[liberationtech] Tech in Policy Panel: [TOMORROW] at Stanford on Monday 2/1 at 5:30pm

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 31 16:52:27 PST 2016

From: <laura111 at stanford.edu>

> Tech in Policy: Mon. 2/1, 5:30 p.m. in DK Room
> <http://stanford.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=311217434cb8d2f651f6747fb&id=e7dc8be9ab&e=032e929082>
> How is Tech Changing the Policy Game?
> Q&A with leaders of
> 1776, Crowdpac, and OpenGov
> Click to RSVP
> <http://stanford.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=311217434cb8d2f651f6747fb&id=d7277a6194&e=032e929082>
> *Monday, February 1st 5:30pm - 6:30pm Haas DK Room*
> Stanford in Government (SIG) invites you to hear from a panel of experts
> about the policy implications of technology. The event will speak to
> questions we face in 21st century politics - how is social media
> revolutionizing campaigns? How is data shaping government bureaucracy? How
> is crowdsourcing bringing innovation to human rights? How is technology
> bringing remote communities access to new resources? Dinner will be served.
> We will be joined by the following panelists:
>    - *Evan Burfield*, the founder of 1776, a global incubator (more info
>    here
>    <http://stanford.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=311217434cb8d2f651f6747fb&id=1bc66fdd3a&e=032e929082>
>    )
>    - *Mason Harrison*, the political director of Crowdpac (more info here
>    <http://stanford.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=311217434cb8d2f651f6747fb&id=92b2a022e3&e=032e929082>
>    )
>    - *Nate Levine*, cofounder of OpenGov (more info here
>    <http://stanford.us9.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=311217434cb8d2f651f6747fb&id=351ec04329&e=032e929082>
>    )
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