[liberationtech] The bitcoin terrorists of Idlib are learning new tricks
Marc Sunet
msunet at shellblade.net
Sun May 23 04:31:04 CEST 2021
I don't mean to digress or justify the riot, but as far as I have read,
the whole story about the fire extinguisher to the head was just not true:
On 5/21/21 12:19 PM, Lorelei Kelly wrote:
> indeed. so tiresome. I feel especially insulted by this spewing
> anti-social nonsense as someone who worked in the US Capitol campus
> (until it became an armed camp). Those nihilistic goons terrorized
> or killed my colleagues (the Capitol Hill police) Enough already with
> the MadMax ranting. We have so many real and perilous challenges
> before us.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 1:03 PM Phillip Hallam-Baker
> <phill at hallambaker.com <mailto:phill at hallambaker.com>> wrote:
> I find the Trotskyite-Libertarianism of the coinsplainers to be a
> crushing bore. The arguments are infantile, ignorant and insulting.
> Don't be fooled by the techno-babble, these same people have been
> at the same old libertopian schemes since the mid 90s. Every time
> it is different, every time it is the same. The Feds crushed
> e-Gold which was beyond reach of government. Then the Feds crushed
> gold age which beyond reach of government. BitCoin is the reason
> gas prices soared last week with the Colonial Pipeline attack.
> Fixing cybersecurity is expensive. Criminalizing crypto-currencies
> is a much cheaper approach.
> I see absolutely nothing moral in crypto-currencies. Anyone can
> prattle on about 'freedom'. Tump's jackbooted goons stormed the
> capitol on Jan 6th in the name of 'freedom', they called everyone
> who opposed them 'sheep'. By their fruits shall ye know them:
> grarpamp's language clearly shows him to be a bully. His only
> concept of 'freedom' is there being nothing to stop him bullying
> others.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 10:46 AM Lorelei Kelly
> <loreleikelly at gmail.com <mailto:loreleikelly at gmail.com>> wrote:
> honest question grarpamp, what is your vision of a shared future?
> Where I'm from is the most unhealthy, violent and poor part of
> the USA. PLUS, everyone has sawed off shotguns and other
> arsenals in their basement. This kind of well-armed defensive
> paranoia is not that unusual in rural America. Do you really
> think your version of the world would work in places like
> this? People here don't even have bank accounts or Internet.
> I know what would happen. The most vulnerable, defenseless
> people would be harmed. Are you serious about these words you
> spout off? Do you have a plan for the people who are going to
> fall between the cracks of your crypto world? oh yes,
> "mutual aid" I'd like to hear a more detailed alternative
> governing plan, please.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 2:03 AM Marc Sunet
> <msunet at shellblade.net <mailto:msunet at shellblade.net>> wrote:
> "...but the men’s eyes remain locked on the price chart –
> they are
> trying to turn $10 into $20."
> Constantinople, here I come...
> On 4/7/21 5:49 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> >>
> https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-crypto-terrorism-syria
> <https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-crypto-terrorism-syria>
> > Anti-crypto FUD. Go look at all what kind of murder
> > crime fraud etc the govts and everyone else does with
> > many billions of dollars, rubles, yuan, etc.
> > While both have similar crime ratios, fiat is still much
> > larger net usage thus it carries magnitudes more crime.
> > But fake news media wouldn't get any propaganda jobs,
> > money, or influence in honestly reporting that fiat story.
> >
> >> learning ... crypto
> > Yes learn and adopt distributed crypto, move past all your
> > colosally obese growing governments that are starting shit,
> > stomping around the world murdering thousand and thousands,
> > torturing, prisoning, starving, stealing money from you
> under
> > threat of death to stuff their own crony wallets,
> spyveillancing and
> > passporting you entire life forever, FUD program on 24x7
> in your fake
> > news, plotting more ways for GovCorp power to keep
> sucking your life.
> > Soon you won't even have the cash they keep printing to
> intentionally
> > devalue your wealth and living ability with, saddling
> you with
> > more and more of their wasted debt load... since they
> > are now officially rolling out their worthless cashless
> society
> > fake crypto fiat called Central Bank Digital Currencies
> CBDC's,
> > MMT and UBI to screw and spy and control you even more,
> turn you
> > off and forfeit you in a second, and cancel your activism,
> > freespeech, dissent, freedom... totalitarian control in
> the extreme.
> > Govt lately saying you cant secede to have bit of
> independence
> > and freedom (catalan, hong kong, taiwan, etc...), locking
> > you down fining you shutting down your business all 2020
> corona,
> > politicians baldly lying being idiots on your news, social
> > scoring gone insane. Yet not a peep of effective resistance.
> >
> > Wake up sheeple, to what in the world is happening.
> > GovCorp trying to end your monetary freedom,
> > cashless, etc is no joke... you will lose remaining freedom.
> > You are free beautiful people.
> > You don't need them or their crap anymore.
> > You have crypto, can organize and do and build
> > and teach and roads and charity and health and
> > live as you wish locally and wider, voluntarily, together.
> > Go create freedom.
> >
> > Here are some surrounding subjects hinted in article,
> > with two of them exposing a big underlying problem...
> >
> http://monzer.kahf.com/fatawa/FATAWA_CURRENCIES_GOLD_COMMODITIES.pdf
> <http://monzer.kahf.com/fatawa/FATAWA_CURRENCIES_GOLD_COMMODITIES.pdf>
> > https://decrypt.co/37286/is-bitcoin-halal
> <https://decrypt.co/37286/is-bitcoin-halal>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqw4krMOug
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqw4krMOug>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsEZeNE288
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsEZeNE288>
> >
> https://soundcloud.com/radioislam/is-bitcoin-halal-or-haram
> <https://soundcloud.com/radioislam/is-bitcoin-halal-or-haram>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyZIoOZj46E
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyZIoOZj46E>
> >
> > ps: Govts about to start WWIII. If you adopted
> > crypto like crypto libertarians told you, you could easily
> > leave funding their wars, and them, off the list of
> > things you choose to pay for.
> >
> > Your old "voting" obviously didn't get you any more freedom,
> > maybe the new distributed privacy crypto hotness will.
> >
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> Lorelei Kelly
> @loreleikelly @BeeckCenter @Georgetown
> Fellow and Director of Congressional Modernization
> <https://beeckcenter.georgetown.edu/project/modernizing-congress/>
> Check out our Open Environmental Data Project
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> Lorelei Kelly
> @loreleikelly @BeeckCenter @Georgetown
> Fellow and Director of Congressional Modernization
> <https://beeckcenter.georgetown.edu/project/modernizing-congress/>
> Check out our Open Environmental Data Project
> <https://www.openenvironmentaldata.org/initiatives/civic-voice>
> *
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