[liberationtech] Invitation to the first SaferMobile Sprint, December 3

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Wed Nov 17 15:38:07 PST 2010

Dear colleagues,

You are invited!

MobileActive.org and the Guardian Project will hold an initial all- 
day, global sprint on December 3, 2010 to develop the first version of  
a “SaferMobile"  compendium of resources for activists, journalists  
and human rights defenders.

The sprint will take place on Friday, December 3, 2010 from 9 am ET/-5  
GMT to 5 pm ET/-5 GMT. We invite you to participate in real-time via  
IRC and shared, video/audio, online text editors, or to submit content  
ahead of time for inclusion in the effort.

	• Aggregate the current state of knowledge on mobile security for  
human rights defenders, journalists, and activists
	• Compile tools, tactics, and resources in one place to begin a  
series of manuals and training materials on more secure mobile  
communications in sensitive environments
	• Being to put together a concise manual for Safer Mobile  
Communications, v.0.0.1.

Sample topics:
	• Step-by-step how-tos on using currently available mobile apps on  
iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Nokia devices
		• example: https://guardianproject.info/wiki/Android_Security_App_User_Guide
	• Generating the list of common safety and privacy concerns about  
mobile devices, and vetting them for truth vs. hype vs. paranoia
	• Basic information about how mobile networks work, specifically  
discussing GSM, CDMA, SIM cards, IMSIs, IMEIs and so on.
	• List of “Ten Tactics in Country X” to enable safer mobile  
communications; in other words, documenting unique known threats based  
on geography, nationality or mobile carrier
	• Guide to what information to keep on you phone and what not, and  
how best to truly remove, erase or wipe information
	• Collection of anecdotes to document when mobile technology has been  
used against activists, human rights advocates, journalists and  
others, unjustly

How you can be involved:
	• Submit content ahead of time through multiple methods
		• email links or documents to safermobile at mobileactive.org
		• post links to Twitter with #SaferMobile hashtag
		• add to the wiki at https://guardianproject.info/wiki/Safer_Mobile_Guide
	• Come to the Open Mobile Lab for Humanity in New York, if you are  
able to (directions/location provided upon rsvp)
	• Participate in real time via IRC channel (#safermobile on  
Freenode), etherpad, multi-person video skype, and audio conference.  
(etherpad/video/audio info provided upon rsvp)

Questions? Ideas? Suggestions?  RSVP?

Email safermobile at mobileactive.org and we will get back to you.  Feel  
free to forward this to relevant lists and individuals.

For safer mobile communications,


The Guardian team: Nathan, Lhadon, Derek and the Might Orbot
The MobileActive.org team: Katrin, Anoush, Melissa, et al

Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact

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