sukey (London, UK)
dan mcquillan
- [liberationtech] 'crowdsourcing versus containment' workshop featuring anti-kettling app Sukey (London, UK)
dan mcquillan
- [liberationtech] CIA tracks revolt by Tweet, Facebook
Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Last message date:
Wed Nov 30 22:38:33 PST 2011
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:50:33 PDT 2017
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