[liberationtech] Fwd: Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
Callie Wallace
wallace.callie at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 08:48:50 PDT 2011
Also, I recently started following CIMA on Twitter (@CIMA_Media_News) and
have been impressed with the content they are putting out. Definitely
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>wrote:
> Please read below for a great aggregation of news and developments on
> digital media that is distributed each week by the Center for International
> Media Assistance at NED.
> If you'd like to sign up for this weekly Digital Media Mash Up, you can
> contact anthonya at ned.org. Also, please feel free to spread the word.
> Best,
> Yosem
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Center for International Media Assistance" <cima at ned.org>
> *To: *ldiamond at stanford.edu
> *Sent: *Friday, November 4, 2011 9:13:47 AM
> *Subject: *Digital Media Mash Up: November 2011, Week 1
> [image: CIMA NED]
> *Digital Media Mash Up
> October 2011, Week 4*
> *Greetings! *
> Attached is CIMA's Digital Media Mash Up, a weekly compilation of events,
> news articles, and research about digital media. An archive of the
> Digital Media Mash Up can be found on CIMA's website at
> http://cima.ned.org/tools-and-resources/digital-media-mash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T-CCXF3XI5Xp5_J7BdsYosUWBF78KcDQE7pr05EB8-gxEhyK-H0a4lm5_ZGXLZ_SIKg5ee6QV8O5ivKCTG2ZrwnCSGp9lxqUcUQg7FTaKi4wcS2ZqTquW8GmqknbugRTySR0NUkWDDWKK5XZqu13or>
> .
> CIMA's daily Media News, with news articles on media development and
> press freedom, and an archive of Media News articles is available at
> http://cima.ned.org/tools-and-resources/daily-media-news<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Rs8VWf4GeQLfxLXe0NcHyB73J0NzM7o5LsJ7dvfWfKFbOsdoqembS22zGomF5r3O4VHjZ5JAUBGBVGGlfp3HxEE7B9jkM4b3IvczBgxJMxs1NWBP207uKwHJiSpd2XJD9ySwhWMDu4SdI8yR0QnY_B>
> .
> For updates on media development and digital media, you can also follow us
> on Facebook and Twitter.
> http://on.fb.me/tMropP <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SlyQK5cfC1j1db_P3Tg3E4ott4V8tXRmrTJiSyjW2yqGbnnPwiaS_Ikwn5Nda-YGl-cSgYEDf36MBdEfQEyeBt3A1CDSPvwVcqvkgnwpgOqA==>
> http://bit.ly/vnxxWu <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T_noWRGJYGWlwPJBMJy0mk5qlra-iQt1rCIsZj25_M6WazxNvm2UylZEIOkpjQrURsI8BtUxEMKLWHUqPyB9KJL6d8_Js9xxGrPC17Ya9c-Q==>
> We welcome your comments,
> Marguerite Sullivan
> Senior Director
> Center for International Media Assistance
> National Endowment for Democracy
> *In this Issue* Upcoming Events - In Washington, D.C. and Beyond In
> the News: ----- Global Censorship Update ----- Digital Media News
> Affecting Activists ----- Update on Digital Media Companies and Outlets -----
> Digital Media in the Middle East ----- Digital Media in Journalism and
> Newsrooms ----- Radio in the Digital Age ----- Conference Roundup -----
> Around the Blogosphere ----- Etc. Research
> *Upcoming Events - In Washington, D.C. and Beyond*
> *Washington, DC Events*
> * *
> *Matching the Market and the Model: The Business of Independent News Media<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TOqpkfiRdZhwueDsUQfRU-dyJDrLChCiA0pwqO9xqvOGdkqPo07lx6Ivld3DMtxEuZcUv8YKAIU9CIFRHLGw-CbC5gYNbR-TOUrvD4054sTmoau-_95A3JC2F3nyDV7SX69xEmK4Aws5v8xukQeU_YPSbgWBO7PuHqzkMPP9P70IDMWYUSQBNDcZFCp5XwYJI=>
> *
> *November 17, 2011, 12pm*
> *About:* Join us to learn how the lack of management skills and
> inexperience in developing effective business models pose a significant
> risk to the sustainability of independent news media. Panelists will
> examine these challenges and discuss two new reports: Financially Viable
> Media in Emerging and Developing Markets, published by the World
> Association of Newspapers and News Publishers in partnership with the
> Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and Matching the
> Market and the Model: The Business of Independent News Media, by the
> Center for International Media Assistance.
> *Featuring:* Michelle J. Foster, author of Matching the Market and the
> Model: The Business of Independent News Media; Caroline H. Little,
> president/CEO of the Newspaper Association of America; Harlan Mandel, chief
> executive officer for the Media Development Loan Fund; Anne Nelson, adjunct
> associate professor at Columbia University's School of International and
> Public Affairs and principal researcher of Financially Viable Media in
> Emerging and Developing Markets; John D. Sullivan, executive director of
> the Center for International Private Enterprise.
> *Location:* Center for International Media Assistance at the National
> Endowment for Democracy, 1025 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC.
> *RSVP:*
> http://cima.ned.org/events/matching-market-and-model-business-independent-news-media<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TOqpkfiRdZhwueDsUQfRU-dyJDrLChCiA0pwqO9xqvOGdkqPo07lx6Ivld3DMtxEuZcUv8YKAIU9CIFRHLGw-CbC5gYNbR-TOUrvD4054sTmoau-_95A3JC2F3nyDV7SX69xEmK4Aws5v8xukQeU_YPSbgWBO7PuHqzkMPP9P70IDMWYUSQBNDcZFCp5XwYJI=>
> *Beyond Washington*
> *Africa Cast: Unlocking the Potential of African TV through Digital
> Transformation<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T2uhYqmtoySaMyfzCWE1woRlK1Qap78j2ywHGLZHssfqMBMLqctNnvorsvSUh3ls0XGBJlgPz5bVgdAEwnTT5AOx3siHrGYSrMNe_wsH7kVO7Hq295MRdT6kzTfot3gV7uRUjAYcbe4Q==>
> *
> *November 9-10 *
> *About:* A business-focused conference examining the growing
> opportunities in Africa's TV market, including the evolution of the
> communications, media and TV ecosystem and the role of new players in the
> market; understanding the new business models and services enabled by new
> technologies and regulation; and assessing how the improvement of network
> capacity will affect the provision TV services.
> *Featuring:* Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Internews media advisor for
> Africa, will discuss the case study: Focusing on the Role of Local Radio
> Stations and their Connection with Mobile Phones and Social Media for
> Development about the possibilities and future development of ICTs for
> local media.
> *Location:* Cape Town Convention Center, Cape Town, South Africa
> *Information:* http://www.internews.org/events/default.shtm<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T2uhYqmtoySaMyfzCWE1woRlK1Qap78j2ywHGLZHssfqMBMLqctNnvorsvSUh3ls0XGBJlgPz5bVgdAEwnTT5AOx3siHrGYSrMNe_wsH7kVO7Hq295MRdT6kzTfot3gV7uRUjAYcbe4Q==>
> *From Public Squares to Platforms: Free Speech in the Networked World<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SJpAT6bgZ8prFZE2yujiIUjbEK2q4YDGmNaqtl6qPptJaQGoxgsXoL9Fh433YTOj030oIy345aolD0lUpGAoZ-iggy7erP-rl9woCJ56uT6YNb7TfT9zz3Ooj-btmbgMA=>
> *
> *Wednesday, November 30, 6pm*
> *About:* The panel will bring together a range of speakers from academia,
> public interest, and private practice, to discuss issues of free speech as
> it increasingly moves from the town square to the online world.
> *Featuring: *Andrew McLaughlin, Non-Residential Fellow at the Center for
> Internet and Society and the Executive Director of Civic Commons; Linda
> Lye, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Northern California; Laurence Pulgram,
> Partner and Chair of Commercial and Copyright Litigation Group, Fenwick and
> West LLP; Nicole Ozer, Co-Chair- California State Bar Cyberspace Committee,
> Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Director, ACLU of Northern California
> *Location:* Stanford Law School, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA,
> 94305
> *RSVP:* http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/node/6749<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SJpAT6bgZ8prFZE2yujiIUjbEK2q4YDGmNaqtl6qPptJaQGoxgsXoL9Fh433YTOj030oIy345aolD0lUpGAoZ-iggy7erP-rl9woCJ56uT6YNb7TfT9zz3Ooj-btmbgMA=>
> *FAILfaire NYC 2011<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TEgmqBc_TrzuxmiVKVC3T-Pnhl19bFLlLPcfcXB4rzgvAcQoVVjR_MEvRf7VQoGuS0ANXVaEqHLFgXgPj8GBt2hZKWL5DK1cs=>
> *
> *Wednesday, December 14, 7pm*
> *About:* Tech projects for social change succeed sometimes, but more
> often than not, they fail. The successes are reported on, and the failures
> are quietly pushed under the proverbial rug. Well, it's time to bring out
> the failures, with a sense of humor, and with an honest look at ourselves
> at FAILfaire NYC 2011. FAILfaire features case studies of projects using
> tech in social change that have, to put it simply, been a #FAIL. Busted,
> kaputt. Tongue firmly in cheek, we take a close look at what didn't work
> and why the projects failed amidst the hype of tech changing the work -
> hype that we all are subjected to (and are sometimes contributors to).
> *Organized by: *MobileActive.org - a global network of people using
> mobile technology for social impact. Hosted by: The The U.S. Fund for
> UNICEF, with participation from UNICEF's Innovation Unit
> *Location:* U.S. Fund for UNICEF
> 125 Maiden Lane
> New York, NY 10038-4999
> *Register:* http://failfairenyc2011.eventbrite.com/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T97Wi1xi4BH-W-syqO5zjrhC5Tc_izLsjSZegMOtOA8b6FkRpR8M5O0XkVZVcOXAe2WD2sNUys3W1bd9MWQYkH1gzC9Rtg6o2Iv6zgV-Oyo5WvnpskZq-KCEFuRPsugGQ=>
> *In the News*
> *Global Censorship Update*
> View the Global Censorship Update in a Google Map<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QtsmMpjkPRLuD_YtnB0qAIwQ5w__FCZgVjYQt5TGQmlJginbo27Hg6PEk393fmDMmXxWmh10hbXzydDWSmvjGUqWNwhzQi1KN78yzCVMs018tiW1jc9MWcCzFJyo3vQWI6cmavfpjwQZNrrco8MZjZT1SXbvyVf3XDlkufqUupu1jAls0Ypr2Cko2cD0SJ5PA0NpJdl0JVHQ==>
> .
> *BELARUS: Lukashenka: Belarus Has Learned to Combat "Revolutions through
> Social Networks" *
> Belarus has learned to combat "revolutions through social networks,"
> Alyaksandr Lukashenka said while meeting Wednesday in Minsk with members of
> the Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty
> Organization (CSTO). (Naviny.BY, 10/28)
> http://naviny.by/rubrics/english/2011/10/27/ic_articles_259_175614<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TOND1_LNzHQalsXNQAxPEE7Wxgqpa7bEf45dwUZFDRFwW1azlGeqB5c7KcE_pm-f8OpK2t7JEorE-oVk2FlMncVAwQKslchBzJthw0NwTLecisCXEljyZU_7dadnGdL-l9S1YxchP59xeQsZuEWIqy28aFZyRCjWKvSXaeN_a95Q==>
> *BRAZIL: Brazilian Blogger's Computer Equipment Confiscated*
> As a result of a judicial decision, Brazilian blogger Noel Júnior had his
> home office equipment confiscated in the municipality of São Francisco do
> Itabapoana, the blogger said on his site. According to the blogger, the
> action was motivated by a commentary on his blog against a company that
> provides services to the local city government. (Knight Center for
> Journalism in the Americas, 10/31)
> http://knightcenter.utexas.edu/blog/brazilian-bloggers-computer-equipment-confiscated<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QybVWBfNaT2EGBpmEFa0Mm-ElG7HfWrk9aYUt7u0Za7beowk1XpWLIirUoNwUSURMBRSPjUIP4Kj2suPGpr7EbhmDMcZW9G9944lxymiH1Hf6Fr9Mv45GbbxDtG_aNLM4tYvqpigSQ9mgB_sQl3G5vBrdBFjrdAbr59nhmHTZDkrEKWIbFcUmeMbM8Np8gxcM=>
> *CHINA: Can China's Economy Thrive with a Censored Internet?*
> There are two Internets in the world today. The first is the one you are
> probably using right now to read this post, through which you can connect
> with people around the world, surf for whatever information you want and
> blog at will. This Internet is a key tool for businesses to enhance
> productivity, for people to educate themselves about the world and for new
> ideas to bounce briskly from place to place. Then there is the second
> version of the Internet. The one here in China. (TIME, 10/26)
> http://curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com/2011/10/26/can-china%e2%80%99s-economy-thrive-with-a-censored-internet/#ixzz1c0nN3INv<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9RarpD1oPCDMgVlCAs-U8DRJ3sPBToQUR7dbxfVmu9RDn_P4agLP3JUM-aMcoKtGlysC5bErnvq7IHXid282rkwV-sM2gyVr8j16svEurK9IIIZFaYVYiQivjoCvidm5rpDtPPbW_0SIXkMDuB_mYxLUTeO--JKS7gmvELo4xJIBJu6fNMWgz1rvHDv2TUkkQzCBK0keph3JC8yEJkgn74Ua2-cyVawzR7W47tPf1fXj-bnpPiNt0bCPz2p3Qt8i8c=>
> *EGYPT: Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Detained for 15 Days Pending
> Military Investigation *
> Egypt's veteran blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah (@alaa) was detained today
> (Sunday, Oct. 30) for 15 days pending investigation after refusing to be
> interrogated by a military investigator, insisting on his right to be tried
> before a civil court. (Global Voices Advocacy, 10/30)
> http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/2011/10/31/egyptian-blogger-alaa-abdel-fattah-detained-for-15-days-pending-military-investigation/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Tn6IquLpNaLbI4ljrj8txRlFva-LFKHC5IK0NcQalPzcNY8nIUUFStpqQg7cEXL5tx9M43nq3bUYBI9MObwCJHwoQmYMI0EbTHAOYYmka7vtVIn24F7dt4CETXBcQ32xANvtAWk0JN2QMcCY_ryfW2vujHTlt95hgSttzO8u5sskDCpG0QatZ4zM1fjUEhJmKLZTeed-_4zSaYL9a1KS-YUZeZuqYdClFJE8-a8R4rCbVM0ZkO9YwRIJjaxbAa-MN6PYej-5QBMw==>
> *EGYPT: Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Jailed for Defying Military
> Court*
> Prominent Egyptian blogger Alaa Adbel Fattah has been jailed for 15 days
> for refusing to be interrogated by a military court. (Washington Post,
> 10/31)
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/egyptian-blogger-alaa-abdel-fattah-jailed-for-defying-military-court/2011/10/31/gIQAHzIGZM_blog.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SnbYEkrxbEElHdieHmsrsv6oxj2h7C4wZnNRNcRuf0f8FC02TLLbR-rqDgyyKyeSOgfyrdmtdbIU7ByEn9IUzwVarjEKb8bnBJRHybVJ1BRqSRjZranLjAUcjViHYTODBwN6FeyIVVqjvGFBLA5i6My0LhaVKfFn5SyCKwCieXcBMT3ZDBQN0tjQl907qDkFSmpTN317i2OMGwMUjXoWP2kZnWBJOz7NeQOs-OsapULoCEPvUAHXh12IYbfIQhz_PWgRJQMCDivRHxrKrPHfgFi29BxWJclyo=>
> *EGYPT: Egyptians Rally for Blogger Jailed by Military*
> Egyptian activists marched in Cairo on Monday night to demand the release
> of an imprisoned blogger and an end to military trials for civilians.
> Supporters of the blogger, Alaa Abd El Fattah, chanted slogans demanding
> his freedom as they rallied outside his cell. (New York Times, 10/31)
> http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/31/egyptians-rally-for-blogger-jailed-for-defying-military-prosecutor/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Q5X9WkU8DsHmOnEtvrWRRvNOjkmX0eAUyYKN7Wik25sfERkE8S81tyidnlX4LhXo6hrZL48SUh1r6oQZtMAMEeKtCGji8jpES9RdELVHs49PC4v8o8xh1ZvN9zUzrVPz2CJ4zY_cqE5qqRSgBcgp2BibNkCY7P0oMnoHRr4A7IvY8czKrogWKljrl_rCNamCu5uq1OcFMPawVB0TfgniHyUoyuo03Eq4U_PIFrUNGkng==>
> *EGYPT: Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El Fattah Accuses Army of Hijacking
> Revolution*
> The jailed Egyptian revolutionary Alaa Abd El Fattah has written a secret
> letter from his prison cell, accusing the country's military rulers of
> murder and lamenting what he views as the army's hijacking of the
> revolution. (The Guardian, 11/2)
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/02/egyptian-activist-alaa-accuses-army<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TLVLV71UF1K42UiuXX8RzEhD0FLpH7WqXLMeeZllGj-wFR4RMBE7s8PJpPi0Jfq-nzhicXpx1Pa65Tyfgmb9t3eC6BbObl_XIG9Xtu_JWJIlESj75E8_a12gX0nEOAs8GsgXfz_WOuebdEzCN34wtC0_wwURiXi7ZTj51dEqPctZvQOXkCgLMK6USwdZLc2dI=>
> *EGYPT: Judge Postpones Trial of Mikel Nabil Sanad, Appoints Him a Lawyer*
> A military court on Tuesday postponed to 13 November the retrial of
> blogger and activist Mikel Nabil Sanad, who is charged with insulting the
> Egyptian armed forces. (Al Masry Al Youm, 11/2)
> http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/511033<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SAzGVkXIf4RjBajZRn_rFC83kUezIXFwDXVnC629GwGwFta_pGrKi1tSyvRNxsHoW0G-p0ua9cPkp_xyskEHjJw6zEQRIPQhwceLRi10wLwqcnFdUnHWeXv0T5U8ZwGvQFYt0ab05NVw==>
> *EGYPT: Egyptian Satirist Finds Little to Laugh About in Pre-Vote Media
> Crackdown*
> Bassem Youssef shot to fame and landed a satirical television show after
> poking fun online at state media coverage of the uprising that ousted Hosni
> Mubarak. Nine months on, the man known as Egypt's Jon Stewart sees little
> to laugh about. (Bloomberg, 11/3)
> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-11-03/egyptian-satirist-finds-little-to-laugh-about-in-pre-vote-media-crackdown.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SE1AK4yORmILkkJHMVxwi9mRCscLEgNBY7CvyF2vKSGxY0XiEzlF-DL8lf_NTJKXz2K8QvEklsjR_RuNKj0PtwI3dIW24siaQYLIDkdDlySDPsrlbQCGujocz5tLbbdc0oUa8IYFvQd0gJu967aaQ5XS-4T6-OCH4g66F-g002fvGr-y4nHUx7Xund38Ptbg6mXooJKPLO0QV77utZenLXh3IlW4stBajrgrmxppNGmQ==>
> *IRAQ: Draft Informatics Crimes Law*
> In October 2011, ARTICLE 19 analysed the Draft Informatics Crimes Law of
> Iraq ("Draft Law") that assesses the Draft Law's compliance with Iraq's
> obligations under international human rights law. ARTICLE 19 finds the
> Draft Law fundamentally flawed from a freedom of expression perspective;
> and if adopted, it will significantly undermine the right to freedom of
> expression and freedom of information in the country. ARTICLE 19 recommends
> that the Iraqi Council of Representatives reject the Draft Law in its
> entirety. (Article 19, 10/26)
> http://www.article19.org/resources.php/resource/2792/en/iraq:-draft-informatics-crimes-law<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TUTP5iVzDBk-tWvAPnMbN5d_TRXf6EgkKxZVSheJ9DnjFovRmBrnokNtTf9KDttxIzG0vZzIO6NATe4cQE3vShQ_Vc0cOHs2PG8b2MXq3Pv0A8zBiJwArXt0np48MHPDxCmPNoYxpxx5R9JjANNEgdSDbDPsm5iz_GQoaFU43PDrPstMxgSmRgo52FxQqJZXtSKr4rVIFj8g==>
> *IRAN: Westerners Aid Iran's `Digital KGB'*
> VIDEO: Andrew Apostolou, senior program manager at Freedom House, talks
> about Iran's acquisition of Western surveillance technology it uses to
> suppress political activists. Apostolou spoke with Bloomberg's Ben Elgin
> from Washington on Oct. 28. (Bloomberg, 10/31)
> http://www.bloomberg.com/video/79181860/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QgTXeLtwneUOWVeQ0Cczxgq2NdCNFBflNVYHEKfw4LRRtGtDC0_Ax1e3hh0B-bmRbVJgLpLIz5NzxKP4D6URIL5q2KKpg5QhA8sisDXjk6r1-Y8C2lVzJW1awJPd5fiQs=>
> *KAZAKHSTAN: Bloggers Discuss New Copyright Protection Bill *
> Kazakhstan's Internet community has yet again suffered a setback, this
> time at the hands of state authorities. In recent months, state
> interference in the growth of the Internet has reached unprecedented
> heights. The government's interest in the new trend can be evaluated in
> various ways but, in particular, as a desire to diffuse and reinforce state
> power throughout various sectors of society. (Global Voices Online, 11/1)
> http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/11/01/kazakhstan-bloggers-discuss-new-copyright-protection-bill/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TYXV32uRb5_O01qIqdyMfUJOGafcKbirHmqe0cfhganZsOYO4t2OaUyPArZ0jJMcC2koKZH7SSxQAj1WgPwKUg3a-iMvCvp1bE2CfHWneTEdOs1PQ_Ig1C5KGRo5-krTXtlc8opK7uWEjksSCQ5S7qW0tMqPXsdS5dTtKIRu5OOmWiMkHyuWaSeUTsN1LL6y5JcnlGkqIh5YEfrdD22pNM>
> *LEBANON: Is Lebanon about to Clamp Down on Its Blogosphere?*
> While censorship and monitoring seems a rampant practice by authorities in
> the Middle East, Lebanese blogs and news sites may have a new form of
> control to deal with. Lebanon's National Audiovisual Media Council, an
> independent body which regulates TV and radio in Lebanon, founded by the
> government, has requested that all blogs and news sites register with the
> organization, starting from November 1st. (The Next Web, 10/31)
> http://links.eqentia.com/520b2ad1536d771f/?dst=http://thenextweb.com/me/2011/10/31/is-lebanon-about-to-clamp-down-on-its-blogosphere/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9S4fUefBpAeguuytPbyI_G54HzIpA0mca19PS2e9RFkWhYKAEoYSaPAvNYM6k1Cv3JiKKpXwsGIRikLKYC0i-0A4uM5stHr8A6n6F7alFNtTX5HSNQzGEZ6Xt8hivKAwCxaUQtnCR0FYziM-tPCPQoU4F1pdxkLy2Vp2dvu4mlw2fTAgOrD0NOp423JV-R-I13pZewbI_tcNJgawmbnITg_zXFXUjiNxYqs0RkrExJOfvZeiOi-zesQiEOFQa7a_HXf_hUZ-nI3HaeUC2lUoqob>
> *RUSSIA: Government Eager to Use Net Surveillance Software Currently in
> Test Phase*
> Reporters Without Borders condemns plans by Roskomnadzor, Russia's federal
> supervisory agency for communications, information technology and mass
> media, to use search software to track down "extremist" content on the
> Internet. The agency is currently testing the software and intends to start
> using it in December. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/28)
> http://en.rsf.org/russia-government-eager-to-use-net-28-10-2011,41309.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SwiH3fOi-tIKer1vz-D7qxyKNt1fn4hBJvm_6Wmm4yP7KrAJItGFYNSdRh7US4GvSRy0BA5WvqvbRoFcW0FiPDH3zcstH4DmH_rKOOw8UR7k2m4pK_KrTVCi1VavX3enRiZVdiV6dS3BTYtgg32CbE1KqNVdzzpKnyjzeHRWZPNg==>
> *SAUDI ARABIA: Three Online Television Journalists Held by Saudi Police *
> VIDEO: Reporters Without Borders hails yesterday's release of three Web TV
> journalists - Firas Baqna, Khalid Al-Rasheed and Hussam Al-Darwish - who
> were held arbitrarily for two weeks, without being charged and without any
> reason being given, in what was clearly an attempt to intimidate them and
> get them to censor themselves. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/31)
> http://en.rsf.org/arabie-saoudite-three-online-television-31-10-2011,41254.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SPQ4tZ6-5KdoSDl1ItEyHlnRzKSs8dRfFjdTHtXF52CFP1_FrhkzqKO9Amtd-uL8T6rYDJL_CSZnlCHZUWdahB7netxcsvn2YCNoCdGBs_qghwPPVOBBlXiOZa7fCYDO-jXx3U0Ys8xkQMe6UBJ7NAdjCKExR-T5jjL1Duv85pyvtJXVXuqaqJ>
> *SYRIA: Detained Bloggers and Journalists in Syria: The List Gets Longer *
> Since the street protest movement began in March 2011 in Syria, threats
> and physical attacks against journalists have increased. The list of
> detained bloggers and journalists gets longer and includes foreign
> journalists arrested and deported. Among the latest, prominent blogger and
> programmer Hussein Ghrer, who disappeared on October 24. (Global Voices
> Advocacy, 10/28)
> http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/2011/10/28/detained-bloggers-and-journalists-in-syria-the-list-gets-longer/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Ruwa2QwQMSHDhjvSxB29j7_4W8xBdi3s5Q9uXrJ3DGtZZNSmdHAXSaITN2M7pTr1Wj3M02cApzdBi6cKzqnId-Kn8SMqME15AiwhhWGoTbuV0jnQTdecaf7owpmlgxoDiqL1oCGUY4lErgUvE9qNB3n8-eGtb208QePv3zvOtkEMeTyptLc9b6N08YWUxhKl8R6IQzhI3T4VpIM43wEHRjSTIVr_eVLMWq2s8q_s1PsA==>
> *SYRIA: U.S. Firm Acknowledges Syria Uses Its Gear to Block Web *
> A U.S. company that makes Internet-blocking gear acknowledges that Syria
> has been using at least 13 of its devices to censor Web activity there-an
> admission that comes as the Syrian government cracks down on its citizens
> and silences their online activities. (Wall Street Journal, 10/29)
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203687504577001911398596328.html#ixzz1cNKYFMAO<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QxtMhbfRaEgu8otqYATX8dg-xeDQnBiBaagdFdHDANJpgisp0e0LAQBVd3SlYFI-OuCgxjABY5c0cgJmrRicSba80vyImrKIjZpq1ERh31g6gzytAXDsuK7eD-BYkX1fxd1qL1hM1FPApdUtn_pgZVLPFDuboJRWNlw_jI4J2QJvbjdbYsmlLV1n6eEm5krSPOTVBa3PayLA==>
> *SYRIA: Syrian Journalists, Blogger Missing*
> The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the continued
> disappearance of Syrian journalists and bloggers. (Committee to Protect
> Journalists, 10/31)
> http://cpj.org/2011/10/syrian-journalists-blogger-missing.php<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9S_18kC9TGGgu_qhLFBhn7zvOH3z8C0GnveLtSKkVLzUyz6gOLk-3gu8yIpNImboNb3ohpAsvns3IwELpzk5lDHDv8LZzCVDU79pIFE8a0JBwf1ShpIBjnEMR4mDMD4aZK-zg2UvT3jwsZj0U6we3YxAJB4-bqmiIQ=>
> *SYRIA: Syria Makes Journalists Disappear*
> Business reporter Lina Saleh Ibrahim is the latest Syrian journalist to go
> missing. The 31-year-old who works for the state-owned daily newspaper
> Tishreen has been missing for seven days. She was last seen leaving her
> Damascus home on 25 October. (The Guardian, 11/1)
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/greenslade/2011/nov/01/syria-journalist-safety<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QiIcAypKwsK8Idyg2LCExp5dlCj7vdpV8PSYv-JZcoVCXvZZ7bJ0zaEWxoF3OxS4kLrDPj_Z43Cj2uPmZ0iPNMvXi-7sGoCuKQl6NU_lzFaKu68LENZljb2VE4oAqZ5O6BOmVzJ99lxGRhSEtKDJcWkSkhugLQ5UmSsmW1P8NR6lHDAHA9vI1DlJg9zkYTpW8=>
> *UKRAINE: Appeal to Parliament about Dangers of "Public Decency" Bill*
> Dear Members of Parliament, Reporters Without Borders, an international
> organization that defends freedom of information, would like to share with
> you its concern about Bill No. 7132 proposing amendments to the Protection
> of Public Decency Law. (Reporters Without Borders, 10/28)
> http://en.rsf.org/ukraine-appeal-to-parliament-about-dangers-28-10-2011,41307.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Sxw7VBu4FySXSRFMttWEK-vllwpxJIzW05bKmfi4G9gLaSFb68vDNK8_gyc1AR13c_qLPibchds__ynEvTq8-8QgYw2cHf6SNQZNvLGZ_Wim7eIEB_IUiTZOJUlAZvZehrZ0iLgspaYdS3fGMfBUx_jRu-9sQd6NNF21K-YuBikzITJ74Up19w>
> *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: UAE Begins Trial of Five Democracy Activists*
> Five activists have been put on trial in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
> for expressing their opinions on the banned political website, UAE Hewar
> (Dialogue). They have been accused of incitement and insulting the
> symbols of the state under article 176 of the penal code. The case has even
> been upgraded to a threat to national security, even though the accused did
> not write anything of the sort on the blog. Since their arrest six months
> ago, they have been humiliated and tortured. (Al-Akhbar, 10/28)
> http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/uae-begins-trial-five-democracy-activists<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SjBs_FiUfJ9V5iNxvTKEVJnorbYw8rA15V7Fm_Fvtx1nOGnABBR-gqD88U8e4WPs-kXIsxwxgygVw060_gX_2Ybonqdx4Z8xtWlsNd0fCF75Nflnvwu8t9hLqawCABcKiEcdS6IpkbDnbbO38z6YWFDSrl5bw5AkfpNoHCvQV13BgX9EL0TVgv>
> *UNITED KINGDOM: UK Cops Using Fake Mobile Phone Tower to Intercept
> Calls, Shut Off Phones*
> Britain's largest police force has been using covert surveillance
> technology that can masquerade as a mobile phone network to intercept
> communications and unique IDs from phones or even transmit a signal to shut
> off phones remotely. (Threat Level, 10/31)
> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/10/datong-surveillance/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9RmLTKeUZLhAGO-7p69u7SoZCGnIQroRpCOetfc7VTWYyP3TfYAVvSGG9zkp2ipe7wKUWCVERr3BuT2xk61iYkZfyUFQIycz0hFoG6rQUjoO6ExrteJz6xiDDY2NRHk5PfXJ5OjnGEaNxnBvrBqTml44RosFymQW4k=>
> *UNITED KINGDOM: Cameron Told Not to Shut Down Internet *
> The Foreign Secretary cautioned David Cameron against shutting down
> internet services during the riots this summer, it has emerged, over fears
> a blackout would be seized on by countries such as China and Syria as
> evidence of British hypocrisy on free speech. (Telegraph, 11/1)
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/8862335/Cameron-told-not-to-shut-down-internet.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Rp097Gsn3h0CHa8GDjgeLMuj5uCMYbYjSWZIKR7XSpjHV2T2c4ixpLOf7Yy7C81ODZEqQLXpFn5j6mdPySXsuCojZE820Gy_v_D8YYh4UiuyQgQlC8atpV-9NFEzb4DzQaWv-S1P75G7k1EzU4fOjxnvudHvP-9tVQ8lDuq_XcYopq71-rsKT1g7N8PrE8VKpZpfcPaD8aSw==>
> *Digital Media News Affecting Activists*
> *How to Create Your Own Google Maps*
> Would you like to create a custom Google Map of all the wonderful cities
> that you have visited so far? Or maybe an annotated map that offers easy
> driving directions to the wedding venue? Or maybe you have customers in
> different parts of the world and you would like to display testimonials on
> one Google Map. (Digital Inspiration, 10/17)
> http://www.labnol.org/internet/create-google-maps/20231/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9R4hBEvTuF4vyhrq7-0YZHuEFlYw5o14_8poZ3quCli5C2TTKqIhWVwbm6s2jED9WzVJTw2_maF2Hzol5c4x9A9HPPDq_4rJ9YxEGQKUIj7HAcCczgvZxAMwtpUazFJdBeiw5uKlwZJbxqwtz_GgVKogNxXCdC7D2s=>
> *Google Plus Finds Sweet Spot Between Facebook & Twitter*
> *VIDEO:* Google Plus got a few more fun features today in addition to
> workplace ones. There's a new feature called What's Hot that surfaces
> popular posts (don't call them "trending"), and a very cool visualization
> tool called Ripples that lets you watch Plus conversations flow out across
> the network. These are neat ways to track social activity that Facebook and
> Twitter don't offer. (Read Write Web, 10/27)
> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_plus_finds_a_sweet_spot_between_facebook_tw.php<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QYNO7c07SYBWMyO_8mTPhfsmOuUD2pQ16kvUSjXrZomPLvHFV4yAnZuFbnIJ2utvWKc6caB2WIy3b66V8zPHrrKmTW3p4P7N5HAIkYgH3gD9nOnqsWyn2NsVGJ9BOd4rMXjp6tGRSS5jNBy9zU4m1DV2yJucfJNhjR5KKYnCYQZ0HRNkw3fHPuF6PO7eOFpi0=>
> *When is the Best Time to Tweet? Timely Will Tell You*
> It might seem like the only things that affect the amount you get
> retweeted are your follower count and what you're tweeting - but the timing
> of your tweets is just as important. (All Twitter, 10/28)
> http://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/when-is-the-best-time-to-tweet-timely-will-tell-you_b3101<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QePj1e8OysSGNiFxPG1z2F11SOo2EisdP3HVpLSmvGtIaYtPpMkYshyuSauWm1UTPFRSI8dLlqulLGJW5NvqM0xikVjvGC-inguP0dJu_IyjMQHixUpwQbpg948AmeJoc9VsRZY8X_5Uy1osKYbHJ8QjXZ3io__vxm3RYqPjfatW5FVwJFp_XLS2FvNbj6xSDmyf10hox3aA==>
> *Being Handcuffed? Press Send*
> There is a strong technological strain running through Occupy Wall Street,
> and software developers have been gathering at events in several cities to
> develop such tools for the demonstrators. (New York Times, 10/30)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/nyregion/about-to-be-hauled-off-in-handcuffs-press-send.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SgAHf4K4Wmz8lIlXbUuU9Yuf655lqE5iIbdY7NEFqLpqyNPEiPL0UZTgn1MkeidfXw9uDlGymEyy6AoGEHho3ZYznvvQ8dLPgRfRurNKnHJ-zJGuPdHhXJv9mklXbnXnfrKFbPoXzVi_yTMETv8uNvRY-K01sGEODgwNMm-K5aSIEHQxRNmTmN5lfh_cqnZeIO9oIdm0C4p9zANo9xKWX4>
> *Hacktivsim*
> *PODCAST:* Simon Cox and Rupert Goodwins look into the secretive world of
> hacktivism. As the Occupy movement sweeps the globe protests and disruption
> are increasingly emerging on the web. Simon talks to those involved in
> hacktivism as well as the security experts trying to combat their
> activities. (BBC Radio, 10/31)
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016lbpp<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TlNB58fZsnFYlMM7xpcIQYx7bkpRXeJDH6xN65P9r8IFHA0Va4Sj1rQkYOxA-HxkI6AdNclAnTFYS7BI8I7OdAz4dJSh3c56E8vb3BNqjeLxvKA82TNh49hXyATVnYkPQ=>
> *CHINA: Chinese Activists Turn To Twitter In Rights Cases*
> *AUDIO:* In China, microblogs are transforming the way activists draw
> attention to human rights cases. Despite strict Internet controls, netizens
> are using Chinese Twitter as a powerful tool. (NPR, 10/28)
> http://www.npr.org/2011/10/28/141606687/chinese-activists-turn-to-twitter-in-rights-cases<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SAzGVkXIf4RgUPpc-FpQEhKzvq8vZafHLwMGONcCbKwJ9rs0iM2TDnKsWqzUpGLemrZU8V-yu-LrpplRTED7TYxx6ZUCwAJiNPFxgX7BhoDGPJfQALACHkJiHIo3cbqhTxAH4OPvBgRIZtiAptjEy3dySzZOwSp3apcq-LK-WN7nWQbl_p6de-mB_9R_YMLqa0ITvWVDQ1Ng==>
> *MEXICO: Anonymous Skeptical of Proposed Attack on Zetas Drug Cartel*
> OpCartel, an announced Anonymous operation to take on the Mexican drug
> cartel known as the Zetas, seems like it might be in line with
> Anonymous's recent shift away from pursuing lulz in favor of
> morals-motivated attacks against pedophiles, misbehaving corporations and
> repressive regimes. (Threat Level, 10/30)
> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/10/opcartel/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9S9x0hKnHwCvVT1AJEUOhdwuJIsC0p42cEgHoAkB5Rgvu3r-MK6G62YL2dzRxrnRjvqtIEJzhxPUO4IEZ80FMWYVnJ8eRxcf_wwTm0i01wk1gFA61nhO3OupJJFnWvm04SoCKdhLvUbL9cxMGik1vxf>
> *MEXICO: Dying for the Truth: Drug Cartels Target Journalists in Mexico*
> "There are more independent bloggers commenting on drug issues and posting
> gruesome photos of crime scenes," says Forbes. "This is something that the
> mainstream media has basically decided against in the current situation." A
> worrisome consequence of this development is that drug cartels are now
> targeting social media users. In September the bodies of two bloggers and
> Twitter users were found hanging from a bridge in Nuevo Laredo. The victims
> had earlier published information and pictures related to drug traffic on
> Twitter and blogs. The message from cartel leaders was clear: "If you write
> about us, you will pay for it." (European Journalism Center, 11/1)
> http://www.ejc.net/magazine/article/dying_for_the_truth_drug_cartels_target_journalists_in_mexico/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QlFruUeIotQSyWNLHnpHVSuNJJamRHj9fxstCjTDdvjll-RJOmbbY-9VT6KlY8dlsZSWI15ISCI9W4ZCHRkfDo1bi0VjPbdeJO4JbU5j-UAOCGjAIhM-5OF5NSF6pCA9lgcAbl2rI85eWvEX_ljQ4GBFL1ULb5HSqhlKoemfZ2wleEJbfW558wpIMYGlwQPXnCwA_1LkP-pQPOoCK8wNkw>
> *SOUTH KOREA: By Lampooning Leaders, Talk Show Channels Young People's
> Anger*
> Once a week, the four men sit around in a rented studio, laughing,
> blurting occasional expletives and making fun of South Korea's leader,
> President Lee Myung-bak. Then they post a recording of their talk online.
> (New York Times, 11/2)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/world/asia/lampooning-leaders-talk-show-channels-young-peoples-anger-in-south-korea.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Ty1U9GLeWb4TcrB6DL_mS8agvv8Ww4xr8kKm-G7G8vyu5_Ffol9gx8XuToIQ1AgHIi-II4NUTu9rMbgzo3Dcq98McTMXqKFwfB4iTXKYMiWGVJmGkIGawWYeVsB-GPkDQGkupu5tHLXVAEJrEaOPu3Xm1Hnboywt5w-_UOL0X7Q2vTeyCkSVSzL8sxETLLIyEsaf-r0whTf-iE5oNS98km6v4h5RCpqhn_Spor3qjXgk1jGRg9SfKW>
> *Update on Digital Media Companies and Outlets*
> *FACEBOOK: Facebook's 'Coolest' Data Hub Coming to Sweden*
> Facebook announced Thursday that it would immediately begin building a
> massive data centre -- its third globally and first in Europe -- in the
> Swedish town of Luleå, near the Arctic Circle. (The Local Sweden, 10/27)
> http://www.thelocal.se/37002/20111027/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TQ6fqEv1x6_P3URQDCJrSYdgGzUHwEFy-AHtAxgr6hte7nuoiL_fbfYZ6p9yl9FQyIIdThJCTOm1EYHKVXTAd__s_wxlb2NdVsu1R_H5B58LSp5205iG2GiJCFMLD4bdU=>
> #
> *FACEBOOK: Where In The World People Do Not Use Facebook*
> IMAGES: Way back in December of last year, Facebook released its connections
> map. FlowingData.com recently released an inverse of the Facebook
> friendship map, showing where in the world people don't use the social
> network. Facebook has not been able to adequately penetrate the non-Western
> markets of China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. To create the UnFacebook
> map, visual arts grad student Ian Wojtowicz mashed the Facebook
> connections map with NASA's map of Earth at night. (Read Write Web, 11/1)
> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/where_in_the_world_people_do_not_use_facebook.php<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9RMtj30OitJWH-2NFP78CnUtamA-kHFHWQ1zDuNrp-ZpBHq922lky1Hiv2I_VaupldB-id3NjvjZ4Tr4mUNpqr3hdUwpEjPMuOP40JdZ6ny8nKCauWEMbZnUyDN0c-NSMvg-iUnd_-VZr20HqJj3sNZHkGTa23Db2FEGluaq9OYHnK2-AQLDKAH2pSic5VSQ6Q=>
> *FACEBOOK/GOOGLE: Google Begins Indexing Facebook Comments*
> Googlebots, or the spiders that crawl web pages, are now reading Facebook
> comments on websites just like any other text content and the more
> interesting part is that you can also search the text of these comments
> using regular Google search. (Digital Inspiration, 10/31)
> http://www.labnol.org/internet/google-indexes-facebook-comments/20295/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QKmCIjtRDxxPCXo3tScgRwDQqgraHcWN9LpfNLFIxIlq6KqSaOLExMb2DdezcijJKPFXx5Lgf_cY4MOkAE1PATNPuo7EHgZawoaOHp3MZUpM6e2IzIfVo8jlGAcPEO-7Qahs6vIdtPqgmCViPrb7pAIyBlaEj3aLLppGWd2_qNMA==>
> *TUMBLR: Tumblr Admits Its Spam Problem*
> Tumblr doesn't like to talk about all the spam coursing through its
> servers. But when NPR's Fresh Air started commenting on the problem, the
> microblogging site came clean. Because who is dumb enough to cross Terry
> Gross? (Gawker, 11/1)
> http://gawker.com/5855060/tumblr-admits-its-spam-problem<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T-ihjL7NaZQwgiZDcgQ0H3nCk4kiKnlRip5bb2JmWwzIaTmt85mcu2vc5BHi4wX0hzVU0kMn4UbfR0jfNYwtIg2GJ9MlkIDaTUhs7-R40tL0Vl2mrxSwuohyWEnCOvzGNbNPQHVI_SBR94_tP86s6g>
> *TWITTER: Twitter Launches "Twitter Stories" To Highlight How One Tweet
> Can Have A Big Impact*
> Twitter has launched a new initiative called "Twitter Stories", intended
> to show the world just how powerful a single tweet can be. The company is
> highlighting the heartwarming stories of individuals using Twitter to
> change their lives and the lives of those around them. (All Twitter, 11/2)
> http://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/twitter-stories_b15374<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9QdA-3ZAtewuN1n_N1InxW_f7i_lqWrVi0iyR5ik0joNfg_q-AUVqWgZ6_hMsk1-hhGog15G-HTZeDbZBYg0wh8w_JMS38ooIbl0iKPrqMibNhIWUsjWS45hw4OeZzf37gQbLwFATv773HXLlivUYuUzewTwG-zf0I=>
> *TWITTER: Why Twitter Could Win the Online Identity Race*
> As social media and social networks become a larger part of our online
> lives, the race to become the default identity platform for the social
> web continues to intensify, with Facebook, Twitter and Google all hoping
> to control - and profit from - the ways that users connect to various
> services. Although Facebook and Google both have massive resources to
> deploy in this battle, venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners
> argues that Twitter stands the best chance of becoming the go-to identity
> player for many users, and there are some pretty compelling reasons to
> believe he is right. (GigaOM, 11/2)
> http://gigaom.com/2011/11/02/why-twitter-could-win-the-online-identity-race/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Q5wVjmF-3bJda9qriSmKGJwdEZHkSe2fROY4LhuOLysp4ejAlA1VSLmDO1DK27r9C8Ps0uFYHf_npPtU9PjoyrdxEb78s2acjXkJTemWvDTifcQCdUIxERwF0ezAPdzfN53RsL_rWZ-VF7GEFj9jxDouEbyJaGn6jZ9rRFPDF1caMYhEdp8DjY>
> *Digital Media in the Middle East*
> *Arab Spring Reshapes Market for TV News*
> As revolutions upend the political landscape across the Arab world, the
> news media landscape is shifting, too. The market for Arabic-language
> television news, dominated for years by two satellite channels with close
> links to Arab rulers, is poised for a shot of new competition with the
> pending introduction of two 24-hour news channels backed by Western media
> conglomerates. (New York Times, 10/31)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/31/technology/31iht-arabtv31.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TuQFOM8vZX3HlqUVMbKMfXgT8wVnIbE_wDrLswAPael6MXcqfH-IFNLwZjgM14vG9YLwCaPfxwYFxdiYyS0etG9B4uVsL5cLHzfW-aaR4f6fzsDFDfXBy_0C8NSCrx0L0J0xWEzxNcbT-kaE8wzAMQyx-G_pVosGm2GXAQPlJmhQ==>
> *Yahoo and BBC Team Up to Bring More Arabic Content to the Web*
> Yahoo Maktoob has just signed a deal with BBC Arabic which will see the
> BBC's content shared on Yahoo's Arabic site. (The Next Web, 11/2)
> http://thenextweb.com/me/2011/11/02/yahoo-and-bbc-team-up-to-bring-more-arabic-content-to-the-web/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9R6KYKkzY0KR7RPmruaiSHyoWGYWDwiZBcgCYTrXmgKdm4jHYgeY99Kv78BO9cvM2qM58VAHurNGQau1jOhyTne5Ib3K5p0v2a0YJyASxw5mbOb9ydc2SfX_7GhtwUVjuG9kfWL9FB3DdGdeprjC4O4xNUkFWVV7K-r68b9f85ofJheng9hoBVD83es971FjveapO4mCgNAmq7PE3EDJBWa>
> *Internet Freedom Initiative Mere Lip Service?*
> For years, the Middle East has led the world in online repression. Over
> the course of the past year, the region has changed drastically but, it
> seems, some things are intent on staying the same. In the past few weeks,
> Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Syria have all detained bloggers and
> online activists, while elsewhere in the region, self-censorship is the
> name of the game. While the United States and the European Union have
> repeatedly condemned the actions of the Syrian government - where they have
> virtually no influence - both have remained largely silent on the threats
> facing bloggers in allied countries across the region, at a time when
> arrests are at an all-time high. (Al-Jazeera, 11/3)
> http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/10/20111030102051411130.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Qv83XssUqotKY00n6zT9YYfZ9_WLQYXBua_Lcc7GzdpX0UKjF1OwHyJ6BaEbMNTeBTs-Kk40Wj3IyFZ-6elWR9VtriXXvgPxUW3avkMasuhTXpUxRL_JvOZS5R6rY7QaaeYCE1HlUlOl2UlSEY9nwwWMXmM9QzuaxGzzKPv7DlzBp-3ZwfBwDevFfVImhlLpY=>
> *EGYPT: Revolution Inspires Egyptian Digital Professionals*
> "It's the revolution," answers Heba Honsi, a young activist who has been
> working for ten years in charity, when asked what motivated her to launch a
> website to enable people to donate to those in need. (Al Masry Al Youm,
> 10/28)
> http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/509558<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SuzgVRpP6WCp4pYnn1-ej4VhhD9_A52ToDNOUf3JkYFIVpr4tzuBYnMEBBmd9C3jrT1ufkMEk6Y0NXI--0RBqYDpmz2hCnzwr0ZN3haazsZNMfwQXJX_zDdLRVIUkwjatnDLKKyU9Mgw==>
> *EGYPT: Brotherhood, Salafis, and Sufis Wage Electronic War ahead of
> Elections *
> Facebook has turned into an electronic battlefield for the Muslim
> Brotherhood, Salafis and Sufis campaigning for seats in the upcoming
> parliamentary elections, as they increasingly criticize each other and
> promote their own candidates on the popular social network. (Al Masry Al
> Youm, 11/1)
> http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/510710<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9R6ThLaLLWbs5kck9-Vx2RB2aIxAMP-1y4r542hX12WE8CcEK0JADbdSuw2WTBqDeJ-QAToMyu-WXsNGxXR0b-dDGboH5fU9_YUFXaYqppcMQWtvSpvy81Hjv4bQ3FUlPtx1zSXvCkoEA==>
> *EGYPT: Egypt's Revolution is in Turmoil but its Social Media Activism
> Points to a Bright Future*
> "Same book, different cover." That was how a well-connected social media
> manager described Egypt's post-revolution transition when the Meedan team
> met him last week in Cairo. (Meedan, 11/3)
> http://meedan.org/2011/11/egypt-social-web-activism-for-democracy/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Sj6dU6TYkTw5OWB_ZloVpka7vgaL8OLl8UKAzJwO0lnEoJQCt7WkoL9-tgDLvSGj3bxSX-HD6ZeGXTzUFOf_IVyYEbVOEr7SDOyjgDkgClUgxm8ZgwommfYBOq4QlcDuciRLixYlo1rfhOm5rlkoLEXytixMrXchQpknNOzt7U8w==>
> *IRAN: Report: Iran Creates Special Unit to Defend against Cyber Attacks
> on the Islamic Republic*
> A senior Iranian official says the country has created a special unit to
> defend the Islamic Republic against cyber attacks. (Washington Post, 10/31)
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/report-iran-creates-special-unit-to-defend-against-cyber-attacks-on-the-islamic-republic/2011/10/31/gIQANKCdYM_story.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9RQ-yt_-ScW1_i1yYcFTSbSotW08447u8ymwHoxk_gTtcCTFoHnTZAenmyEh1hmvSei67pwa1B9iCiqdDh9qbk4uy0mipiPQIE1K4JF4-d9SP2KLDHnrfPeAHvFaM4d3YLnqhHpoe5y5lK_wMUGp91CUL-1xTzUUGVbUFqbqvoJ1u0eEfGF50d8_BUCoqk5BjPZv9PC2GprcEGdxnwdmxhpNNWimLG8H6-q5HNdaTWa3-8cK1vCoBwhPPKds-w4GwHRkLX-ym7npqhK-rc-lHVtn0No7Db-SJneochQRIr-SxemkzjznR74>
> *PALESTINE: Hackers Shut Down Palestinian Internet Network*
> Internet service is completely cut off in Gaza Tuesday and partially shut
> down in the West Bank after an attack on the main Internet provider to the
> Palestinian territories, according to a minister with the Palestinian
> Authority. (CNN, 11/1)
> http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/01/hackers-shut-down-palestinian-internet-network/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9RfTu4xunaepQ47dCgUOigM-tz5XpDoRpdZYoIsXkCY-agALwDsdY-1WQMWCaw1omYPOmWhfXfsp9dFbwaWQDE_NdYxBkRAbwuW3coCELc6r0-udM_It10owSdPRWDpvfFDNjBPRdM3p3qLxr88_chmtu0Lb9_hsvh85ZTudm3YMFdNVtppJHtOBj4YjjW_7VOG9p3_nEKtmQ==>
> *PALESTINE: Palestinians Hit by Cyber-Attack Following Success at UNESCO*
> Internet services in the West Bank and Gaza have come under "sustained
> attack" by unknown hackers in multiple locations, according to officials.
> (The Guardian, 11/1)
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/01/palestinians-hit-cyber-attack-unesco<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Ru1Caw2s_P6h7ia8W_yaPDDqdt01EbU2Hic-n3TqhD6-Vwvfef7ZLY1kqswhmevZFSHGdmbVpXPBJerhUECClHQUd-LmWgX61JWuek77CTz6uAlRQ7De_fT0_Yx24Hr8Bmzv0udXtN1LcYDfc4nAW_8gGwxttIRhRyNr3VC6AXAoRZSCcL1xgHrx_RGPF63X8=>
> *TUNISIA: Let's Invade Social Networks*
> A crazy wave of posts hit the world of social networks when Tunisian
> netizens decided to invade Facebook and Twitter with their comments. The
> move started with netizens showing solidarity and support for the American
> occupy movement by posting chants and messages on the official Facebook
> page of US president Barack Obama. (Global Voices Online, 10/31)
> http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/10/31/tunisia-lets-invade-social-networks/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Rs4xu4awVkHRRIvoIKbyUxBlIHO6Dqcnsp8ao_orByBMTpssKlVkTy4ourQLI-E2pBxjAAx_JSohjfGo8r4TUcjVL198ZiP6UZXfAe41QnpAcjJuVLQjTT3k4Tja5w79iOExLdyWWmBRdORXq4plnM5q2A4U2O7pa-nyHTxNPm0Vc8G8DirccU>
> *Digital Media in Journalism and Newsrooms*
> *Newspapers Use Social Media to Say 'Smart is the New Sexy'*
> Print newspaper subscriptions have declined for years as younger readers
> increasingly turn to digital sources for news. And surveys have shown
> that more younger readers are getting their news not through traditional
> news sites, but from Facebook and Twitter. That is why Tarabocchia is
> exactly the type of reader newspapers are trying to seduce with a saucy new
> marketing campaign. (CNN, 10/27)
> http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/27/tech/social-media/newspapers-smart-sexy-campaign/index.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Ri_6RoqyGPGbSFmXkHRmlyLjJACMQt7EyrzW0sftn6aPOACVvY6tPss8MavcdAfxA5Auc2-gVBWGzuP6NP2s9b_E6fIA2cLu-_UlyKUzyfItpkUmUkT_6v-meHn_uGFx5urFgI5-3PzUzXvPgXV2gT8jAfMj_l1_6Wxy7J-mBTbT186jNHeaNSnmuyvVvzu1BXNdEAPdZwRg==>
> *Cyborg No More! The BBC Moves to Human-Edited Twitter Feeds*
> Move over, auto-tweets: This week, the BBC has switched its @BBCNews Twitter
> feed to all-human curation. (One small step for a news feed; one giant leap
> for newsfeedkind.) (Nieman Journalism Lab, 10/27)
> http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/10/cyborg-no-more-the-bbc-moves-to-human-edited-twitter-feeds<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Qds2THWLogwXRKFkqsxn6llmxMAnYOcLoIjO3PdVEfueI5GzZwfsMzNqcIeKfHepC0sPRseiuNDCbaVrGcvmjTjmrKsMRxdljfBZXfiChhCQzNhQfBRhE1Ems5hcggES6-7aBxrcse9_0BLoa3RhYr7K-Evk_1R_m0zrCuNT_HNi6iBFSU4OIA4u_GuA4vxiO4b0DReVmRfA==>
> *Let's Get It Right with Real Names in 2012*
> Traditional news media have made a destructive mistake by encouraging
> anonymous commenting on their web sites. But it's not too late to simply do
> away with this bad idea. The upcoming 2012 election - likely to be the
> greatest digital political event in American history - offers the perfect
> opportunity to get journalism's house in order. (Knight Foundation, 10/28)
> http://www.knightfoundation.org/blogs/knightblog/2011/10/28/lets-get-it-right-real-names-2012/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9S0fk1zHvbKpOXN_0Z-K6DTdf7YDCna-CyTbSZU3ONhBeBjaSn5eJRdUGqar_mLd0oQRgp0R_H20jKkngTnicaJIaRF1mrcsqtndmS4vWzcqu4tQ2HgRHPWC_2poPFbbh9kUOXEylqTWj9WDtUxMKgQcRtofKxXjyYr3-hWTebNm9UJeRSuRSdJEPNVDPUBsa8H9evTJQmgXCwVgLXyKz5K>
> *Heron: "I think my job will probably not exist in five years."*
> Why the social media editor job may be a transitional one. (Nieman
> Journalism Lab, 10/28)
> http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/10/heron-i-think-my-job-will-probably-not-exist-in-five-years/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T2JJL0uxchpUReHunFwVdkaIBNm7siPvVDjmJPZWVgG9pLHPD9JTygf7J1GOISRVt9J2uZ67dry3Zgx2G9C2smAA52USb44K_Na8knlh1CRj1yDwGBzOFCgyPLQzSEwRhy2NoPCSGhIpeKBHQmgzdqz6d2gNvpv74BCHSusV-gO525JIXMag_7yyYaLo7z-McrtNhhagb0Iw==>
> *Wherever You See a Demonstration, Journalism Has Failed*
> I know that this might sound harsh to some readers, but people don't take
> to the streets to support a cause that's getting wall-to-wall news
> coverage. They take to the streets when they feel their voices aren't being
> heard - and won't be, unless they make a public demonstration. (Online
> Journalism Review, 10/28)
> http://www.ojr.org/ojr/people/robert/201110/2027/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SySjP8Efh3fMEoSer-lmqkRwnTx19kyr4G8ar0dgMrTGc_MQdsJ-TLzRFWOwKcoRHcDSvc5mTTLxtVJegx-nMpDPP4PRNUiQAuMHgGSzCAuIZmtG0DRFV89SxDv561KnrVtkj2fLaM5dSbjD66BIXx>
> *Robot Network Seeks to Enlist Your Computer to Beat Fox, CNN to Breaking
> News Video*
> A South Korean startup called Shakr aims to use the processing power of
> its users' distributed computers to create video news coverage of breaking
> events faster than international news giants can with human labor. Shakr unveiled
> its use of WegGL technology, which uses a computer's powerful graphics
> processing card to extend the capabilities of Javascript in the browser, at
> TechCrunch's startup event today in Beijing, China. (Read Write Web,
> 10/31)
> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/robot_network_seeks_to_enlist_your_computer_to_bea.php<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9T7bQGGGqllmk1UV7Q1YvDiLZRIAuTOxikM9K_aeYyVkS2CcQ4xxdBcpFyHuUJkVNWHqeVsm035AsUUoxupB1KW6HzOpS6TwlW_sSbDRYJao2-tdF49wv7gGH2N07Lt4RR4CULnb14LkRWBk-cuWoImKSoXUSl0gvk0aBQ11tGHFxBtryi8tRHoqTIlP7ga5S4=>
> *Zeega Makes Interactive Storytelling Simple (But Don't Call It a WYSIWYG)
> *
> Journalists and coders on Sunday got a first look at Zeega, a web
> application that aims to help journalists create rich, interactive stories
> with drag-and-drop ease. (Nieman Journalism Lab, 10/31)
> http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/10/zeega-makes-interactive-storytelling-simple-but-dont-call-it-a-wysiwyg/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Sl6SH-VVxs9mvMITnW2GCwhxm-c04G2fI6viQ9TYxfM53X1qvidTqP7FN_e_vZ13kOPiJ6wy-YzV4vFWqkQwHJGsVrDXabdHAWGc52fioVl_wMtSa_RtymKvzqq359Zpn_kgm-0iQy7gkqBDSgEOV6jTX9VECuGecAfYFy_BSs3wwMGeMCCr47sfq7tChA2Xt8QMO-iKxRqocslOqJU8ZptK1BrT7yVBg=>
> *Highlighting Journalists on Google News*
> Great journalism takes more than facts and figures -- it takes skilled
> reporters to knit together compelling stories. Knowing who wrote an article
> can help readers understand the article's context and quality, see more
> articles by that person, and even interact directly with them. Whole
> communities can form around prominent contributors, which is why we started
> showing information about content creators next to their material in
> Google Search. (Google News, 11/2)
> http://googlenewsblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/highlighting-journalists-on-google-news.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SDxBC_RkBP2weP4sF0AwUXTchsmgkT7F32DOG8Qg1g9yWADs4FJYmhTPpzbp8aKdDUFHrjh71mHliDtGNWDzFSRPurwF7KeO6RI-PzYae778UMkQzuR51Frnh1cwFDmosgRRruN0vPLKfTdMl0tHpjcfBX_qQdXmvh3dNwx47dFiake0xoooPNBl0az363wlw=>
> *Radio in the Digital Age*
> *AFRICA: New Social Network for Radio Broadcasters*
> Digital4Good and Farm Radio International launch social network for
> African radio broadcasters.
> http://www.barzaradio.com/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9Rs74rraEjMJjz_s1scATmNGd_KX17UlbVwCLz5axEyQLYYRMLq1kZVvUhT2ruTqZ_RjNa0JSewlJ1KPvO9MG7ekwstIDVyGMDTfMPZt88JwA==>
> *Community Radio Programming for the Digital Age*
> *VIDEO: *Benjamen Walker is the host of the program "Too Much Information" a
> radio show (and podcast) about life in the information age. He reports on
> many of the issues and topics of the day (Wikileaks, Anonymous, online
> porn, surveillance, net neutrality) but he also throws in conspiracy
> theories, fiction and interviews with ordinary people trying to make sense
> of their digital selves. (MIT Tech TV, 10/27)
> http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/14957-community-radio-programming-for-the-digital-age-with-benjamen-walker<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TbbQSrQdKyAV2VJQE8hkbCSD4WLRTAr9cWzliIO1ph2Kiy5ynPGPQoQZj08tzK1u1zWx3XBM0obrUzXjGYhe1SVbD4xKuPORBuvtrRz-_U0Vcn4sN19HnkDj25mwTynMi0Ais5EsD1N67Za7r03Ade65YcJeUqFsjvocTxlA66uoBYOeROdPwm0Hsfi19A8PL-0ysl0K7BWUNy97d2cCHU>
> *Conference Roundup*
> *AUSACE: Heyday of Digital Activism?*
> Traditional media have maintained a stronghold on news consumption in many
> countries in the world, but the internet is increasingly entering the
> battle for audiences. In the Arab world, it remains the only space for
> critical voices and is driving civil society activism. These were some of
> the conclusions of a panel of Mapping Digital Media researchers on 31
> October 2011 at the conference "Digital and Media Literacy: New Directions"
> organized by the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE) at
> the American University in Beirut. The event took place between 28 October
> and 31 October 2011. (Media Policy, 10/31)
> http://www.mediapolicy.org/ausace-beirut-digital<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9TAr5bsXBar_wjtNGUZbw6390vCVcNVubBsQtmT9xIZLbJTXuPSO7rsDfAkbgaYfTYtyZ5ma3PCGbKkYtJ_d0HXrafmUG14pZa_6_GCeUFyaqK8D-SqIWh0UJpUsVT5Q7s97D3JhMSyUw==>
> *JOURNALISM INTERACTIVE: Research into Social Sharing, Twitter, and
> Networked Journalism*
> *VIDEO:* The three presentations were by Zizi Papacharissi of University
> of Illinois at Chicago, Adrienne Russell of the University of Denver and
> myself. The session was moderated by Kalyani Chadha of the University of
> Maryland. (Reportr.net, 10/28)
> http://www.reportr.net/2011/10<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=vcw9audab&et=1108468470937&s=1926&e=001QCiRXWb_s9SzuXcoU5-X98u6o0K__BqEzubYH6WfNl8TvoY7y6tVO3lNjaGLIPz2msuKiwDK4QCZH03emWeK_yA7uCiDIehGZzVERkwPO5h0BAY0PvVcCDj92LIJjiY2DYkEqK4TZ990_nXB1cCrL0o48JKAqTJ5xLQzru9vD4Yb0mmcRmyYre40mvcH7pKi3dun6LOpK3KjZlTLuMICAS6ZHkNBcCJi9ll8-CF9tcQ=>
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> Should you need immediate assistance, please contact the list moderator.
> Please don't forget to follow us on http://twitter.com/#!/Liberationtech
Callie Wallace
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