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Rand Strauss Rand at PeopleCount.org
Thu Jan 9 22:19:54 CET 2020

This video JUST says that 
the Democrats failed the people on climate change
the Republicans (or at least Gingrich) actually went back on their promises, 
intensity and money can beat passive majority support
no PREVIOUS social movement has failed if it had "the active and sustained participation of 3.5% of the population
Obviously, getting 3.5% of the population supporting something is NOT sufficient.  Imagine if the opposition has 3.4%.

This is the situation we find ourselves in, now.  Both side, in the US, have their supporters, and can inflame large numbers of them using today’s networked media.

The Sunrise Movement is not naive, but their efforts are entirely inside-the-box of our current political system where their opposition is savvy and well-funded.  Their belief in their numbers and the righteousness of their cause isn’t much different from Hillary Clinton’s belief that she’d win because she was the better candidate.


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 9:42 AM, aryt alasti <aryt.alasti at gmail.com> wrote:
> The Sunrise Movement has come to differing conclusions, and provides some references:
> https://youtu.be/rJiiMz0CC5U <https://youtu.be/rJiiMz0CC5U>
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