[liberationtech] Carrier IQ

Jesse Krembs jessekrembs at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 05:59:10 PST 2011

I might have missed this, but does anyone know what the breakdown is for
CIQ market penetration? Or in a another sense which carriers use it? Which
phone are effected? What's the payload version and features by phone?


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Eric King <eric at privacy.org> wrote:

> On 30 Nov 2011, at 13:48, John Graham-Cumming wrote:
> >  My best guess is that they are not storing all your keystrokes etc. on
> the servers (or even receiving them) and that this whole story will turn
> into one about privacy policies and ability to disable their software.
> They said that it is not in real time (although technically it could be)
> but depending on the service, they usually get around 200kb of data
> including 'aggregated key presses' (their words) once a week. More is sent
> if a call is dropped, or they want to drill down to a specific user etc.
> >  one about privacy policies and ability to disable their software.
> FWIW my scribbles tell me that they told me their opt-out rate is between
> 5 - 30%.
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Jesse Krembs
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