[liberationtech] Exactly how are satellite transmissions tapped/intercepted, in Syria and elsewhere?

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Mon Nov 28 23:17:29 PST 2011

On 11/28/2011 08:32 PM, Jesse Krembs wrote:
> It might also be of note that having bypassed the auto location reporting
> function already built into the unit doesn't stop your adversary from just
> using good old fashion radio direction finding to hunt the target down.
> Which doesn't work so great if your doing something that is bandwidth
> intensive.

I intended to address that very issue when I wrote the following:

> This does not protect
> against signals intelligence devices located in the country or in the
> sky.

There are services and products that do exactly this and they're not
even very expensive.

All the best,

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