[liberationtech] Job: Data Scientist (NYC)

Mary Joyce marycjoyce at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 06:27:45 PST 2016


We're seeking a Data Scientist at Harmony Institute
<http://harmony-institute.org/jobs/>, a NYC-based incubator and applied
media research lab.  The job description is attached and here

Our organization aims to solve some of the biggest challenges facing
activists, businesses, governments, and anyone else making big bets on the
social effects of media. To that end, we're seeking an individual with a
background in a quantitative or technical field with superb programming
skills and experience working with large data sets to join our team.  I bet
you know a great person for this position.  Or maybe you *are* that person!

To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to
sara at harmony-institute.org.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling

Let me know if you have any questions and good luck!

With appreciation,

Communications Director
harmony-institute.org <http://www.harmony-institute.org/>
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