[liberationtech] Fwd: Democracy Fellowship - New Media Development and Internet Freedom
Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org
Fri Nov 19 12:40:42 PST 2010
FYI, colleagues.
Begin forwarded message:
> Democracy Fellowship - New Media Development and Internet Freedom
> USAID Office of Democracy and Governance
> Civil Society and Media Division
> Washington, DC
> Background
> World Learning’s Democracy Fellows Program (DFP), funded by the
> United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office
> of Democracy and Governance in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict
> and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA/DG) requests interested candidates
> to serve in the Civil Society Division of USAID’s Office of
> Democracy and Governance (DCHA/DG), providing research and other
> technical support in the areas civil society and independent media
> in developing and transitional states.
> Purpose
> The DCHA/DG together with other USAID offices provides technical
> leadership, democracy officer training, research and field support
> to advance the development of independent, professional media in the
> over forty countries (currently) where USAID implements media sector
> activities. The Civil Society & Media Division also provides
> technical leadership in the areas of civic education, citizen
> advocacy, NGO development, labor union support, and other support
> programs for the development of civil society in transitional
> societies.
> Program Description
> The Democracy Fellow will serve in the Civil Society Division of
> USAID’s Office of Democracy and Governance (DCHA/DG) and would be
> requested to provide technical assistance in the general areas of
> new media development, digital technologies, and Internet Freedom.
> Experience designing or implementing media assistance programs is
> preferred. The Fellow will assist the DG Office in advancing the
> effectiveness of digital media and civil society programs overseas
> through contributions to strategy, program design, field support,
> training, and monitoring/evaluation. The incumbent can provide
> advisory support for media activities funded through Civil Society &
> Media Division and DG office contracts and agreements.
> Technical leadership
> The Democracy Fellow will assist with developing and carrying out
> the Division’s analytic approach to new media, digital technologies,
> and Internet-related development.
> The Democracy Fellow may engage in technical research, analysis and
> writing projects relating to strategies for developing new media and
> Internet Freedom programming.
> Activities would specifically include:
> Identifying best practices and cutting edge approaches in advocating
> for promoting freer, more professional digital and new media for use
> in grant programs and assistance to Missions;
> Developing a field guide for new/digital media to be used by USAID
> missions, including information on how civil society organizations
> can best use new media tools;
> Keeping abreast of trends in new media development, circumvention
> technologies and information security, and Internet freedom;
> disseminating lessons best practices from USAID and other donors’
> programs.
> Activities in support of program development would likely include:
> Assist in development of specific program indicators and evaluation
> criteria for new media and civil society programs; and participate
> in evaluation of these programs;
> Assist DCHA/DG and USAID missions to design and implement strategies
> and scopes of work for independent new media development activities;
> Advise on cross sector linkages to promote DG linkages across sub-
> sectors. For example, journalism training to promote more
> professional coverage of elections; media campaigns to assist NGO
> development or improve coverage of women’s or other important
> issues; e-government as a method to facilitate citizen
> participation and/or make governance more transparent; linkages
> between private media industry development and broader economic
> development strategies (DG/EG linkages), etc.
> Qualifications
> The following qualifications for the Democracy Fellow are highly
> desirable:
> U.S. Citizenship is required.
> Educational Background
> A Master’s degree preferred and/or substantial experience in any or
> all of the following areas:
> Journalism, mass communications, and/or social sciences B.A. or M.A.;
> Applied work in journalism, mass media, and/or academic research in
> the area of new/digital media and Internet technologies;
> Knowledge of major foreign language(s), overseas field experience,
> and in-depth knowledge of at least one major region of the world
> (Africa, Asia, Latin America, or Middle East);
> Prior experience or knowledge regarding international development
> programs and how to adapt new technologies to development
> environments is preferred;
> Experience implementing and/or designing media development programs;
> Experience using digital media as key element of a programmatic or
> strategic approach.
> Interpersonal and Team Experience:
> Candidates should have experience working or with teams, including
> experience in collaboratively with media and/or development
> professionals to accomplish shared objectives.
> Written and oral communications: As a senior technical advisor,
> qualified applicants will have impeccable writing skills and ability
> to create top-notch written products in a very quick turnaround
> time. Sophisticated oral communications skills to explain complex
> ideas or very technical terms (such as how to explain how a
> circumvention tool works) in brief, layperson terms is required.
> Duration of the Position
> Immediate Availability – Fellowship duration is one year, with the
> possibility of an extension for an additional year.
> Download an application from our website
> Interested candidates should send a complete application to:
> Democracy Fellowship – Civil Society / Media
> New Media Development and Internet Freedom
> Civil Society and Media
> World Learning
> Democracy Fellows Program
> 1015 15th Street, NW
> 7th Floor
> Washington, DC 20005
> Fax: 202.408.5397
> Email: dfp.info at worldlearning.org
> http://wlid.usaid.gov/20060.htm
Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org
skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191
A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact
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