[liberationtech] [cpsr-activists] Rebuttal to "The Social Dilemma" Movie
Yosem Companys
ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 21:04:22 CEST 2020
Excellent point, Nathaniel.
Some of us at Liberationtech have gotten together to try to fix political
discourse on social media and campaign finance by developing a new
mobile-based solution called Wevoyce. If you and others on the list would
like to check it out and give us feedback, please let me know. We would
really appreciate it.
On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 11:42 AM Nathaniel Borenstein via cpsr-activists
list <cpsr-activists at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
> This may sound naive, but here goes…
> Social media are just the latest way for people to communicate. All the
> other ways we have found to communicate have allowed us to express both the
> best and the worst of ourselves. It’s often easier to figure out how to
> express the worst, but that doesn’t mean we can’t focus on the best.
> To my mind the right question is this: how can we use social media to
> create countervailing trends to the ones we have spent so much time
> bemoaning?
> Unfortunately it is possible that the best answers to this question will
> require wrenching control of the social media landscape from big companies,
> but I suspect there is a fair amount we can do short of that. — Nathaniel
> On Oct 1, 2020, at 12:33 PM, Doug Schuler via cpsr-activists list <
> cpsr-activists at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
> One question is certainly why would one person use social media. The
> "CPSR" angle on it in my opinion would be something like this: Given the
> immense damage that social media as it's currently deployed and used wreaks
> on society, the public sphere, democracy, mental health, whatever you want
> to call it, what ought computer professionals do about it?
> It seems like other hams that are perpetrated in that it affects different
> people unequally.
> But I would also argue that, as with TV, individuals can "turn it off" but
> they can't turn off social media culture...
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 8:28 PM Paul via cpsr-activists list <
> cpsr-activists at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
>> rant
>>> I think that the crucial issue with facebook, twitter, etc is not
>>> just how manipulative they are, or are not. It's how Jeff long ago
>>> answered TV. I.E., don't use it at all.
>>> Of course I realize that this side-steps the issue for the
>>> hundreds of millions of people who *do* use them. But, news aside, they
>>> are too much of a time sink and, IMO, the signal to noise ratio is
>>> unbelievably low.* Since I'm ranting, I'll throw in my Twitter analogy;
>>> it's like opening and reading two hundred fortune cookies because *one*
>>> of them may include something that you're glad you've read.** I'm not a
>>> very productive person, and I'm in no critical function (well, for a few
>>> more weeks, I will help some US Census enumerators who are having payroll
>>> issues) but, even when I'm unemployed, my time is *far* too valuable to
>>> spend on social media.
>>> One more opinion before I step off my high-horse. Getting news from
>>> Facebook or other social media is totally a losing proposition. Advising
>>> people on how to fix it, or how to confirm what they read, is a waste of
>>> time. The crucial part of getting news is to somehow find some trustworthy
>>> sources, and start from there. I don't agree with the spin on everything
>>> in the NY Times but I fully believe that, for reasons of the personal
>>> integrity of the journalists and also to protect their bottom line, they
>>> are never going to invent things that they print.
>>> /rant off
>>> paul czyzewski
>>> * if there was a way for me to just see my friends' family photos on
>>> facebook; ie, no news, and also no "vital" links passed on my well-meaning
>>> friends, I'd probably start looking at it again. But I think that there is
>>> (deliberately) no way to filter it that way.
>>> ** I once gave twitter what I thought was a fair test. There
>>> were tsunami warnings in Hawaii so I used some filter -- I don't know if
>>> it's still exists or not -- to watch a stream of tweets about that,
>>> real-time. Instead of the hoped-for "I see the wave entering the harbor;
>>> small boats are being overturned," I saw tweets on the order of "The news
>>> reported that, 30 minutes ago, the waves were twenty miles away."
>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 7:46 PM Jeff Johnson via cpsr-activists list <
>>> cpsr-activists at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:
>>>> This article argues that “The Social Dilemma” movie is overblown:
>>>> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200928/11452045401/social-dilemma-manipulates-you-with-misinformation-as-it-tries-to-warn-you-manipulation-misinformation.shtml
>>>> Jeff
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> --
> Douglas Schuler
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
> Twitter: @doug_schuler
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