January 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Jan 2 12:17:08 PST 2016
Ending: Sun Jan 31 16:52:27 PST 2016
Messages: 61
- [liberationtech] Stanford course: Surveillance Law
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford course: Surveillance Law
James S. Tyre
- [liberationtech] DISREGARD - Re: Stanford course: Surveillance Law
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] DISREGARD - Re: Stanford course: Surveillance Law
Peter Lindener
- [liberationtech] Email provider enabling enforced SMTP/TLS for inbound MX-received emails
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists
- [liberationtech] Resilient Democracy project
Lorelei Kelly
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] Mobile Health International Projects Team
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Project for non-profit on tracking corporate abuse
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] 2-unit Human Rights course at Stanford
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Cooper Quintin
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Cooper Quintin
- [liberationtech] Build Bitcoin-powered Apps in CS251P!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Faith Isolation
Eric Smiley
- [liberationtech] Surveillance Law Course
Andrés Pacheco
- [liberationtech] Nominations for IGF 2016 MAG
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Resilient Democracy project
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Hackademia Summer School: Empirical Studies in Computing Cultures
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Reminder: CFP for Social Justice, Design, and HCI Workshop (CHI '16)
Mariam Asad
- [liberationtech] Stanford will pay you to do good in the world!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Still more adventures in knowledge sharing at nonprofit organizations!
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] 2016 Summer Internship Program, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Application Deadline Feb. 12
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Politwoops is back! India Net Neutrality battle, and 8 other stories
Yangbo Du
- [liberationtech] Summer Fellowship Funding to use Science and Technology for the Benefit of Society
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Hackerspaces - Grant Program
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] UNESCO Call for Proposals - World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development 2017
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Stanford Amateur Radio Club Meeting/Talk on FreeDV & Codec2 Open Source Digital Voice, Algoram's Katena Handheld Software-Defined Radio
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Round Two of TechChange Diploma Program in Tech for Monitoring & Evaluation
Nick Martin
- [liberationtech] Help Design the Ultimate Internet Gizmo!
David Solomonoff
- [liberationtech] Help Design the Ultimate Internet Gizmo!
- [liberationtech] Cf Papers & Panels: "Internet & Politics: from Local to Global Politics" | ECPR General Conference | 7-10.September.16 | Prague
Andrea Calderaro
- [liberationtech] Cf Papers & Panels: "Internet & Politics: from Local to Global Politics" | ECPR General Conference | 7-10.September.16 | Prague
Andrea Calderaro
- [liberationtech] 2nd International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2016)_Last Call For Papers (!)
Dr Margarita Kefalaki_COMinG
- [liberationtech] Privacy, Safety, Security & Healthcare --> Seeking Your Scholarship.....
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
- [liberationtech] Privacy, Safety, Security & Healthcare --> Seeking Your Scholarship.....
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] CS+SG Summer Fellowship: spend your dream summer doing good anywhere in the world! [APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN]
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Call for chapter proposals (extended to Jan. 25): Privacy in Public Spaces
Bryce C Newell
- [liberationtech] Iran Cyber Stewards Program
Olivia Ito
- [liberationtech] Call for Applications: International MA in New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam
Carolin Gerlitz
- [liberationtech] Thursday at 6:30pm - Hear from low-wage workers organizing in tech! With food
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] MS&E 297: Hacking for Defense (New Course Spring 2016)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Help Design the Ultimate Internet Gizmo!
Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann
- [liberationtech] Free Software Foundation vision survey
John Sullivan
- [liberationtech] Fwd: $50k funding opportunity for startup civic tech orgs - DEADLINE JAN 25!
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Auto: Fwd: $50k funding opportunity for startup civic tech orgs - DEADLINE JAN 25!
rvodenichar at butlereagle.com
- [liberationtech] New innovative scientific journal for the NNI results
Damien Parrello
- [liberationtech] Call for book proposals: Critical Digital & Social Media Studies OA book series
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [CS+Social Good] CS+Social Good Events & Opportunities!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] International Visiting Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Research
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Boston event: From nonprofit chief technology officer to nonprofit chief executive officer
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] INC Theory on Demand #18: Geoblocking and Global Video Culture
Geert Lovink
- [liberationtech] Thu Jan 28 at Stanford -- Eric Rozier: Data Integrity Based Attacks in the New Era of Adversarial, Data Science and Engineering
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] TOMORROW at Stanford: National Intelligence Council's Global Trends Report Student Focus Group
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Facebook Tech Talk (1/28): Data Science at Internet.org
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Paper: When Does ICT-Enabled Citizen Voice Lead to Government Responsiveness? World Bank Digital Dividends Background Report
Steven Clift
- [liberationtech] Announcing the launch of StoryMaker 2!
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Announcing the launch of StoryMaker 2!
azrak_khan at hotmail.com
- [liberationtech] Tech in Policy Panel: [TOMORROW] at Stanford on Monday 2/1 at 5:30pm
Yosem Companys
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 16:52:27 PST 2016
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:51:23 PDT 2017
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