[liberationtech] Outed via 'anonymous' email address.... Re: Anonymous blogger outed by analytics signature

10 com 10com at operamail.com
Wed Nov 30 18:18:58 PST 2011

Be aware that you maybe anonymous on the www surface, but 'underwater'
you're pretty easy to be traced back via traces of data like IP adress,
computer & software used. So when anonymity is essential you should work
from public internet-shops, with a computer you don't own, not uploading
material from an USB stick or so.
  10 com
  10com at operamail.com

On Thursday, November 17, 2011 10:02 PM, "Frank Corrigan"
<email at franciscorrigan.com> wrote:
> I recently set up an 'anonymous' email address on aol.com - I naively
> set up an alternative email address with a domain name that can be
> traced back to be me. Not a problem you might say, but those who have
> the email address can just go to:
>     mail.aol.com
> type in the address [xxxxxxxx at aol.com ] press the 'forgot password'
> section and get presented with a masked version of the backup email
> addresses domain name, though I did not use [xxxx at franciscorrigan.com]
> but could have...
> Though at least with aol there is no need to provide a back up email
> with registering.
> Frak
> ----- Original message -----
> From: "G." <griffinboyce at gmail.com>
> To: "Graham Webster" <g at gwbstr.com>
> Cc: "liberationtech List" <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:24:10 -0500
> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Anonymous blogger outed by analytics
> signature
> Hi all,
>   Yes, this is something one has to keep an eye on when *publishing*
>   while
> maintaining your anonymity online.  Any overlap in identity can give you
> away if you are an anonymous blogger.  This is the same as using a User
> ID
> across multiple sites you own.  A better option than using One analytics
> account (company is irrelevant) is to simply create a different account
> for
> each site.
>   Adsense has the same disadvantage.  If you run ads, switch over to
>   using
> something like Project Wonderful that allows you to have multiple
> accounts.
>  Or, run ads yourself and accept payment with WePay.  Or have merch, or
> accept donations. Or forego advertising altogether.
>   What you do to protect yourself as an anonymous blogger really depends
>   on
> who you're trying to conceal your identity from.  If you're trying to
> keep
> your identity from the US government, you'll have to go through a lot
> more
> trouble than if you're just trying to keep your employer from finding
> out.
>   If you want to be truly anonymous, you need to have no overlap in
> accounts (hosting, analytics, etc) at a minimum.  I'd like to see more
> discussion about this issue, since it affects so many people.
> Best,
> Griffin
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Graham Webster <g at gwbstr.com> wrote:
> > Hi Libtech,
> >
> > Thought it would be worth pointing out this article that reports it's
> > possible in some cases to determine who runs a site because of shared
> > analytics signatures. The writer notes that this risk isn't found in guides
> > to anonymous blogging he consulted.
> >
> > http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/11/goog-analytics-anony-bloggers/all/1
> >
> > Graham
> >
> >
> > --
> > Graham Webster
> > g at gwbstr.com
> > web gwbstr.com
> > twitter @gwbstr
> >
> -- 
> "I believe that usability is a security concern; systems that do
> not pay close attention to the human interaction factors involved
> risk failing to provide security by failing to attract users."
> ~Len Sassaman
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