[liberationtech] Do sheep need a sheperd: Firesheep report card and https search results

Seth David Schoen schoen at eff.org
Tue Nov 2 16:53:10 PDT 2010

Frank Corrigan writes:

> Does anyone know how to ensure that a https google search result also
> points to a https version of webcache.googleusercontent.com?

HTTPS Everywhere can do this.  You could try the current development
version released today.


> And whether
> there is a feasible way to automatically show by default a text on https
> version of a site via webcache.googleusercontent.com?

See the comment in
extensions/https-everywhere at eff.org/chrome/content/rules/GoogleAPIs.xml
inside your Firefox profile directory after installing HTTPS
Everywhere.  If you want this behavior, change

  <rule from="^http://webcache\.googleusercontent\.com/"

in that file to

  <rule from="^http://webcache\.googleusercontent\.com/(.*)"

and let us know how it works for you!

Seth Schoen
Senior Staff Technologist                         schoen at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation                    https://www.eff.org/
454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA  94110     +1 415 436 9333 x107

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