[liberationtech] Ilya Zhitormirskiy, 1989 – 2011

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Nov 16 11:44:06 PST 2011

 Ilya Zhitormirskiy, 1989 – 2011

[image: Ilya]<http://blog.diasporafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/diaspora_large-0193-2.jpg>

This weekend we lost one of the brightest minds of the technology world,
and one of our best friends. Ilya Zhitormirskiy was a crusader—or, as he
called himself, a Dragonslayer—for freedom, privacy, and openness on the
Internet. He believed in the power of technology to make the world a better
place. And through the creation of Diaspora, he did.

His passions were infectious. His parties epic. He “dreamed a better, freer
future, and threw himself completely into building what he dreamed.”[1] The
thousands of tweets and hundreds of news articles reporting his passing are
a testament to the influence of his words and the strength of Diaspora’s
vision. “Every time I saw Ilya, he had a new plan to save the world. He was
optimistic without irony.”[2]  It pains us greatly that we will no longer
be graced by the bright-eyed idealist in the American flag shirt making us
all believe in the open web.

As Ilya himself said, “There’s something deeper than making money off
stuff, being a part of creating stuff for the universe is awesome.”

While his life ended, his vision and passion live on. The world needed his
voice. We’ll miss you Ilya.

There are memorials planned for Friday, Nov. 18  in San Francisco, and
Sunday, Nov. 20 in Philadelphia. In life, Ilya brought people together. In
death, he would have wanted the same thing. Everyone is welcome.

*In San Francisco*
*On Friday November 18th, from 5-8pm PT*

McAvoy O’Hara
4545 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94118
(map) <http://g.co/maps/h3x4n>

*In Philadelphia*
*On Sunday November 20, at 3pm ET*

First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
2125 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(map) <http://g.co/maps/6q584>

*In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to:*
“Ilya Zhitomirskiy Foundation”
PO Box 30551, Philadelphia, PA 19103

*Donations will go to tech-minded organizations and projects such as:
Lower-Marion School High School Robotics Club, Freedom Box Foundation, and

[1] Mike Sofaer<https://twitter.com/#!/MikeSofaer/status/135808277261983744>
[2] Karina van Schaardenberg<https://twitter.com/#!/kvanscha/status/135829820192989184>
Photo credit: Matt Nuzzaco <http://www.flickr.com/photos/nuzz>
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