[liberationtech] "The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English Language", Pre-dates Reagan...

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Tue Jun 2 19:25:40 CEST 2020

On 6/2/20 6:00 AM, lt-request at lists.liberationtech.org wrote:

> Subject:
> Re: [liberationtech] "The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English
> Language", Pre-dates Reagan...
> From:
> grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>
> Date:
> 6/2/20, 4:22 AM
> To:
> lt at lists.liberationtech.org
> On 6/1/20, Robert Mathews (OSIA) <mathews at hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> When parties do not extend the required effort to study and learn from
>> human history, take active interest and a very personal involvement in
>> governance, the proper steering of the State, is not possible....
> [ .... ]
> When faced with such repeated proven and assured failures,
> you must try a completely different new approach...

Before I write, that which I wish to write, I would like to state the
following explicitly, and without equivocation.  There is a VERY SERIOUS
need for societies to have critical questions relating to
"common-futures" brought to the surface, pondered and answered.

In relation to the reply that I have received, I shall optimistically
present questions I wish to ask -- having no intention/motive
whatsoever, to troll/bait/trap parties.  Having said that, the FIRST
question that I would ask is:  Do you wish to share a proposal toward a
different approach...  or a "new approach", as you refer to it?

> Forget the State, this "governing" business, your wrong desire to insert
> yourself in rule over other harmless peoples... steer yourself, your
> own charitable contributions and right actions, teach others to do same,
> world will be just fine.
For the sake of this exchange, I shall presume, and healthily, that the
aforementioned reference to, "your wrong desire", etc., in fact, do not
directly involve me, personally.   With that general presumption, and
accompanied by the statement above relating to my motive to ask these
questions, the SECOND question would be: "how" basic and essential
societal functions are to be generally met.  How do you propose people
organize themselves in a new model - in the absence of governance
systems and functionaries?   And, within the context of a
"post-industrial" society, how should an evolving model be constituted?

> "Freedom" is the most terrifying word, in all languages.
> You will never reach it without first developing it within yourself.

Freedom is NOT such a frightful word to me, or many that I know. 
However, I suspect, depending on whom one queries, the meaning of the
word "freedom" is likely to receive vastly inconsistent interpretation
and treatment, as it will likely be, in the case of words such as
"democracy" or "justice".  The manner in which you have chosen to refer,
and to contextualize "freedom" -- in a highly individualized manner, is
interesting.   However, for the sake of greater connected understanding,
it might be helpful to learn, what the pillars to "freedom" could/should
be, under any new proposed MODEL; highly differentiating the same, from
"State" and "Governance" systems as such.

Also, it would be helpful to me - to understand, "how" (if it can be
discussed here), Information Technology tools and services could help
populations evolve beyond present states.

/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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