[liberationtech] The bitcoin terrorists of Idlib are learning new tricks
Richard Brooks
rrb at g.clemson.edu
Sat May 22 16:13:08 CEST 2021
Much of the crypto-currency discussion does show a not very
firm grasp of economics, and I tend to find currency a not
very good application for the tech.
There is interesting things happening with DeFi and fintech however.
It would also be worth looking at China's blockchain applications for
safeguarding against evidence tampering by the state and tracking
frozen seafood to safeguard against COVID.
On 5/21/21 3:19 PM, Lorelei Kelly wrote:
> indeed. so tiresome. I feel especially insulted by this spewing
> anti-social nonsense as someone who worked in the US Capitol campus
> (until it became an armed camp). Those nihilistic goons terrorized or
> killed my colleagues (the Capitol Hill police) Enough already with the
> MadMax ranting. We have so many real and perilous challenges before us.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 1:03 PM Phillip Hallam-Baker
> <phill at hallambaker.com <mailto:phill at hallambaker.com>> wrote:
> I find the Trotskyite-Libertarianism of the coinsplainers to be a
> crushing bore. The arguments are infantile, ignorant and insulting.
> Don't be fooled by the techno-babble, these same people have been at
> the same old libertopian schemes since the mid 90s. Every time it is
> different, every time it is the same. The Feds crushed e-Gold which
> was beyond reach of government. Then the Feds crushed gold age which
> beyond reach of government. BitCoin is the reason gas prices soared
> last week with the Colonial Pipeline attack. Fixing cybersecurity is
> expensive. Criminalizing crypto-currencies is a much cheaper approach.
> I see absolutely nothing moral in crypto-currencies. Anyone can
> prattle on about 'freedom'. Tump's jackbooted goons stormed the
> capitol on Jan 6th in the name of 'freedom', they called everyone
> who opposed them 'sheep'. By their fruits shall ye know them:
> grarpamp's language clearly shows him to be a bully. His only
> concept of 'freedom' is there being nothing to stop him bullying others.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 10:46 AM Lorelei Kelly
> <loreleikelly at gmail.com <mailto:loreleikelly at gmail.com>> wrote:
> honest question grarpamp, what is your vision of a shared future?
> Where I'm from is the most unhealthy, violent and poor part of
> the USA. PLUS, everyone has sawed off shotguns and other
> arsenals in their basement. This kind of well-armed defensive
> paranoia is not that unusual in rural America. Do you really
> think your version of the world would work in places like this?
> People here don't even have bank accounts or Internet. I know
> what would happen. The most vulnerable, defenseless people
> would be harmed. Are you serious about these words you spout
> off? Do you have a plan for the people who are going to fall
> between the cracks of your crypto world? oh yes, "mutual
> aid" I'd like to hear a more detailed alternative governing
> plan, please.
> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 2:03 AM Marc Sunet
> <msunet at shellblade.net <mailto:msunet at shellblade.net>> wrote:
> "...but the men’s eyes remain locked on the price chart –
> they are
> trying to turn $10 into $20."
> Constantinople, here I come...
> On 4/7/21 5:49 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> >>
> https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-crypto-terrorism-syria
> <https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-crypto-terrorism-syria>
> > Anti-crypto FUD. Go look at all what kind of murder
> > crime fraud etc the govts and everyone else does with
> > many billions of dollars, rubles, yuan, etc.
> > While both have similar crime ratios, fiat is still much
> > larger net usage thus it carries magnitudes more crime.
> > But fake news media wouldn't get any propaganda jobs,
> > money, or influence in honestly reporting that fiat story.
> >
> >> learning ... crypto
> > Yes learn and adopt distributed crypto, move past all your
> > colosally obese growing governments that are starting shit,
> > stomping around the world murdering thousand and thousands,
> > torturing, prisoning, starving, stealing money from you under
> > threat of death to stuff their own crony wallets,
> spyveillancing and
> > passporting you entire life forever, FUD program on 24x7
> in your fake
> > news, plotting more ways for GovCorp power to keep sucking
> your life.
> > Soon you won't even have the cash they keep printing to
> intentionally
> > devalue your wealth and living ability with, saddling you with
> > more and more of their wasted debt load... since they
> > are now officially rolling out their worthless cashless
> society
> > fake crypto fiat called Central Bank Digital Currencies
> CBDC's,
> > MMT and UBI to screw and spy and control you even more,
> turn you
> > off and forfeit you in a second, and cancel your activism,
> > freespeech, dissent, freedom... totalitarian control in
> the extreme.
> > Govt lately saying you cant secede to have bit of independence
> > and freedom (catalan, hong kong, taiwan, etc...), locking
> > you down fining you shutting down your business all 2020
> corona,
> > politicians baldly lying being idiots on your news, social
> > scoring gone insane. Yet not a peep of effective resistance.
> >
> > Wake up sheeple, to what in the world is happening.
> > GovCorp trying to end your monetary freedom,
> > cashless, etc is no joke... you will lose remaining freedom.
> > You are free beautiful people.
> > You don't need them or their crap anymore.
> > You have crypto, can organize and do and build
> > and teach and roads and charity and health and
> > live as you wish locally and wider, voluntarily, together.
> > Go create freedom.
> >
> > Here are some surrounding subjects hinted in article,
> > with two of them exposing a big underlying problem...
> >
> http://monzer.kahf.com/fatawa/FATAWA_CURRENCIES_GOLD_COMMODITIES.pdf
> <http://monzer.kahf.com/fatawa/FATAWA_CURRENCIES_GOLD_COMMODITIES.pdf>
> > https://decrypt.co/37286/is-bitcoin-halal
> <https://decrypt.co/37286/is-bitcoin-halal>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqw4krMOug
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqw4krMOug>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsEZeNE288
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsEZeNE288>
> >
> https://soundcloud.com/radioislam/is-bitcoin-halal-or-haram
> <https://soundcloud.com/radioislam/is-bitcoin-halal-or-haram>
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyZIoOZj46E
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyZIoOZj46E>
> >
> > ps: Govts about to start WWIII. If you adopted
> > crypto like crypto libertarians told you, you could easily
> > leave funding their wars, and them, off the list of
> > things you choose to pay for.
> >
> > Your old "voting" obviously didn't get you any more freedom,
> > maybe the new distributed privacy crypto hotness will.
> >
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> Lorelei Kelly
> @loreleikelly @BeeckCenter @Georgetown
> Fellow and Director of Congressional Modernization
> <https://beeckcenter.georgetown.edu/project/modernizing-congress/>
> Check out our Open Environmental Data Project
> <https://www.openenvironmentaldata.org/initiatives/civic-voice>
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> *
> Lorelei Kelly
> @loreleikelly @BeeckCenter @Georgetown
> Fellow and Director of Congressional Modernization
> <https://beeckcenter.georgetown.edu/project/modernizing-congress/>
> Check out our Open Environmental Data Project
> <https://www.openenvironmentaldata.org/initiatives/civic-voice>
> *
R. R. Brooks
College of Engineering Computing and Applied Science
Clemson University
313-C Riggs Hall
PO Box 340915
Clemson, SC 29634-0915
office: 864-656-0920
fax: 864-656-5910
voicemail: 864-986-0813
rrb at acm.org
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