[liberationtech] Thursday at 6:30pm - Hear from low-wage workers organizing in tech! With food

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 18 12:02:04 PST 2016

From: Emma Hartung <ehartung at stanford.edu>

Interested in labor issues? Want to get involved in support of workers on 
campus and in the Bay?

Come to Student And Labor Alliance (SALA)'s worker-student discussion at 
the El Centro lounge this Thursday, January 21st at 6:30pm. 

Jane Martin, an organizer with Silicon Valley Rising 
<http://siliconvalleyrising.org/> and SEIU-USWW, will speak along with 
several worker-organizers about their personal organizing work and the 
state of low-wage workers in Silicon Valley and California.

There will be a panel with workers and organizers, an open Q&A, and FOOD, 
along with opportunities to learn how to get involved in labor solidarity 
work on and off campus!

With critical contract negotiations approaching this year, janitorial 
workers on campus have asked for our support and solidarity in their 
struggle for living wages, sustainable working conditions and equitable 
benefits, so please come and join us! With students and workers together, 
we can make a more equitable campus. 

[Graphic says "Silicon Valley RISING" on a background made up of different 
shades of orange to mimic rays of sun]

Emma Hartung
Stanford University | 2017
646.648.1181 | ehartung at stanford.edu
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