[liberationtech] CfP: Deliberation and Decision Making 2017
Todd Davies
davies at stanford.edu
Mon Dec 19 15:12:33 PST 2016
2017 International Conference on
Deliberation and Decision Making (DDM 2017)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Civic Tech
June 23-24, 2017
conference website: http://onlinedeliberation.org/ddm-2017/
DDM 2017<http://onlinedeliberation.org/ddm-2017/>
2017 International Conference on Deliberation and Decision Making Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Civic Tech June 23-24, 2017 Singapore The 2017 International Conference on Deliberation and Decis…
The 2017 International Conference on Deliberation and Decision Making (DDM 2017) will bring together researchers and practitioners who focus on deliberation and decision making – in individuals, groups, organizations, communities, governments, and machines. For historical, institutional, and other reasons, deliberation and decision making researchers have been separated into different academic enclaves, sometimes debating but often talking past each other across disciplinary divide, with different definitions, assumptions, and methodologies getting in the way of knowledge accumulation and mutual understanding. This has not served the world of practice very well, and DDM 2017 aims to address these divisions by calling together researchers and practitioners from interdisciplinary perspectives in one conference, to explore, analyze and reflect on these perspectives and to find common ground.
The conference aims to discuss specific theoretical and practical advances from a number of disciplinary perspectives (such as behaviour science, communication, computer science, decision science, human-computer interaction, information science, political science, policy studies, and more). It is organized by key experts in the field and is supported by an interdisciplinary programme committee.
The conference organizers hope to produce a series of DDM conferences in the coming years. For this first one, we have chosen to focus on Civic Tech, which is technology that opens up government or is used for community action. Online Deliberation was one of the earliest visions of using ICTs towards civic ends. As ICTs developed over years, efforts to promote civic engagement through technologies have been broadened to many other non-deliberation based activities, which can be grouped under the concept of Civic Tech. These developments challenge the presumptions of what online deliberation is about and contribute to innovations in the field.
DDM 2017 follows in a line of previous high-level scientific conferences that have focused on Online Deliberation, but with the intention of broadening the focus to explicitly include decision making, and specifically, Civic Tech that supports DDM.
The DDM 2017 conference focuses on, but is not limited to, the following topics:
* links between theories of collective decision making (such as deliberative democracy, behavior sciences, decision sciences) and technologies (such as crowdsourcing, argument visualization, and big data);
* current research on civic techs that enable deliberation and decision making both online and face to face; research challenges posed for researchers, governments, communities and citizens in applying technologies for civic purposes;
* civic tech interventions using novel settings, modes or approaches; and descriptions of tools and techniques that are already being tested or fielded; case studies in applying and evaluating civic tech in various formal and informal engagement domains
Guidelines for papers and other submissions
The conference allows for four distinct types of submissions:
1. Research papers
2. Exploratory papers on ongoing research and innovative projects
3. Technology demonstrators
4. Panels on pertinent issues
Research papers
These papers should have a strong focus on scientific rigour and may be a maximum of 20 pages (excluding references, tables/figures, and appendix). Papers in this track will be peer reviewed for rigour, relevance, originality and clarity of presentation. Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be accepted.
Exploratory papers
These papers describe novel concepts, works-in-progress, reflections, manifestos or other ideas and issues that are not currently suitable for a complete research paper. They may be a maximum of 5 pages. Papers in this section will also be peer reviewed, but the focus is on relevance more than scientific rigour.
Technology demonstrators
Proposals for technology demonstrators (two pages) should include a description of the demo, objectives, examples of testing and application and, if possible, a URL where the technology can be viewed.
Proposals for panels (two pages) should include motivation, objectives, expected outcomes, approach to audience interaction and panel members. Panels are currently planned to be 1.5 hours long. Panels proposal will also be peer reviewed.
All submissions must be made via the conference submission system web site. Submissions should be written in English and non-English speakers are encouraged to have their submissions reviewed for language prior to submission. Submissions should be formatted using 12 point Times-Roman font on A4 sized paper. Accepted research and exploratory papers should be revised according to reviewer comments and resubmitted by the deadline.
Publication options
Option 1: Both research papers and exploratory papers are eligible for inclusion in a conference proceeding.
Option 2: Research papers are eligible for inclusion in a journal special issue. A further selection process will be implemented.
Sponsored by:
Ministry of Education of Singapore through National University of Singapore
Local Chairs:
Weiyu Zhang, Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore
Simon Perrault, Yale-NUS, National University of Singapore
Research Papers and Panels Chairs:
Anna Przybylska, Center for Deliberation, University of Warsaw, Poland
Todd Davies, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, USA
Exploratory Papers and Technology Demonstrators Chairs:
Lu Xiao, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, USA
Tatsuro Sakano, Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Technical University, Japan
Contact Details:
For further information please email: 2017ddm at gmail.com
Submission site (open on January 1, 2017):
Important Dates
January 1 2017
Submission system available
March 15, 2017
Research papers & panel proposals due
March 30, 2017
Exploratory papers & technology demonstrators due
April 30, 2017
Notices of acceptances
May 1, 2017
Registration begins
May 30, 2017
Revised research and exploratory papers due
June 23 – 24, 2017
Todd Davies
Symbolic Systems Program
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, 94305-2150 USA
email: davies at stanford.edu
phone: 1-650-723-4091
office: 460-040C
web: web.stanford.edu/~davies<https://web.stanford.edu/~davies>
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