[liberationtech] Ten Principles for User Protection

Kate Krauss katiephr at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 09:51:47 PST 2016

Hi all,
I want to share this blog post written by Mike Perry, a developer for the
Tor Project. What do you think? What would you add? How are you sharing
information on these issues with your colleagues/friends/allies/

Kate Krauss
Ten Principles for User Protection

1. Do not rely on the law to protect systems or users.
2. Prepare policy commentary for quick response to crisis.
3. Only keep the user data that you currently need.
4. Give users full control over their data.
5. Allow pseudonymity and anonymity.
6. Encrypt data in transit and at rest.
7. Invest in cryptographic R&D to replace non-cryptographic systems.
8. Eliminate single points of security failure, even against coercion.
9. Favor open source and enable user freedom.
10. Practice transparency: share best practices, stand for ethics, and
report abuse.

Link to the full blog post: https://blog.torproject.org/
Kate Krauss
The Tor Project <https://www.torproject.org/>
Tel +1 718-864-6647 <%2B1%20215.939.7852>
ailanthus at riseup.net
Twitter: @TorProject
Jabber: ailanthus at jabber.ccc.de
Two minute video about the Tor Network:
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