[liberationtech] disease modeling and crisis mapping

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Mon Dec 5 10:16:29 PST 2016

Interesting project. -- YC


From: Jacob Barhak <jacob.barhak at gmail.com>

I am a disease modelers so the crisis I am mapping is ongoing - people
always get ill and die out of some health crisis at some point in
life. I am trying to figure out what may happen in the future if the
future behaves like data we have.

Such long term predictions may not look like a crisis, so I am unsure
it is a natural connection to this group, yet I am curious about
population modeling that they do.

We have a population modeling working group that I am constantly
looking to enrich. Perhaps there is a connection there. Here are some
links to it.

This is the link to the portal from where you can join:

This is our portal at IMAG - the government organization web site that
hosts the working group:

Here is a simple short explanation on the working group:

Here are some examples we collected from our members:

Here are our discussion archives:

I am unsure how much synergy is out there, yet hopefully there will be
some mutual interest.


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