[liberationtech] The untouchable hackers of St. Petersburg

Ronald Deibert r.deibert at utoronto.ca
Fri Nov 12 14:04:56 PST 2010

  November 12, 2010

The untouchable hackers of St. Petersburg

By Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski
Special to Globe and Mail Update
Committing seemingly victimless crimes, the exploits of the Koobface  
Gang represent a huge and systematic security failure

There is an episode of Star Trek in which Captain Kirk and Spock are  
confronted by their evil doppelgängers who are identical in every way  
except for their more nefarious, diabolical character.

The social networking community Facebook has just such an evil  
doppelgänger - and it is called Koobface.

Cybercrime thrives not just because of ingenuity and lawlessness, but  
because of social media opportunities. Koobface (an anagram of  
Facebook) succeeds by mimicking normal social networking behaviour. It  
is like a digital amoeba, living parasitically on our sharing habits.  
It leverages the most successful of all age-old criminal techniques -  
our readiness to extend trust - with our eagerness to click on links.  
We have become conditioned into a world of intense social interaction.  
We click on website addresses and documents like mice clicking on  
pellet dispensers. And it is that conditioned tendency that Koobface  
exploits with precision.

We undertook this investigation as a continuation of our work on cyber  
espionage that began with Tracking Ghostnet [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/meet-the-canadians-who-busted-ghostnet/article732409 
]  and Shadows in the Cloud [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/canadian-researchers-reveal-online-spy-ring-based-in-china/article1524228 
]. In both cases, we found that the attackers' systems were built upon  
off-the-shelf crimeware code and tradecraft, readily obtained and  
applied either by state-based actors or commissioned from criminals  
all too ready to serve as privateers to sell their wares to the  
highest bidder.

We were intrigued: if the criminal merchants of code were ready to  
engage in the high-end of the exploitation market - breaking into  
government systems to obtain sensitive documents - then what was going  
on in the streets, and the myriad globalized pathways of cyberspace  
that now connect more than two-thirds of humanity?

As with those earlier cases, our lead technical researcher Nart  
Villeneuve was able to take advantage of mistakes made on the part of  
the attackers to secure their own infrastructure; our access was  
almost comprehensive, allowing us insight into their inner workings  
for a period of months.

What we found with Koobface gave us pause: clearly cybercrime is  
profitable, but equally clearly, there is little incentive or even  
basis for our existing institutions of policing to do much about it.

The entrée point for Koobface is almost irresistible: a link sent from  
a fake "friend" prompting a visit to a video site that purportedly  
reveals the recipient captured naked from a hidden web cam. Who  
wouldn't follow that link? But for the hapless recipient, that one  
click leads down a Kafka-esque rabbit hole of viruses and trojan  
horses, and straight into the tentacles of the Koobface network.

The mechanisms put in place by Koobface operators to generate revenue  
walk a very fine line, and are at times so subtle that it is  
difficult, if not impossible to identify who, if anyone, is actually a  

Although our investigation determined the Koobface gang drew revenues  
of more than $2-million a year, the combined earnings were derived  
from thousands of individual micro-transactions on the order of a  
fraction of a penny each, spread across victims in dozens of national  
jurisdictions. Each commandeered computer that clicked on an online ad  
or downloaded a fake anti-virus package generated a cut for the gang.  
So meticulous were the attackers that they created an automatic text  
message alert to themselves each day summing up their spoils.

Without a victim, particularly a complainant, it is almost impossible  
for a police force to justify the resources to investigate a case like  
Koobface. Police officers ask: what's the crime? Prosecutors ask: what  
or whom am I supposed to prosecute? In the case of Koobface, it is  
almost as if the system were purposefully designed to fall between the  
cracks of both questions.

Even more debilitating is the international character of Koobface.  
Cybercrime networks succeed by hiding locally while leveraging a  
global infrastructure. Electrons may move at speed of light, but legal  
systems move at the speed of bureaucratic institutions, especially  
across national borders. Living in St. Petersburg, Russia, the  
Koobface gang might as well be living on Mars, so poorly developed are  
the mechanisms of international law enforcement co-operation.

Although we turned over the entire Koobface database we acquired as  
evidence to Canadian law enforcement, including evidence identifying  
the individuals behind it, we were not surprised that there has been  
no arrest or prosecution, for the reasons listed above.

We also worked with the broader security community who had studied  
Koobface to notify the hosting companies and service providers upon  
which Koobface had built its malignant enterprise: some 500,000  
fraudulent Google blogger and Gmail accounts, and 20,000 Facebook  
accounts. The action to disable these accounts will temporarily bring  
the network to its knees, but not terminate it. Koobface will surely  
live to see another day as long as the individuals behind it roam free.

Some may argue Koobface earned its operators a few million dollars on  
a nearly victimless crime. Is that really something that warrants  
concerted international policing and attention? Maybe not. But here it  
is important to understand the broader ecosystem of which Koobface is  
just one small example.

A recent study by Bell Canada suggested that $100-billion out of $174- 
billion of revenue transiting Canada's telecommunications  
infrastructure is "at risk." The same operator measured over 80,000  
"zero day" attacks per day targeting computers on its network -  
meaning, attacks that are so new the security companies have yet to  
register them. These are staggering figures, which if translated into  
physical terms - bank robberies and break-ins - would be prompting  
politicians into immediate action.

There is another element of Koobface that should give us even more  
pause. The Koobface gang had a certain charm and ethical restraint.  
They communicated with security researchers about their intents and  
their desire not to do major harm. They limited their crimes to petty  
fraud, albeit massive in scale and scope. But the scary part is that  
they could have easily done otherwise.

Thousands of compromised computers networked together with an  
invisible tether controlled by a few individuals can be employed to  
extract pennies from unsuspecting victims, as it was with Koobface, or  
sensitive national security documents from government agencies, as it  
was with Ghostnet and Shadows. It can be used to direct computers to  
click on fake advertisements for Viagara, or marshal them together to  
attack a meddlesome human rights website, as it is with increasing  
frequency from Iran and Kazakhstan to Burma and Vietnam.

Criminal networks such as these are growing as fast as the social  
networking platforms upon which they parasitically feed. Koobface is  
just one example of an entire ecosystem that threatens to put at risk  
the very entity on which it depends - a free and open cyberspace. How  
to clean up and control it, without undermining the positive  
characteristics of social networking we have all come to enjoy, is one  
of the major challenges of global security policy today.

Ron Deibert is Director of the Canada Centre for Global Security  
Studies and Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of  
Toronto. Rafal Rohozinski is CEO of the SecDev Group and Psiphon Inc,  
and Senior Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of  
Toronto. Together they are the principal investigators of the  
Information Warfare Monitor.

Ronald J. Deibert
Director, The Citizen Lab
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
r.deibert at utoronto.ca

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