[liberationtech] Stanford Amateur Radio Club Meeting/Talk on FreeDV & Codec2 Open Source Digital Voice, Algoram's Katena Handheld Software-Defined Radio

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 12 09:07:03 PST 2016

From: Sawson -KG6NUB <sawson at w6yx.stanford.edu>

Invited Speaker, Bruce Perens (K6BP), CEO of Algoram and Legal Engineering
Topic: FreeDV and Codec2 Open Source Digital Voice, Algoram's Katena
Handheld Software-Defined Radio
When: Tuesday, Jan. 12, 7:00 P.M.
Where: Packard room 202

Stanford Amateur Radio Club (W6YX) will hold its monthly meeting this
Tuesday, January 12, at 7:00 P.M. Please join us in welcoming our
distinguished guest Bruce Perens. We will begin at 7:00 P.M. with food
and light refreshments, followed by Mr. Perens' talk at 7:30 P.M.

This month's meeting is an excellent opportunity to hear from a Ham
who is very active in communications and has made significant
contributions in many areas, including The Open Source Initiative,
Linux development, and communication standards. (More information
about Mr. Perens is provided below.)

Whether you are an experienced radio operator, novice, or simply
interested in discovering what amateur radio is all about, we
encourage all students, faculty, staff, and alumni to attend.


Bruce Perens (K6BP) is one of the founders of the Open Source movement
in software, and was the person to announce “Open Source” to the
world. He created the Open Source Definition, the set of legal
requirements for Open Source licensing which still stands today.

Mr. Perens is presently CEO of Algoram, a start-up business which is
producing a 50-1000 MHz software-defined radio transceiver, and of
Legal Engineering, a legal-technical consultancy.

Mr. Perens was Senior Global Strategist for Linux and Open Source with
HP, and vice president of Sourcelabs. He represented Open Source at
the U.N. Summit on the Information Society, at the invitation of the
U.N. Development Project. Mr. Perens is the creator of Busybox, which
is a component of Millions of commercial devices that use Linux.
Busybox has the unfortunate feature of being the most-litigated Open
Source program, although Mr. Perens was never associated with the
plaintiffs. Mr. Perens eventually started assisting the defendants in
these cases, which led to the formation of Legal Engineering.

Mr. Perens is a generalist, and feels that the most creative work is
done at the intersections between fields rather than as a specialist
in only one. Thus, he has worked on the junction of art and software
at Pixar Animation Studios, the junction of intellectual property,
economics, community, and programming in his work on Open Source, the
junction of law and software for Legal Engineering, and the junction
of electronics, communications, and software in his software-defined
radio work for Algoram.

Among his skills, Mr. Perens is an operating systems programmer, a
microcode (a level lower than assembly language, used in CPU design)
programmer, computer language designer, is knowledgeable in
electronics and an innovator in wireless communications, and is an
intellectual property specialist. He is well-known as a technology
evangelist, has published 24 books as a series editor, and made his
living for several years as a paid public speaker.

Mr. Perens was involved in the creation of the field of 3-D animated
feature film, working for 19 years in total in the film industry as a
software developer, the last 12 of those years at Pixar, where he
interacted frequently with Steve Jobs, designed a computer language
for image processing, produced some of the software that Pixar uses to
create animation, and was a Unix kernel programmer. He is credited as
a senior systems programmer on the films Toy Story II and A Bug’s
Life, and had uncredited technical roles in the production of many
other films.

Mr. Perens was founder of No-Code International, which helped to
convince the International Telecommunications Union, FCC and the
telecommunications regulators of many nations to drop the Morse code
requirement for Amateur Radio licensing. With the possible exception
of Russia, all nations have now dropped that requirement. Mr. Perens
is a Radio Amateur, and holds an holds an Amateur Extra class license,
with station license K6BP. He is active in the innovation of new
codecs and protocols for digital voice communications. He serves AMSAT
in helping to create a new geostationary satellite in cooperation with
FEMA, which will provide 24-hour digital communications including
disaster services.

The Stanford Amateur Radio Club http://w6yx.stanford.edu/ cordially
invites guests, and actively seeks new members. You don't have to be
licensed to join! No dues for students, and we offer training classes
so you can get your own FCC amateur radio license. Faculty, staff, and
alumni are also welcome as members. We meet in Packard Room room 202
the second Tuesday evening of each month during the academic year.
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