[liberationtech] Government website harvesting

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Tue Dec 13 13:21:08 PST 2016

From: Joy McNally <JMcNally at ucsusa.org>

I was wondering if someone has created a running list of who is harvesting
government websites ahead of the US government transition next month. There
have been a few articles published in the past couple of days focusing on
individual efforts, but it seems a lot of groups might be overlapping what
they are archiving.

Here's a good article discussing a few of the efforts:

Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might
vanish under Trump

Thanks for any leads! (And apologies if it's off-topic)

Joy McNally Brandow
Research Support Coordinator
Union of Concerned Scientists | Cambridge MA
T: +1 617 301-8048 | E: jmcnally at ucsusua.org<mailto:jmcnally at ucsusua.org>
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