[liberationtech] Isaacson: The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix it.

Thomas Delrue thomas at epistulae.net
Thu Dec 15 08:31:20 PST 2016

On 12/15/2016 11:14 AM, Steven Clift wrote:
> By Walter Isaacson CEO at Aspen Institute
> My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty years,
> it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous
> and miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation,
> bats in the belfry, and trolls in the basement.
> See: 
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-broken-starting-from-scratch-heres-how-id-fix-isaacson

You're right, the internet is broken but...
A great start to fixing the internet would be to stop using closed sites
(of which LinkedIn is one). This would go a ways to bringing us back to
a truly _distributed_ system, as the internet was intended to be,
instead of an internet that is centralized in the hands of a few, very
powerful corporations that hold us in a feudal lock.

I'm not visiting that link... but instead, I suggest you read this first:

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