[liberationtech] ONI Summarized Global Internet Filtering Data Now Available for Download

Masashi Nishihata masashi at citizenlab.org
Thu Nov 3 09:02:08 PDT 2011

The OpenNet Initiative is pleased to announce the availability of our
summarized global Internet filtering data as a downloadable CSV file
under a Creative Commons license. The data provides an overview of the
most recent ONI ratings of the breadth and depth of Internet censorship
in seventy-four countries across four content categories (political,
social, Internet tools and conflict/security). This release makes ONI
data more accessible to researchers, journalists, and data mash-up

The data is available on ourresearch<http://opennet.net/research>page
<http://opennet.net/research>), along with adescription of our

This release is in part timed for Hack4Transparency
(http://www.euhackathon.eu/)being held November 8-9, 2011 in Brussels as
part of ONI support for the event.

We are excited to see what the community does with this data and invite
feedback and suggestions for future releases.

See Orginal blog post here: http://opennet.net/blog/2011/11/oni-summarized-global-internet-filtering-data-now-available-download

Masashi Nishihata
Research Manager, Citizen Lab
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto

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