[liberationtech] New Tools for Today's Investigative Journalist

Dan Blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 22:15:26 PDT 2011


The liberationtech twitter account reminded that the link never got
posted here. Thanks for the tweet.

Following an introduction, the article runs through a set of suggested
tools for journalists, especially investigative field journalists, to
utilize as standard kit in today's digital world.

Mentioned tools include Cyrpto.cat, Off-the-Record, PGP, PrivacyBox.de,
Skype, Redphone, CryptoPhone, Tor, anonymous online dead drop
considerations, Dropbox, and Encfs.

It follows up with recommended reading such as Tactical Technology
Collective's Security in-a-box, EFF's Surveillance Self-Defence,
RiseUp's Communication Security, and MobileActive's Guide to Mobile
Security Risk Assessment.

You're comments are greatly appreciated.

Dan Blah
pgp 0x36377134

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