[liberationtech] Chaos Communication Congress

Axel Simon axelsimon at axelsimon.net
Tue Dec 27 08:25:04 PST 2016


Actually this year there are some translations into other languages, including French. Not all talks will be translated into French (or Spanish, or Russian), but some are/will.


On 27 December 2016 16:02:32 CET, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
>From: Renata Avila Pinto <renata at digitalcolonialism.org> via
>fastafrica at lists.riseup.net
>The Chaos Communication Congress (largest non corporate gathering of
>computer hackers and digital experts) starts today in Hamburg, the
>program is fascinating, you can watch it online or catch up with the
>talks later.
>Sadly only in English.
>All the best and enjoy the holidays.
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