[liberationtech] Activist-friendly Google Adwords expert?

David W. Oaks oaks at mindfreedom.org
Sun Nov 27 21:20:41 PST 2011

Hey Lib Tech Folk,

For a year we at MindFreedom International have had a Google Adwords  
grant, where we can have free ads to bring people to different pages  


We thought we were running out after one year, so I phoned up Google  
and was glad to get a friendly smart young human. She helped me figure  
out that actually the grant was for far more ad revenue than we  
originally thought, and keeps going on.

Yeah, great, but that means we need to learn a lot quickly, and get  
help. We have a new book on Adwords, fine, but clearly that shows we  
need some extra assistance about researching key words and key phrases  
(including misspellings, etc.), fixing up landing pages, the whole  
ball of wax. We need to start doing regional ads for instance.

For those of you familiar with Google Adwords, you will understand  
that because there's a ceiling of grantees of one-dollar per click  
bid, it means we have to put some extra efforts into creating  
campaigns, ad groups, ads, etc. so we even have a chance of utilizing  
the monthly grant amount.

If anyone here knows an activist-friendly Google Adwords expert who  
wants to coach a group, even for a few minutes or few hours... helping  
an activist group that is working for super-marginalized people (human  
rights of people in mental health system)... then please feel free to  
forward this to someone you trust.

Best to email me reply off-list directly to me at oaks at mindfreedom.org  
if someone can help, since I don't always get to all of my emails from  
all the lists I'm on.

If this human rights cause might become a passion for someone, and he  
or she has a bunch of tech experience, there is also a chance for more  
opportunities with MFI. We have some amazing friendly folk with great  
people skills, but need to complement with tech skills.

For example, on our web site you can see we are headed toward a  
protest in May 5, 2012, and we need help from someone who has been  
involved with tech support for activist events, like an Occupy, etc.

Thanks for being there everyone, whether or not you can help,



In case anyone wonders, 'are these folks real deal,' yeah, we're about  
as grassroots as it gets in activism. Our group is 25 years old, and  
I've been doing this work for 35 years, google around and there's  
plenty of good stuff about us. More than 60 percent of our members in  
a Surveymonkey poll identified as survivors of abuse in the mental  
health system.

David W. Oaks, Executive Director
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA

web: http://www.mindfreedom.org
email: oaks at mindfreedom.org
office phone: 541-345-9106 fax: 480-287-8833
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743

Unite for a Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health.

Join now! http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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