[liberationtech] UNESCO Call for Proposals - World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development 2017

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 12 08:04:33 PST 2016

UNESCO is inviting written proposals from academic and research
institutions for producing the 2017 report in the series /World Trends
in Freedom of Expression and Media Development/.

Information on the call for proposals is available online

Offers comprising a technical proposal and financial proposal, submitted
in two separate files, should be sent through two separate emails to the
following address*no****later than 9 a.m. on Monday, 15 February 2016*:

CI.Proposals at unesco.org <mailto:CI.Proposals at unesco.org>

We would greatly appreciate if you could circulate this call among your

Kind regards,

*Ms Rachel Pollack Ichou*

Project Officer

Division of Freedom of Expression and Media Development

Communication and Information Sector

United Nations

Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization

7, place de Fontenoy

F-75352 Paris 07 SP

E: _r.pollack at unesco.org <mailto:r.pollack at unesco.org>_
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