[liberationtech] "The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English Language", Pre-dates Reagan...

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 10:22:10 CEST 2020

On 6/1/20, Robert Mathews (OSIA) <mathews at hawaii.edu> wrote:
> When parties do not extend the required effort to study and learn from
> human history, take active interest and a very personal involvement in
> governance, the proper steering of the State, is not possible....

True as that's been attempted, tried, done, and failed thoughout history,
including all of today's and tomorrow's democracies.
When faced with such repeated proven and assured failures,
you must try a completely different new approach...
Forget the State, this "governing" business, your wrong desire to insert
yourself in rule over other harmless peoples... steer yourself, your
own charitable contributions and right actions, teach others to do same,
world will be just fine.

"Freedom" is the most terrifying word, in all languages.
You will never reach it without first developing it within yourself.
After a lifetime of unfree programming, most have a long way to go.
But you can remove those chains, if you are brave.

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