November 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Nov 1 09:37:17 PDT 2010
Ending: Tue Nov 30 11:17:01 PST 2010
Messages: 128
- [liberationtech] The Digital Disruption: Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power
Patrick Meier (Ushahidi)
- [liberationtech] How to Evaluate Success in Digital Resistance: Look at Guerrilla Warfare
Patrick Meier (iRevolution)
- [liberationtech] Drezner's Guide to Thinking About Civil Society 2.0
Patrick Meier (iRevolution)
- [liberationtech] Egyptian Parliamentary elections this weekend
Patrick Meier (iRevolution)
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Walid Al-Saqaf
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Walid Al-Saqaf
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Walid Al-Saqaf
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Slim Amamou
- [liberationtech] On Burma DDoS attack
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Egyptian Parliamentary elections this weekend
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] on Burma DDoS Attack
Mark Belinsky
- [liberationtech] Boston Review forum on ICT4D, all online now
Joshua Cohen
- [liberationtech] Barbara van Schewick Talk on Internet Architecture, Innovation and Network Neutrality at Stanford, December 1
Joshua Cohen
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Daniel Colascione
- [liberationtech] RFC: comments on discovery mechanisms
Daniel Colascione
- [liberationtech] CfP: The Politics of ICT for Development
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: 11/10: Mobile Money and "Financial Inclusion" : the Interface of Design and Regulation
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Invitation to the first SaferMobile Sprint, December 3
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Do sheep need a sheperd: Firesheep report card and https search results
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Idiocy is a warning shot to people browsing the internet insecurely.
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Firesheep: Making the Complicated Trivial
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Resume sharing, mitigation of risks
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] Aung San Suu Kyi and New(ish) Media Technology
Frank Corrigan
- [liberationtech] query
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] query
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] The untouchable hackers of St. Petersburg
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Roger Dingledine
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Roger Dingledine
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Roger Dingledine
- [liberationtech] Boston Review forum on ICT4D, all online now
Kevin Donovan
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [icie] Conference on Information Rights as Human Rights
Kevin Donovan
- [liberationtech] Title Page, "The Internet of Elsewhere"
Cyrus Farivar
- [liberationtech] Cyrus Farivar wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn
Cyrus Farivar
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Cyrus Farivar
- [liberationtech] Job opening,
Md.Rahmatullah Faruque
- [liberationtech] Radio Talk Show on sexual harassment and Eve Teasing in Bangladesh on Radio Foorti
Md.Rahmatullah Faruque
- [liberationtech] At the Ethos Roundtable on 11/16: A powerful data visualization application that will be free to nonprofits!
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] At the Ethos Roundtable on 11/16: A powerful data visualization application that will be free to nonprofits!
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] Local spike in human rights malware attacks from China
Nathan Freitas
- [liberationtech] Local spike in human rights malware attacks from China
Nathan Freitas
- [liberationtech] Uppsala University: PhD Student Position in Critical Media/Communication Studies (5 years)
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Egyptian Parliamentary elections this weekend
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Sharing my paper: Authoritarian Informationalism: China's Approach to Internet Sovereignty
Jiang, Min
- [liberationtech] Please unsubscribe me
Terry Lynn Karl
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Labowitz, Sarah
- [liberationtech] Kindle leaps Great Firewall
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] This week: Wired magazine promotes GIFC circumvention tools
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Drezner's Guide to Thinking About Civil Society 2.0
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] [p2p-hackers] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] reactions to Facebook email?
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Authoritarian Informationalism: China’s Approach to Internet Sovereignty
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Sharing my paper: Authoritarian Informationalism: China's Approach to Internet Sovereignty
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Isaac Mao
- [liberationtech] Idiocy is a warning shot to people browsing the internet insecurely.
Moxie Marlinspike
- [liberationtech] Fedora project and software "likely to be illegal or unlawful"
Don Marti
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Jordan McCarthy
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Jordan McCarthy
- [liberationtech] Early results of survey + A NEW QUESTION
Neema Moraveji
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Evgeny Morozov
- [liberationtech] For Immediate Release: IWM Releases Report on Koobface.
Masashi Nishihata
- [liberationtech] Local spike in human rights malware attacks from China
Danny O'Brien
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [liberationtech] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [liberationtech] ANNOUNCING Tahoe, the Least-Authority File System, v1.8.1
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [liberationtech] [p2p-hackers] how do I tell these Chinese people "You're doing it wrong!" ?
Serguei Osokine
- [liberationtech] query
Chris Palmer
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Chris Palmer
- [liberationtech] Local spike in human rights malware attacks from China
Chris Palmer
- [liberationtech] Social-E entrant looking for a Stanford teammate
Neil Patel
- [liberationtech] Attack Severs Burma / Myanmar Internet
Enrique Piraces
- [liberationtech] On Burma DDoS attack
Enrique Piraces
- [liberationtech] Fedora project and software "likely to be illegal or unlawful"
Pranesh Prakash
- [liberationtech] query
Hal Roberts
- [liberationtech] On Burma DDoS attack
Hal Roberts
- [liberationtech] query
Hal Roberts
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Hal Roberts
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Hal Roberts
- [liberationtech] Canadian Internet Pioneer, The Citizen Lab, Wins Canadian Journalists for Free Expression Vox Libera award
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] query
Jen Savage
- [liberationtech] Do sheep need a sheperd: Firesheep report card and https search results
Seth David Schoen
- [liberationtech] RFC: comments on discovery mechanisms
Seth David Schoen
- [liberationtech] Talk on Internet Architecture, Innovation and Network Neutrality at Stanford Law School, December 1
Stanford Center for Internet & Society
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Brett Solomon
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Anders Sundman
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
Anders Sundman
- [liberationtech] North Korean mobile journalists
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Job opening,
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Burma Groups Expose Fraud and Abuse in the November 7 Elections
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Drezner's Guide to Thinking About Civil Society 2.0
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] reactions to Facebook email?
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] reactions to Facebook email?
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Invitation to the first SaferMobile Sprint, December 3
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Democracy Fellowship - New Media Development and Internet Freedom
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Fwd: RFP: technology and social particiation essays (funding opportunity)
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] Yatanarpon defaced with Daw Suu quote
Carol Waters
- [liberationtech] query
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] HTTPS by default campaign launch today
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Mehdi Yahyanejad
- [liberationtech] WSJ Op-Ed: No Quick Fixes for Internet Freedom
Jillian York
- [liberationtech] query
Jim Youll
- [liberationtech] Brussels 3rd Dec - Commission Data Retention conference
Caspar Bowden (travelling private e-mail)
- [liberationtech] AUTO: Eisenmann, Laura is out of the office 10-11 November (returning 11/12/2010)
laura.eisenmann at
- [liberationtech] AUTO: Eisenmann, Laura is out of the office. (returning 11/29/2010)
laura.eisenmann at
- [liberationtech] On Burma DDoS attack
elham gheytanchi
- [liberationtech] Local spike in human rights malware attacks from China
- [liberationtech] The Haven Project - Review
- [liberationtech] RFC: comments on discovery mechanisms
liberationtech at
- [liberationtech] query
justin saunders
Last message date:
Tue Nov 30 11:17:01 PST 2010
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:50:27 PDT 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).