[liberationtech] Ethnographic perspectives on human centered design for social change?

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Dec 15 19:21:21 PST 2016

From: Misha Quill <mquill at cornellcollege.edu>

I'm wondering if any of you could point me towards ethnographic analyses or
cases studies (articles. books, grey lit) of development or humanitarian
projects that use(d) design principles?

I'm planning to teach an undergraduate-level course in environmental
anthropology and want introduce some design principles/ processes.

Ideally I'd like to include readings that point towards the benefits of
this kind of approach, as well as some that reflect practical or
theoretical problems (or failures).

Thank you!


*Misha Quill, Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Sociology &
AnthropologyCornell CollegeMount Vernon, IA 52314*
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