[liberationtech] Social-E entrant looking for a Stanford teammate

Neil Patel neilp at cs.stanford.edu
Sat Nov 13 11:56:59 PST 2010


A sharp young student/researcher at Berkeley, Yash, has developed a power
inverter catering to poor households in India. He is looking to enter the
Stanford e-Challenge, and needs a team member associated with Stanford to
enter. If you or anyone you know is interested, please get in touch with
Yash (cc'd). More info on his project is below.



*Hi everyone,*
*I'm Yashraj Khaitan, a student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science department at UC-Berkeley and founder of Gram Power Inc. Please read
below for details on what we do and how you can get involved.*
*Opportunity: *
*Provide 2.6 billion low income individuals in the developing world access
to clean and affordable electricity thereby saving over 60 Million Tonnes of
carbon emissions annually.*
*Overview: *
*We've developed technology to provide ultra low cost power to households
off the grid or those receiving an unreliable supply of electric power. Our
pocket sized inverter can be charged from several input energy sources and
run a large variety of end appliances commonly found in households. Our
solution is the cheapest in the market by over 50%. **Coupled with our
innovative supply chains, financial schemes and distribution strategies we
can sustainably and profitably cater to populations earning less than

*After getting an overwhelming response during testing in 35 villages in
India, we're gearing up for intensive test marketing and full commercial
launch. Final design of our product will be ready by end November 2010 and
the initial lot will be available for sale by January 2011.*
*Looking for: *
*Team member for our participation in the BASES 150k Challenge. *

   - *Talented MBA student with a strong entrepreneurial bent for social
   business and clean energy.*

   - * Able to develop business plans and presentations** *

   - *Understanding of consumer supply chains, low cost distribution
   strategies, micro-finance *

   - *Past experience in raising capital preferred*

*          If you have the passion to make a lasting difference, contact me
directly at yashkhaitan at berkeley.edu*
*Yashraj Khaitan*
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