[liberationtech] Fwd: Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 4 17:35:20 PDT 2011
Please read below for a great aggregation of news and developments on
digital media that is distributed each week by the Center for International
Media Assistance at NED.
If you'd like to sign up for this weekly Digital Media Mash Up, you can
contact anthonya at ned.org. Also, please feel free to spread the word.
*From: *"Center for International Media Assistance" <cima at ned.org>
*To: *ldiamond at stanford.edu
*Sent: *Friday, November 4, 2011 9:13:47 AM
*Subject: *Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
[image: CIMA NED]
*Digital Media Mash Up
October 2011, Week 4*
*Greetings! *
Attached is CIMA's Digital Media Mash Up, a weekly compilation of events,
news articles, and research about digital media. An archive of the Digital
Media Mash Up can be found on CIMA's website at
CIMA's daily Media News, with news articles on media development and press
freedom, and an archive of Media News articles is available at
For updates on media development and digital media, you can also follow us
on Facebook and Twitter.
We welcome your comments,
Marguerite Sullivan
Senior Director
Center for International Media Assistance
National Endowment for Democracy
*In this Issue* Upcoming Events - In Washington, D.C. and Beyond In the
News: ----- Global Censorship Update ----- Digital Media News Affecting
Activists ----- Update on Digital Media Companies and Outlets ----- Digital
Media in the Middle East ----- Digital Media in Journalism and Newsrooms -----
Radio in the Digital Age ----- Conference Roundup ----- Around the
Blogosphere ----- Etc. Research
*Upcoming Events - In Washington, D.C. and Beyond*
*Washington, DC Events*
* *
*Matching the Market and the Model: The Business of Independent News
*November 17, 2011, 12pm*
*About:* Join us to learn how the lack of management skills and
inexperience in developing effective business models pose a significant
risk to the sustainability of independent news media. Panelists will
examine these challenges and discuss two new reports: Financially Viable
Media in Emerging and Developing Markets, published by the World
Association of Newspapers and News Publishers in partnership with the
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and Matching the
Market and the Model: The Business of Independent News Media, by the Center
for International Media Assistance.
*Featuring:* Michelle J. Foster, author of Matching the Market and the
Model: The Business of Independent News Media; Caroline H. Little,
president/CEO of the Newspaper Association of America; Harlan Mandel, chief
executive officer for the Media Development Loan Fund; Anne Nelson, adjunct
associate professor at Columbia University's School of International and
Public Affairs and principal researcher of Financially Viable Media in
Emerging and Developing Markets; John D. Sullivan, executive director of
the Center for International Private Enterprise.
*Location:* Center for International Media Assistance at the National
Endowment for Democracy, 1025 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC.
*Beyond Washington*
*Africa Cast: Unlocking the Potential of African TV through Digital
*November 9-10 *
*About:* A business-focused conference examining the growing opportunities
in Africa's TV market, including the evolution of the communications, media
and TV ecosystem and the role of new players in the market; understanding
the new business models and services enabled by new technologies and
regulation; and assessing how the improvement of network capacity will
affect the provision TV services.
*Featuring:* Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Internews media advisor for Africa, will
discuss the case study: Focusing on the Role of Local Radio Stations and
their Connection with Mobile Phones and Social Media for Development about
the possibilities and future development of ICTs for local media.
*Location:* Cape Town Convention Center, Cape Town, South Africa
*Information:* http://www.internews.org/events/default.shtm<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T2uhYqmtoySaMyfzCWE1woRlK1Qap78j2ywHGLZHssfqMBMLqctNnvorsvSUh3ls0XGBJlgPz5bVgdAEwnTT5AOx3siHrGYSrMNe_wsH7kVO7Hq295MRdT6kzTfot3gV7uRUjAYcbe4Q==>
*From Public Squares to Platforms: Free Speech in the Networked
*Wednesday, November 30, 6pm*
*About:* The panel will bring together a range of speakers from academia,
public interest, and private practice, to discuss issues of free speech as
it increasingly moves from the town square to the online world.
*Featuring: *Andrew McLaughlin, Non-Residential Fellow at the Center for
Internet and Society and the Executive Director of Civic Commons; Linda
Lye, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Northern California; Laurence Pulgram, Partner
and Chair of Commercial and Copyright Litigation Group, Fenwick and West
LLP; Nicole Ozer, Co-Chair- California State Bar Cyberspace Committee,
Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Director, ACLU of Northern California
*Location:* Stanford Law School, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA, 94305
*RSVP:* http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/node/6749<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SJpAT6bgZ8prFZE2yujiIUjbEK2q4YDGmNaqtl6qPptJaQGoxgsXoL9Fh433YTOj030oIy345aolD0lUpGAoZ-iggy7erP-rl9woCJ56uT6YNb7TfT9zz3Ooj-btmbgMA=>
*FAILfaire NYC 2011<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TEgmqBc_TrzuxmiVKVC3T-Pnhl19bFLlLPcfcXB4rzgvAcQoVVjR_MEvRf7VQoGuS0ANXVaEqHLFgXgPj8GBt2hZKWL5DK1cs=>
*Wednesday, December 14, 7pm*
*About:* Tech projects for social change succeed sometimes, but more often
than not, they fail. The successes are reported on, and the failures are
quietly pushed under the proverbial rug. Well, it's time to bring out the
failures, with a sense of humor, and with an honest look at ourselves at
FAILfaire NYC 2011. FAILfaire features case studies of projects using tech
in social change that have, to put it simply, been a #FAIL. Busted, kaputt.
Tongue firmly in cheek, we take a close look at what didn't work and why
the projects failed amidst the hype of tech changing the work - hype that
we all are subjected to (and are sometimes contributors to).
*Organized by: *MobileActive.org - a global network of people using mobile
technology for social impact. Hosted by: The The U.S. Fund for UNICEF, with
participation from UNICEF's Innovation Unit
*Location:* U.S. Fund for UNICEF
125 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038-4999
*Register:* http://failfairenyc2011.eventbrite.com/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T97Wi1xi4BH-W-syqO5zjrhC5Tc_izLsjSZegMOtOA8b6FkRpR8M5O0XkVZVcOXAe2WD2sNUys3W1bd9MWQYkH1gzC9Rtg6o2Iv6zgV-Oyo5WvnpskZq-KCEFuRPsugGQ=>
*In the News*
*Global Censorship Update*
View the Global Censorship Update in a Google
*BELARUS: Lukashenka: Belarus Has Learned to Combat "Revolutions through
Social Networks" *
Belarus has learned to combat "revolutions through social networks,"
Alyaksandr Lukashenka said while meeting Wednesday in Minsk with members of
the Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO). (Naviny.BY, 10/28)
*BRAZIL: Brazilian Blogger's Computer Equipment Confiscated*
As a result of a judicial decision, Brazilian blogger Noel Júnior had his
home office equipment confiscated in the municipality of São Francisco do
Itabapoana, the blogger said on his site. According to the blogger, the
action was motivated by a commentary on his blog against a company that
provides services to the local city government. (Knight Center for
Journalism in the Americas, 10/31)
*CHINA: Can China's Economy Thrive with a Censored Internet?*
There are two Internets in the world today. The first is the one you are
probably using right now to read this post, through which you can connect
with people around the world, surf for whatever information you want and
blog at will. This Internet is a key tool for businesses to enhance
productivity, for people to educate themselves about the world and for new
ideas to bounce briskly from place to place. Then there is the second
version of the Internet. The one here in China. (TIME, 10/26)
*EGYPT: Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Detained for 15 Days Pending
Military Investigation *
Egypt's veteran blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah (@alaa) was detained today
(Sunday, Oct. 30) for 15 days pending investigation after refusing to be
interrogated by a military investigator, insisting on his right to be tried
before a civil court. (Global Voices Advocacy, 10/30)
*EGYPT: Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Jailed for Defying Military Court
Prominent Egyptian blogger Alaa Adbel Fattah has been jailed for 15 days
for refusing to be interrogated by a military court. (Washington Post,
*EGYPT: Egyptians Rally for Blogger Jailed by Military*
Egyptian activists marched in Cairo on Monday night to demand the release
of an imprisoned blogger and an end to military trials for civilians.
Supporters of the blogger, Alaa Abd El Fattah, chanted slogans demanding
his freedom as they rallied outside his cell. (New York Times, 10/31)
*EGYPT: Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El Fattah Accuses Army of Hijacking
The jailed Egyptian revolutionary Alaa Abd El Fattah has written a secret
letter from his prison cell, accusing the country's military rulers of
murder and lamenting what he views as the army's hijacking of the
revolution. (The Guardian, 11/2)
*EGYPT: Judge Postpones Trial of Mikel Nabil Sanad, Appoints Him a Lawyer*
A military court on Tuesday postponed to 13 November the retrial of blogger
and activist Mikel Nabil Sanad, who is charged with insulting the Egyptian
armed forces. (Al Masry Al Youm, 11/2)
*EGYPT: Egyptian Satirist Finds Little to Laugh About in Pre-Vote Media
Bassem Youssef shot to fame and landed a satirical television show after
poking fun online at state media coverage of the uprising that ousted Hosni
Mubarak. Nine months on, the man known as Egypt's Jon Stewart sees little
to laugh about. (Bloomberg, 11/3)
*IRAQ: Draft Informatics Crimes Law*
In October 2011, ARTICLE 19 analysed the Draft Informatics Crimes Law of
Iraq ("Draft Law") that assesses the Draft Law's compliance with Iraq's
obligations under international human rights law. ARTICLE 19 finds the
Draft Law fundamentally flawed from a freedom of expression perspective;
and if adopted, it will significantly undermine the right to freedom of
expression and freedom of information in the country. ARTICLE 19 recommends
that the Iraqi Council of Representatives reject the Draft Law in its
entirety. (Article 19, 10/26)
*IRAN: Westerners Aid Iran's `Digital KGB'*
VIDEO: Andrew Apostolou, senior program manager at Freedom House, talks
about Iran's acquisition of Western surveillance technology it uses to
suppress political activists. Apostolou spoke with Bloomberg's Ben Elgin
from Washington on Oct. 28. (Bloomberg, 10/31)
*KAZAKHSTAN: Bloggers Discuss New Copyright Protection Bill *
Kazakhstan's Internet community has yet again suffered a setback, this time
at the hands of state authorities. In recent months, state interference in
the growth of the Internet has reached unprecedented heights. The
government's interest in the new trend can be evaluated in various ways
but, in particular, as a desire to diffuse and reinforce state power
throughout various sectors of society. (Global Voices Online, 11/1)
*LEBANON: Is Lebanon about to Clamp Down on Its Blogosphere?*
While censorship and monitoring seems a rampant practice by authorities in
the Middle East, Lebanese blogs and news sites may have a new form of
control to deal with. Lebanon's National Audiovisual Media Council, an
independent body which regulates TV and radio in Lebanon, founded by the
government, has requested that all blogs and news sites register with the
organization, starting from November 1st. (The Next Web, 10/31)
*RUSSIA: Government Eager to Use Net Surveillance Software Currently in
Test Phase*
Reporters Without Borders condemns plans by Roskomnadzor, Russia's federal
supervisory agency for communications, information technology and mass
media, to use search software to track down "extremist" content on the
Internet. The agency is currently testing the software and intends to start
using it in December. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/28)
*SAUDI ARABIA: Three Online Television Journalists Held by Saudi Police *
VIDEO: Reporters Without Borders hails yesterday's release of three Web TV
journalists - Firas Baqna, Khalid Al-Rasheed and Hussam Al-Darwish - who
were held arbitrarily for two weeks, without being charged and without any
reason being given, in what was clearly an attempt to intimidate them and
get them to censor themselves. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/31)
*SYRIA: Detained Bloggers and Journalists in Syria: The List Gets Longer *
Since the street protest movement began in March 2011 in Syria, threats and
physical attacks against journalists have increased. The list of detained
bloggers and journalists gets longer and includes foreign journalists
arrested and deported. Among the latest, prominent blogger and
programmer Hussein
Ghrer, who disappeared on October 24. (Global Voices Advocacy, 10/28)
*SYRIA: U.S. Firm Acknowledges Syria Uses Its Gear to Block Web *
A U.S. company that makes Internet-blocking gear acknowledges that Syria
has been using at least 13 of its devices to censor Web activity there-an
admission that comes as the Syrian government cracks down on its citizens
and silences their online activities. (Wall Street Journal, 10/29)
*SYRIA: Syrian Journalists, Blogger Missing*
The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the continued
disappearance of Syrian journalists and bloggers. (Committee to Protect
Journalists, 10/31)
*SYRIA: Syria Makes Journalists Disappear*
Business reporter Lina Saleh Ibrahim is the latest Syrian journalist to go
missing. The 31-year-old who works for the state-owned daily newspaper
Tishreen has been missing for seven days. She was last seen leaving her
Damascus home on 25 October. (The Guardian, 11/1)
*UKRAINE: Appeal to Parliament about Dangers of "Public Decency" Bill*
Dear Members of Parliament, Reporters Without Borders, an international
organization that defends freedom of information, would like to share with
you its concern about Bill No. 7132 proposing amendments to the Protection
of Public Decency Law. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/28)
*UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: UAE Begins Trial of Five Democracy Activists*
Five activists have been put on trial in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for
expressing their opinions on the banned political website, UAE Hewar
(Dialogue). They have been accused of incitement and insulting the symbols
of the state under article 176 of the penal code. The case has even been
upgraded to a threat to national security, even though the accused did not
write anything of the sort on the blog. Since their arrest six months ago,
they have been humiliated and tortured. (Al-Akhbar, 10/28)
*UNITED KINGDOM: UK Cops Using Fake Mobile Phone Tower to Intercept Calls,
Shut Off Phones*
Britain's largest police force has been using covert surveillance
technology that can masquerade as a mobile phone network to intercept
communications and unique IDs from phones or even transmit a signal to shut
off phones remotely. (Threat Level, 10/31)
*UNITED KINGDOM: Cameron Told Not to Shut Down Internet *
The Foreign Secretary cautioned David Cameron against shutting down
internet services during the riots this summer, it has emerged, over fears
a blackout would be seized on by countries such as China and Syria as
evidence of British hypocrisy on free speech. (Telegraph, 11/1)
*Digital Media News Affecting Activists*
*How to Create Your Own Google Maps*
Would you like to create a custom Google Map of all the wonderful cities
that you have visited so far? Or maybe an annotated map that offers easy
driving directions to the wedding venue? Or maybe you have customers in
different parts of the world and you would like to display testimonials on
one Google Map. (Digital Inspiration, 10/17)
*Google Plus Finds Sweet Spot Between Facebook & Twitter*
*VIDEO:* Google Plus got a few more fun features today in addition to
workplace ones. There's a new feature called What's Hot that surfaces
popular posts (don't call them "trending"), and a very cool visualization
tool called Ripples that lets you watch Plus conversations flow out across
the network. These are neat ways to track social activity that Facebook and
Twitter don't offer. (Read Write Web, 10/27)
*When is the Best Time to Tweet? Timely Will Tell You*
It might seem like the only things that affect the amount you get retweeted
are your follower count and what you're tweeting - but the timing of your
tweets is just as important. (All Twitter, 10/28)
*Being Handcuffed? Press Send*
There is a strong technological strain running through Occupy Wall Street,
and software developers have been gathering at events in several cities to
develop such tools for the demonstrators. (New York Times, 10/30)
*PODCAST:* Simon Cox and Rupert Goodwins look into the secretive world of
hacktivism. As the Occupy movement sweeps the globe protests and disruption
are increasingly emerging on the web. Simon talks to those involved in
hacktivism as well as the security experts trying to combat their
activities. (BBC Radio, 10/31)
*CHINA: Chinese Activists Turn To Twitter In Rights Cases*
*AUDIO:* In China, microblogs are transforming the way activists draw
attention to human rights cases. Despite strict Internet controls, netizens
are using Chinese Twitter as a powerful tool. (NPR, 10/28)
*MEXICO: Anonymous Skeptical of Proposed Attack on Zetas Drug Cartel*
OpCartel, an announced Anonymous operation to take on the Mexican drug
cartel known as the Zetas, seems like it might be in line with Anonymous's
recent shift away from pursuing lulz in favor of morals-motivated attacks
against pedophiles, misbehaving corporations and repressive regimes.
(Threat Level, 10/30)
*MEXICO: Dying for the Truth: Drug Cartels Target Journalists in Mexico*
"There are more independent bloggers commenting on drug issues and posting
gruesome photos of crime scenes," says Forbes. "This is something that the
mainstream media has basically decided against in the current situation." A
worrisome consequence of this development is that drug cartels are now
targeting social media users. In September the bodies of two bloggers and
Twitter users were found hanging from a bridge in Nuevo Laredo. The victims
had earlier published information and pictures related to drug traffic on
Twitter and blogs. The message from cartel leaders was clear: "If you write
about us, you will pay for it." (European Journalism Center, 11/1)
*SOUTH KOREA: By Lampooning Leaders, Talk Show Channels Young People's Anger
Once a week, the four men sit around in a rented studio, laughing, blurting
occasional expletives and making fun of South Korea's leader, President Lee
Myung-bak. Then they post a recording of their talk online. (New York
Times, 11/2)
*Update on Digital Media Companies and Outlets*
*FACEBOOK: Facebook's 'Coolest' Data Hub Coming to Sweden*
Facebook announced Thursday that it would immediately begin building a
massive data centre -- its third globally and first in Europe -- in the
Swedish town of Luleå, near the Arctic Circle. (The Local Sweden, 10/27)
*FACEBOOK: Where In The World People Do Not Use Facebook*
IMAGES: Way back in December of last year, Facebook released its connections
map. FlowingData.com recently released an inverse of the Facebook
friendship map, showing where in the world people don't use the social
network. Facebook has not been able to adequately penetrate the non-Western
markets of China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. To create the UnFacebook
map, visual arts grad student Ian Wojtowicz mashed the Facebook connections
map with NASA's map of Earth at night. (Read Write Web, 11/1)
*FACEBOOK/GOOGLE: Google Begins Indexing Facebook Comments*
Googlebots, or the spiders that crawl web pages, are now reading Facebook
comments on websites just like any other text content and the more
interesting part is that you can also search the text of these comments
using regular Google search. (Digital Inspiration, 10/31)
*TUMBLR: Tumblr Admits Its Spam Problem*
Tumblr doesn't like to talk about all the spam coursing through its
servers. But when NPR's Fresh Air started commenting on the problem, the
microblogging site came clean. Because who is dumb enough to cross Terry
Gross? (Gawker, 11/1)
*TWITTER: Twitter Launches "Twitter Stories" To Highlight How One Tweet Can
Have A Big Impact*
Twitter has launched a new initiative called "Twitter Stories", intended to
show the world just how powerful a single tweet can be. The company is
highlighting the heartwarming stories of individuals using Twitter to
change their lives and the lives of those around them. (All Twitter, 11/2)
*TWITTER: Why Twitter Could Win the Online Identity Race*
As social media and social networks become a larger part of our online
lives, the race to become the default identity platform for the social web
continues to intensify, with Facebook, Twitter and Google all hoping to
control - and profit from - the ways that users connect to various
services. Although Facebook and Google both have massive resources to
deploy in this battle, venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners
argues that Twitter stands the best chance of becoming the go-to identity
player for many users, and there are some pretty compelling reasons to
believe he is right. (GigaOM, 11/2)
*Digital Media in the Middle East*
*Arab Spring Reshapes Market for TV News*
As revolutions upend the political landscape across the Arab world, the
news media landscape is shifting, too. The market for Arabic-language
television news, dominated for years by two satellite channels with close
links to Arab rulers, is poised for a shot of new competition with the
pending introduction of two 24-hour news channels backed by Western media
conglomerates. (New York Times, 10/31)
*Yahoo and BBC Team Up to Bring More Arabic Content to the Web*
Yahoo Maktoob has just signed a deal with BBC Arabic which will see the
BBC's content shared on Yahoo's Arabic site. (The Next Web, 11/2)
*Internet Freedom Initiative Mere Lip Service?*
For years, the Middle East has led the world in online repression. Over the
course of the past year, the region has changed drastically but, it seems,
some things are intent on staying the same. In the past few weeks, Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Syria have all detained bloggers and online
activists, while elsewhere in the region, self-censorship is the name of
the game. While the United States and the European Union have repeatedly
condemned the actions of the Syrian government - where they have virtually
no influence - both have remained largely silent on the threats facing
bloggers in allied countries across the region, at a time when arrests are
at an all-time high. (Al-Jazeera, 11/3)
*EGYPT: Revolution Inspires Egyptian Digital Professionals*
"It's the revolution," answers Heba Honsi, a young activist who has been
working for ten years in charity, when asked what motivated her to launch a
website to enable people to donate to those in need. (Al Masry Al Youm,
*EGYPT: Brotherhood, Salafis, and Sufis Wage Electronic War ahead of
Elections *
Facebook has turned into an electronic battlefield for the Muslim
Brotherhood, Salafis and Sufis campaigning for seats in the upcoming
parliamentary elections, as they increasingly criticize each other and
promote their own candidates on the popular social network. (Al Masry Al
Youm, 11/1)
*EGYPT: Egypt's Revolution is in Turmoil but its Social Media Activism
Points to a Bright Future*
"Same book, different cover." That was how a well-connected social media
manager described Egypt's post-revolution transition when the Meedan team
met him last week in Cairo. (Meedan, 11/3)
*IRAN: Report: Iran Creates Special Unit to Defend against Cyber Attacks on
the Islamic Republic*
A senior Iranian official says the country has created a special unit to
defend the Islamic Republic against cyber attacks. (Washington Post, 10/31)
*PALESTINE: Hackers Shut Down Palestinian Internet Network*
Internet service is completely cut off in Gaza Tuesday and partially shut
down in the West Bank after an attack on the main Internet provider to the
Palestinian territories, according to a minister with the Palestinian
Authority. (CNN, 11/1)
*PALESTINE: Palestinians Hit by Cyber-Attack Following Success at UNESCO*
Internet services in the West Bank and Gaza have come under "sustained
attack" by unknown hackers in multiple locations, according to officials.
(The Guardian, 11/1)
*TUNISIA: Let's Invade Social Networks*
A crazy wave of posts hit the world of social networks when Tunisian
netizens decided to invade Facebook and Twitter with their comments. The
move started with netizens showing solidarity and support for the American
occupy movement by posting chants and messages on the official Facebook
page of US president Barack Obama. (Global Voices Online, 10/31)
*Digital Media in Journalism and Newsrooms*
*Newspapers Use Social Media to Say 'Smart is the New Sexy'*
Print newspaper subscriptions have declined for years as younger readers
increasingly turn to digital sources for news. And surveys have shown that
more younger readers are getting their news not through traditional news
sites, but from Facebook and Twitter. That is why Tarabocchia is exactly
the type of reader newspapers are trying to seduce with a saucy new
marketing campaign. (CNN, 10/27)
*Cyborg No More! The BBC Moves to Human-Edited Twitter Feeds*
Move over, auto-tweets: This week, the BBC has switched its @BBCNews Twitter
feed to all-human curation. (One small step for a news feed; one giant leap
for newsfeedkind.) (Nieman Journalism Lab, 10/27)
*Let's Get It Right with Real Names in 2012*
Traditional news media have made a destructive mistake by encouraging
anonymous commenting on their web sites. But it's not too late to simply do
away with this bad idea. The upcoming 2012 election - likely to be the
greatest digital political event in American history - offers the perfect
opportunity to get journalism's house in order. (Knight Foundation, 10/28)
*Heron: "I think my job will probably not exist in five years."*
Why the social media editor job may be a transitional one. (Nieman
Journalism Lab, 10/28)
*Wherever You See a Demonstration, Journalism Has Failed*
I know that this might sound harsh to some readers, but people don't take
to the streets to support a cause that's getting wall-to-wall news
coverage. They take to the streets when they feel their voices aren't being
heard - and won't be, unless they make a public demonstration. (Online
Journalism Review, 10/28)
*Robot Network Seeks to Enlist Your Computer to Beat Fox, CNN to Breaking
News Video*
A South Korean startup called Shakr aims to use the processing power of its
users' distributed computers to create video news coverage of breaking
events faster than international news giants can with human labor.
Shakr unveiled
its use of WegGL technology, which uses a computer's powerful graphics
processing card to extend the capabilities of Javascript in the browser, at
TechCrunch's startup event today in Beijing, China. (Read Write Web, 10/31)
*Zeega Makes Interactive Storytelling Simple (But Don't Call It a WYSIWYG)*
Journalists and coders on Sunday got a first look at Zeega, a web
application that aims to help journalists create rich, interactive stories
with drag-and-drop ease. (Nieman Journalism Lab, 10/31)
*Highlighting Journalists on Google News*
Great journalism takes more than facts and figures -- it takes skilled
reporters to knit together compelling stories. Knowing who wrote an article
can help readers understand the article's context and quality, see more
articles by that person, and even interact directly with them. Whole
communities can form around prominent contributors, which is why we started
showing information about content creators next to their material in Google
Search. (Google News, 11/2)
*Radio in the Digital Age*
*AFRICA: New Social Network for Radio Broadcasters*
Digital4Good and Farm Radio International launch social network for African
radio broadcasters.
*Community Radio Programming for the Digital Age*
*VIDEO: *Benjamen Walker is the host of the program "Too Much Information" a
radio show (and podcast) about life in the information age. He reports on
many of the issues and topics of the day (Wikileaks, Anonymous, online
porn, surveillance, net neutrality) but he also throws in conspiracy
theories, fiction and interviews with ordinary people trying to make sense
of their digital selves. (MIT Tech TV, 10/27)
*Conference Roundup*
*AUSACE: Heyday of Digital Activism?*
Traditional media have maintained a stronghold on news consumption in many
countries in the world, but the internet is increasingly entering the
battle for audiences. In the Arab world, it remains the only space for
critical voices and is driving civil society activism. These were some of
the conclusions of a panel of Mapping Digital Media researchers on 31
October 2011 at the conference "Digital and Media Literacy: New Directions"
organized by the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE) at
the American University in Beirut. The event took place between 28 October
and 31 October 2011. (Media Policy, 10/31)
*JOURNALISM INTERACTIVE: Research into Social Sharing, Twitter, and
Networked Journalism*
*VIDEO:* The three presentations were by Zizi Papacharissi of University of
Illinois at Chicago, Adrienne Russell of the University of Denver and
myself. The session was moderated by Kalyani Chadha of the University of
Maryland. (Reportr.net, 10/28)
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