[liberationtech] Privacy, Safety, Security & Healthcare --> Seeking Your Scholarship.....

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 17 13:52:56 PST 2016

From: Robert Mathews <mathews at hawaii.edu>

*Springer [Berlin-Heidelberg]* takes great pleasure in announcing that it’s
peer-reviewed Health & Technology Journal intends to publish a Special
Issue on a subject of vital significance;  the topic of “Privacy,”
especially as it pertains to Healthcare.  This issue will be published
during the latter half of 2016.  The Journal’ Special Issue aims to produce
a volume that will be prodigious in its scope of inquiry, and
contents;  beginning
with one’s understanding of, and a clarity into the subject of “Privacy,”
and a noticeable command of its many working components.

Please accept a *Letter of Invitation* [
https://www.hawaii.edu/csati/SI-LoI.pdf] and a Journal’ *Special Issue
backgrounder* [https://www.hawaii.edu/csati/SI-Background.pdf] seeking your
scholarship, and your considerations accordingly.  If you should feel that
certain colleagues could benefit from knowing of this "request for
scholarship," kindly forward this message to them for their consideration.
Your facilitation is much appreciated.  At this time, I would like to offer
a reminder that internationally, Data Privacy Day/Data Protection Day is
January 28th.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding a prospective contribution to
the *Special Issue on Privacy.*

All my very best,

*-- *

* Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil. Distinguished Senior Research Scholar
National Security Affairs & U.S. Industrial Preparedness Office of
Scientific Inquiry & Applications University of Hawai'i Tel: +1 703 [~] 655
[~] 7124 E.mail:  mathews (at) hawaii (dot) edu Secure Communication
Channels Available*
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