[liberationtech] Announcing Open North, a non-profit to improve democracy

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 25 21:12:28 PST 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James McKinney <james at opennorth.ca>
Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:43 PM

I’d like to introduce a project I am now pursuing full-time: Open North, a
Canadian non-profit whose mission is to build online tools for a better
democracy. Open North believes good governance requires a strong democracy
and a strong democracy requires an engaged citizenry. We believe in using
the Internet to provide a platform for citizens to connect with each other
and their elected officials, to open the door to new models of
consultation, and to help governments involve citizens in decision-making.
(I’m sure most everyone on this list is familiar with these ideas.)

Jonathan Brun of Montreal Ouvert and Bernard Rudny of Apathy is Boring are
my co-founders in this initiative. You may have already heard of some of
our projects (http://opennorth.ca/work/), such as the interactive budget
app built for the Montreal borough of Plateau Mont-Royal.

Many of you are probably familiar with Visible Government, a non-profit
from 2009 with similar goals. The major difference would be one of focus.
Open North concentrates almost exclusively on building tools to improve
government transparency and to support citizen participation in government.

If you would like to follow Open North’s development, I invite you to
sign-up to our newsletter from our homepage. I will from time-to-time
announce new projects of interest to this list, as well.



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