December 2016 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Dec 1 12:57:25 PST 2016
Ending: Sat Dec 31 00:16:41 PST 2016
Messages: 103
- [liberationtech] 3 DC Events - Global Democracy Networking, Local-up Facebook Groups, Civic Tech Happy Hour - Tue Dec 6
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Chris Brandmeir
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Chris Brandmeir
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Alex Leavitt
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
MC Cambre
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Fabio Giglietto
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Stuart Shulman
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Maureen Coyle
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Marco Morini
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Sarah Clayton
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Thomas Ball
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
anna conover
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Isaac Mao
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
kalev leetaru
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Thomas Ball
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
MC Cambre
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Donna Oglesby
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Daniel Swislow
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Luiz Moncau
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
kalev leetaru
- [liberationtech] [Air-L] Fake News
יוחנן ועקנין
- [liberationtech] [change] Ethnographic perspectives on human centered design for social change?
Jake Kendall
- [liberationtech] [change] Ethnographic perspectives on human centered design for social change?
Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
- [liberationtech] [FoRK] [zs-p2p] Thank you for choosing cyberpunk dystopia.
Stephen D. Williams
- [liberationtech] Al Jazeera: How Facebook Hurt the Syrian Revolution
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Call for comments: IGF BPF on Cybersecurity
Maarten Van Horenbeeck
- [liberationtech] Call for Papers ~~~ ACM LIMITS 2017
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] CeDEM17 Call for Papers Extended until 6. January 2017
Noella Edelmann
- [liberationtech] CfP: Deliberation and Decision Making 2017
Todd Davies
- [liberationtech] Chaos Communication Congress
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Chaos Communication Congress
Axel Simon
- [liberationtech] Comprehensive Study on Drones in Humanitarian Action
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Cuba, Technology & US-Cuba Relations - Ths, 12/15 @ 4:00 (EST)
peter miller
- [liberationtech] Cuba, Technology & US-Cuba Relations - Ths, 12/15 @ 4:00 (EST)
ernesto ortiz
- [liberationtech] Defending Dissidents from Targeted Digital Surveillance
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Defending Dissidents from Targeted Digital Surveillance
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] Defending Dissidents from Targeted Digital Surveillance
Jodi Schneider
- [liberationtech] Defending Dissidents from Targeted Digital Surveillance
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] disease modeling and crisis mapping
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Zacharia Gichiriri
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Thomas Delrue
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Patrick Kariuki
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Zacharia Gichiriri
- [liberationtech] E-Voting
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] Ethnographic perspectives on human centered design for social change?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Carolyn Santo
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Jayne Cravens
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Alexander Barbe
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Jayne Cravens
- [liberationtech] Fake News
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] Fake News Story Sets Off Israel-Pakistan Twitter Feud
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] FW: Short-Term Research Associate Vacancy on Digital Economies and Development: University of Manchester
Melody Clark
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [openstates] Open States December Update / future updates
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Privacy Hackathon: Tomorrow @ Noisebridge, 2pm-10pm!
Nathan of Guardian
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Privacy Hackathon: Tomorrow @ Noisebridge, 2pm-10pm!
Steve Phillips
- [liberationtech] Gambia
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Gambia
Heather Leson
- [liberationtech] Gambia
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Government website harvesting
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Government website harvesting
- [liberationtech] Hiring a Researcher at University of Oxford: Digital Entrepreneurship | Economic Geography | Sub-Saharan Africa
Nicolas Friederici
- [liberationtech] Human Rights @IGF2016
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] IGF Daily 2 - Reporting from the 11th Internet Governance Forum
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] IGF Day 2 update
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] IGF Report - Rounding up the 11th Internet Governance Forum
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] IGF Update, Community Networking, & Links
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Intro/Projects
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Intro/Projects
Steve Weis
- [liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.
Thomas Delrue
- [liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.
Bill Cox
- [liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] Job: Data Scientist (NYC)
Mary Joyce
- [liberationtech] new book: Private Power, Online Information Flows and EU Law
Angela Daly
- [liberationtech] New Brookings report shows open government works
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] New Brookings report shows open government works
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] New Call for Open Access Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Open Funding Call for RCTs on Institutions and Economic Development
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Privacy Hackathon: Tomorrow @ Noisebridge, 2pm-10pm!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Seeking a digital safety hacker/cybersecurity expert for a unique job opportunity in Canada
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Technology Entrepreneurship in Kenya
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Ten Principles for User Protection
Kate Krauss
- [liberationtech] The Great “Fake News” Scare of 1530
David Stodolsky
- [liberationtech] TILT (Senior) Fellowship for 2017 - 2018: Open Call
Bryce C Newell
- [liberationtech] U.S. DHS S&T Calls for Anti-Jamming Technology Submissions
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Vacancy: 3 year post-doc position in media research & methods at "Locating Media" graduate school, University of Siegen
Carolin Gerlitz
- [liberationtech] Video Recording - Women In Tech as Role Models
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Video Recording - Women In Tech as Role Models
Steven G. Huter
- [liberationtech] Would you be willing to create an online townhall for your city? Bring Americans together local-up?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Would you be willing to create an online townhall for your city? Bring Americans together local-up?
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Would you be willing to create an online townhall for your city? Bring Americans together local-up?
Yosem Companys
Last message date:
Sat Dec 31 00:16:41 PST 2016
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:51:25 PDT 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).