[liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Thu Dec 15 08:14:35 PST 2016

By Walter Isaacson
CEO at Aspen Institute

My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty years, it
has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and
miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats
in the belfry, and trolls in the basement.


Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy.org
   clift at e-democracy.org  -  +1 612 234 7072
   @democracy  -  http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
   http://1radionews.com - My radio app

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