[liberationtech] Would you like to put the list under permanent moderation?

aryt alasti aryt.alasti at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 14:31:31 CET 2020

I would say the Sunrise approach is quite different from anything done by
Hillary Clinton's people - not actually "in-the-box."


Whether they will be successful remains to be seen.


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 4:20 PM Rand Strauss <Rand at peoplecount.org> wrote:

> This video JUST says that
>    - the Democrats failed the people on climate change
>    - the Republicans (or at least Gingrich) actually went back on their
>    promises,
>    - intensity and money can beat passive majority support
>    - no PREVIOUS social movement has failed if it had "the active and
>    sustained participation of 3.5% of the population
> Obviously, getting 3.5% of the population supporting something is NOT
> sufficient.  Imagine if the opposition has 3.4%.
> This is the situation we find ourselves in, now.  Both side, in the US,
> have their supporters, and can inflame large numbers of them using today’s
> networked media.
> The Sunrise Movement is not naive, but their efforts are entirely
> inside-the-box of our current political system where their opposition is
> savvy and well-funded.  Their belief in their numbers and the righteousness
> of their cause isn’t much different from Hillary Clinton’s belief that
> she’d win because she was the better candidate.
> -r
> On Jan 8, 2020, at 9:42 AM, aryt alasti <aryt.alasti at gmail.com> wrote:
> The Sunrise Movement has come to differing conclusions, and provides some
> references:
> https://youtu.be/rJiiMz0CC5U
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