[liberationtech] Vacancy: 3 year post-doc position in media research & methods at "Locating Media" graduate school, University of Siegen

Carolin Gerlitz carolin.gerlitz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 05:09:28 PST 2016

Dear all,

the graduate school “Locating Media” at the University of Siegen <https://www.uni-siegen.de/start/index.html.en> has a post-doc vacancy for 3 years with the possibility of extension. “Locating Media” focuses on studying media ‘in motion’ and ‘in situ’ and aims to develop inventive mobile and digital methods for media research: www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de <http://www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de/> 

Please spread the word and get in touch if you are interested in applying! 

Best wishes
Carolin Gerlitz


The University of Siegen is an innovative institution with an emphasis on an interdisciplinary orientation and has about 20,000 students and 2,000 employees, including 1,200 academic positions. There is a broad spectrum of departments, ranging from liberal arts, social sciences, and economics through to natural sciences and engineering, and the University of Siegen provides an outstanding teaching and research environment with numerous inter/transdisciplinary research projects. The University of Siegen offers diverse options for combining professional and family life. For this reason, it has been certified as a family-friendly university since 2006 and provides a dual career service.

Starting on April 1st 2017, 
one full-time (100% fte) post-doctoral post
(salary category TV-L 13)

is available at the University of Siegen in the German Research Foundation (DFG) Graduate School, GRK 1769 "Locating Media", for the fixed-term period of three years, with the possibility for extension (according to DFG standards). The duration of the contract complies with the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz.

Locating Media
The Graduate School "Locating Media" was set up in 2012 and has focused on researching historical and current media practices 'in motion' and 'in situ'. The main objective of “Locating Media” is to facilitate a methodological re-orientation of interdisciplinary media research by engaging with locational and situational analyses and the development of new methods for the analysis and design of mobile digital media. In the second phase of funding, the existing expertise in ethnographic methodologies will be expanded to include digital and mobile methods, to investigate the increased mobility and distributed spatiality of media and data processes.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) Graduate School provides an international environment for inventive and interdisciplinary media research by offering an intensive training programme, joint events with collaboration partners, training in relevant ethnographic, digital and mobile methods and the possibility of field research and research abroad. The research program will be realised in close collaboration with international partners and supporters, such as the Digital Ethnography Research Centre in Melbourne (RMIT), the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam), the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (Warwick University), Centre for Science Studies and Mobilities Lab at Lancaster University and other collaborators.

More information on the profile and program can be found here: www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de <http://www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de/>

Job description:
We expect:
– attendance of the Research Training Group events such as workshops, international conferences, intensive workshops and summer schools.
–  regular presentation of interim findings of individual research projects during internal events (Research Colloquium, Lecture Series) and during conferences.
– co-organisation of workshops and international conferences in collaboration with our international partners
–  publication of the research project in relevant specialist journals and supervision of publications.

This is a position for obtaining further academic qualifications (Habilitation), for which the ongoing media research in Siegen, for instance in the context of the collaborative research centre 1187 "Media of Cooperation" <https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/en/>  provides a stimulating environment. The opportunity for this is provided within the scope of official duties.

Your profile:
− outstanding doctoral degree in one of the following areas of study: media studies, history, information science, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, ethnology, political science, sociology, Science and Technology Studies.
–  outstanding scholarly achievements.
–  research project in one of the areas of study listed above (10-page project prospectus including timetable).
–  familiarity with media research and social science methods and interest in methodological innovation.
–  willingness to participate in the Graduate School’s activities and to contribute toward their conceptual development.
–  good spoken and written German and English.
The University of Siegen is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of employment, the University actively encourages applications from women. The University facilitates a viable combination of professional and family needs.
For candidates with equivalent qualifications, preference will be given to people with physical disabilities.
For further information, please contact Herr Dr. Pablo Abend (Tel.: +49 271/740-2080)
E-Mail: abend at locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de <mailto:abend at locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de> 
Homepage: www.uni-siegen.de/locatingmedia <http://www.uni-siegen.de/locatingmedia> 
Please send application documents (CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, letter of recommendation from a professor concerning the research project, approx. 10-page project prospectus, including task schedule) in duplicate by January 5th 2017 with reference number 2016/I/Locating Media/WM/264 to the program address: Dr. Pablo Abend, Universität Siegen, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Locating Media“, Artur-Woll-Haus, Am Eichenhang 50, 57076 Siegen, Germany.
Information on the University of Siegen is available online: www.uni-siegen.de <http://www.uni-siegen.de/>.


Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Professor for Media Studies, Digital Media and Methods / Professur Digitale Medientechnologien

University of Siegen
Room AE-B 108
Am Eichenhang 50 
57076 Siegen
carolin.gerlitz at uni-siegen.de
https://www.uni-siegen.de/phil/medienwissenschaft/personal/lehrende/gerlitz_carolin/?lang= <https://www.uni-siegen.de/phil/medienwissenschaft/personal/lehrende/gerlitz_carolin/?lang=>

Sekretariat: Vera Beer, AR-H 410
sekretariat-ii at medienwissenschaft.uni-siegen.de

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